
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 64: Reclaiming

After Mordred holed up inside of the hyperbolic time chamber. He went out of it with another problem.

He isn't exactly a blacksmith. So he needed to up his skills to make suitable armors and weapons to turn into enchanted equipment.

They were no sacred gears that could pass on through reincarnation. But that was actually a downside that Morded doesn't want.

Because tools also have compatibility with others. Just like how Ise and Vali can't swing a sword for their life. If they were given sword birth and blade blacksmith.

Mordred was sure that they would suck ass as combatants. Most likely using their swords as clubs or something.

So making weapons that can be used by multiple people that suits their talent is better.

People like Scathach and himself are irregulars. Not everybody can just pick something up and learn along the way like a prodigal genius.

And instead of being down, he received his new secretary. "Hi~ this is your new employee! Aren't you glad that she's such a beauty? She's a meathead that loves rating games though. That's why she agreed to use the king piece."

Serafall introduced a pink haired woman that wore it in braids.

"Hah, Serafall-sama is correct. I used the king piece to shoot up in rank. After all, it is not exciting to fight high class individuals. So I got axed from the number two spot. I am Roygun Belphegor, nice to meet you sir." She bowed to Mordred. (pic)

"Muuu! Call me Sera-tan or Levi-tan!" Serafall whined and Mordred ignored her for now.

"Great, you're sorely needed right now." Mordred gestured for her to sit and Katerea gave them some tea.

Looking stoic and serious. Mo-chan beat the shit out of her as her training partner. And she apparently beat the arrogance of Katerea away.

After all, seeing a battle maniac run at you regularly to beat the shit out of you due to being impudent would change someone.

And due to her change of heart, Grayfia was able to turn her into a splendid maid.

Roygun choked on her spit though, seeing Katerea Leviathan in a french maid outfit.

"Good job Mo-kun! I know you could rehabilitate Katerea." Serafall gave him a thumbs up and the Leviathan twitched a bit. Still miffed about Serafall taking the Leviathan name.

But she is now reformed, so she let it go easily. Not that she could win against her anyways.

"Currently, we're hunting down stray devils. My kin are taking shifts to do so. But I want you to catalogue them. And you have a special job as well." Mordred started to inform her what the job entails.

"You'll use crack, your special ability to sever the connection of the devil with their master. You'll work with Cleria Belial. She uses worthlessness. And having another one to do it will be a great help." Mordred dropped a bomb.

"C-Cleria Belial!? She's alive? I thought she was dead..." Roygun was flabbergasted.

"Surprised? She's actually the whistle blower for the king piece debacle." Serafall shrugged.

"I see, so she was hunted down for that and was reported to be killed." Roygun understood quickly, showing that she wasn't just a meathead that wanted to be a rating game champion.

"Here, this is my mom's pawn." Mordred inserted it inside of her chest and Roygun could feel a qualitative leap to her mana.

It got denser, stronger, like boiling magma. "W-wow... Such high quality mana. I feel dizzy, so this is how a dragon's magic feels like." Roygun blinked.

"You'll transform completely at the end of the day, it's just the beginning." Mordred shrugged and he introduced her to the others.

Lavinia acted weird though, she stared at Roygun with squinted eyes. Making their new member uncomfortable.

"Mo-kun..." Lavinia looked at him seriously and he raised a brow. Thinking that she did not like Roygun or something.

"Are you adding onee-sans to our family now!? Are you going to replace me?" Lavinia tackled him with a hug and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Ahh, so that's it? Don't worry Lavinia, Roygun isn't really the big sister type. She's more of the competitive and successful aunt that got caught laundering money." Mordred made a euphemism.

Roygun smiled wryly at that. "Un! So I'm your onee-san still? You won't replace me?" Lavinia got anxious at Roygun's seductive outfit and her beauty.

She was definitely one of the most beautiful devils in existence. She looked like a succubus instead of a devil.

"No, you and mom are the best." He reassured her and Roygun didn't expect the wielder of two Longinus was that dependent.

"Okay, if you say so." Lavinia calmed down. "Hey, Roygun. Long time no see." Cleria chuckled.

"I thought you died, you idiot. You should have at least went to the Satans immediately when you got a whiff of the king pieces." Roygun felt a bit guilty.

Thinking that it was their fault that Cleria almost died. And would surely die, if it wasn't for Mordred and Tiamat meddling.

"It's fine, my boyfriend and I got picked up by the boss man." Cleria pointed at Mordred and Roygun nodded.

Now, she was at the peak of ultimate class. Roygun was sure that she would even beat her cousin. She felt what a dragon's mana personally. And it wasn't even a complete transformation.

If she could compare it to something. Devils have juices as mana. Humans have water. And dragons have thick syrups as mana. It was insanely strong and dense.

"Wait... Did you tell Diehauser about your situation?" Roygun is a good friend of the man. And Cleria's cousin has never been the same since, after learning of her death.

Cleria and Masaomi froze. "I... I haven't?" Cleria smiled sheepishly.

"You idiot! What the fuck are you doing?" Roygun chided her immediately and Cleria recoiled.

"Shit, I forgot... Mordred and our group was just busy you see? You don't find these many Longinus wielders by waiting for them to pop up you know?" Cleria tried to make excuses.

"You didn't inform your cousin? I thought that he was like a big brother to you?" Mordred raised a brow and Cleria winced.

"Gah! I... I'm sorry, I will inform him immediately." Cleria was livid and she thought of how Diehauser felt all these years.

"Diehauser is still investigating what happened to you." Roygun sighed and Cleria actually teared up at that.

"Go, be stealthy okay?" Masaomi scratched his head for also forgetting about Diehauser. They were too engrossed in building up their team.

"Now that's done... Meet Valerie, she'll be the therapist of the strays that you catch. She's the wielder of Sephiroth Graal." Mordred pointed at the blond dhampir.

"Hello~" Valerie greeted with a cheery smile. "A holy relic too? What in the world..." Roygun felt a bit dizzy due to how stacked they really are.

The ones he showed in the rating game earlier wasn't even the full package.

"Momiji here has Innovate Clear and her twin; Erina, has Telos Karma. You'll be training in the former's dimension so you can catch up. We can slow down time there." Mordred introduced the twins who were stuffing their face with cakes and desserts.

"Hey, Lavinia and Valerie aren't the only ones with holy relics you know?" Meredith huffed and she took out Alphecca Tyrant. A crown appearing on her head.

"Aren't you only missing the true Longinus? Shouldn't you be running the church at this point?" Roygun wasn't surprised anymore.

"We would, but I have no interest in the church. They are filled with corruption and debauchery." Mordred squinted his eyes.

"Master! How about I try out the newcomer?" Mo-chan licked her lips.

She was curious about Roygun's ability, crack. And as the name suggests, it's absolutely cracked.

The only reason she wasn't the champion of the rating games is because Diehauser is more skilled in using worthlessness. If she naturally got her powers and didn't receive a boost, she would thrash Diehauser.

It could produce tears on anything. The only weakness of it is the user. And after turning into a dragon, Roygun is a top contender to be the strongest peerage member of Tiamat.

"Okay, how about an exhibition match Roygun?" Morded suggested and she nodded.

She also wanted to see how she would fare against their current weakest member before she joined.

Ise looked like she was weak due to her low mana. But when she enters balance breaker, she immediately shoots up the ranks like a damned rocket. It was ridiculous, she even has more mana than Mordred at her full power.

Worthy of the title of the red dragon of domination. "Come on rookie, let's go!" Mo-chan was excited to fight another devil. Zephrydor was weak sauce, so she still wasn't satisfied.

And when Mordred spars with her, he would beat the shit out of her with his bare hands. Dismantling her like she was a baby. So it wasn't fun at all.

They moved to the training area and Mo-chan took out her sword.

Roygun was in a disadvantage, turning back to high class in strength. But she can more than make up for it with her experience. She might have cheated, but she rose up the ranks to be 2nd in the rating games.

"Begin!" Mordred announced and Mo-chan decided to use her noble phantasm immediately.

"Let's see how your ability works!" She leaped into the air and slashed with her sword.

Roygun frowned and she used her ability to tear through Mo-chan's attack. Dispersing some of the momentum and red energy that wanted to blow everything away.

She then flew around and began using it on Mo-chan's armor, tearing them apart.

"Good! Good! You have some fight in you!" Mo-chan flew as well and Roygun targeted her wings. Clipping them with crack.

Mo-chan's trajectory immediately changed due to the sudden loss of maneuverability. And she missed Roygun that was in the air.

Mo-chan created some footholds with mana, but Roygun expected it and used crack on them. Making her stumble in the air.

The knight could definitely fly without her wings, but it's ingrained inside of her that she couldn't fly. So she often forgets about it.

Roygun then blasted her with spells, combining wind magic and fire magic to strengthen them to the maximum.

An explosion swallowed Mo-chan and Roygun backed off immediately, not wanting to get in range.

But before the dust could settle. Mo-chan released a swing from the screen she got and Roygun had to dodge awkwardly.

Mo-chan then took advantage of it and she appeared right in front of Roygun, using mana burst to propel herself with breakneck speeds.

"You're good." Mo-chan grinned as she pointed her sword at her throat and Roygun surrendered.

Mordred and the others clapped. "That was amazing, Roygun. If you are equal in strength to Mo-chan, your crack would definitely beat her. I assume that your signature magic can inflict some serious damage."

"Yeah, using it on people isn't pretty at all actually." Roygun got sheepish due to their praise.

"I approve of her, she would definitely beat Katerea if their mana is equalized." Mo-chan gave her a thumbs up.

"Thanks I guess?" Roygun didn't know how to react to that.

"Now that we know how she fights, let's go back to work. And Roygun, prepare yourself. My master would definitely want to meet you." Mordred teleported away after one last message and she raised a brow.

"Ahhh, master Scathach trains us you see?" They winced and Roygun frowned.

"From the Ulster cycle? But she's human, she should be long dead." Roygun was confused.

"Ohh, trust me. She's very much alive. And after a session with her? You'd want to be dead." Ise warned her and she started to get nervous.

"Master Scathach is no joke..." Mo-chan patted her body, remembering the holes she inflicted to her.

Meanwhile, Mordred met up with his devil friends for an important matter.

"Am I late?" He asked the others and they looked at the clock.

"As on time as ever, not even a second late. How do you keep doing that? You must be busy." Sona was in awe at his time management.

"Maybe he slows down time or something?" Seekvaira wondered as well.

"It's because he's a gentleman." Rias nodded sagely and Latia rolled her eyes.

"Shut up and kiss him already Rias, to hell with Riser." Latia snorted.

"W-what are you talking about? And Riser huh? Who is that again?" Rias tilted her head.

"Your fiance?" Sona facepalmed, thinking that Rias turned into a training maniac like Sairaorg.

"Ohhh, that guy huh? Why do you have to ruin my vibe like that?" Rias huffed.

"Shh, shut up. It's starting." Seekvaira shushed them and they watched the beginning of a rating game.

Sairaorg stepped up to the stage and he only had two peerage members for now.

Kuisha Abaddon, his queen. And an unknown pawn that took 8 pieces.

"I think that guy's wielding a Longinus, but what?" Mordred wondered and they were curious as well.

"Hmm? Has Magdaran Bael always been that strong?" Rias raised a brow as she felt his power reach ultimate class.

As a current disciple that wants to master sage arts, Rias is sensitive to magic and mana.

"Is that so? Then he received help from the great king faction. Just like that prick, Zephrydor. Let's see what Sairaorg would do." Seekvaira snorted.

Magdaran meanwhile, had two peerage members. A queen and a bishop. Sectaas Barbatos, who are animal tamers. Just like Misla, Sairaorg's mother who was a Vapula. Capable of taming lions.

The other one is Veves Furfur, who specializes in storm magic. Able to call upon storms and, lightning.

"Brother, you are unworthy of being the heir of the Bael. How can you lead them, if you don't even have the power of destruction?" Magdaran questioned his legitimacy. But he was a bit reluctant, which Morded noticed.

'Hmm, he is being fed lines? So the current heir isn't even interested in the position.' Mordred concluded.

"It matters not, what matters now... Is I will show you my youth!" Sairaorg was coated by touki that was like a thick wall.

"Touki?" Zekram who was watching in the sidelines cursed Morded who definitely helped him to unlock the use of touki. Not that anything would change, Sairaorg would've still got it due to his burning youth.

Magdaran shot a clump of power of destruction at Sairaorg and he didn't even dodge.

And when the dust settled, Sairaorg was unscathed. "That level of attack, won't be able to smother my blazing youth."

Veves and Sectaas then also attacked him. The former raining down lightning and wind blades at him.

And after that, Sectaas summoned gryphons and demonic wolves that tower over Sairaorg. But he didn't move and just let his touki block them.

"Impossible..." Magdaran gaped as their attacks bounced on his touki like nothing.

"Sai! Take it off." Mordred gave him a thumbs up and Sairaorg was surprised.

"Mordred... Are you sure?" Sairaorg was skeptical and Mordred nodded.

"Umu, show them the power of your youth." He grinned at him and Sairaorg laughed.

"You're right, I should show them my full power!" Sairaorg took off his shirt and he raised it.

"Why is he getting naked?" Rias got weirded out. But she suddenly shut up when he threw it at the side.

The ground trembled and a crater formed under his shirt. After all, it was enchanted by Morded to weigh thousands of tons.

Sairaorg also took off his leg weights and arm warmers that were almost as heavy as his shirt.

"I feel light. Now, are you done? Then it's my turn." Sairaorg squinted his eyes and his touki exploded as he clapped.

"Senpou: 10 armed bodhisattva." A golden construct appeared behind Sairaorg.

A Buddha with several arms manifested and its main arms were clasped together as if praying.

"W-wha!? So I've been lagging that much in my training?" Rias got frustrated.

"Come! Prove your strength, little brother!" Sairaorg clapped and the arms of his technique started to move hypnotically.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.