
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · アニメ·コミックス
108 Chs

Chapter 42 I can wash his back.

"We have been running Asia-chan in the ground. With two groups fighting, she had her work cut out for her. I do believe that we can start her training on her magical training." Issei didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

"Perfect. That works fine by me. Asia knows some magic and it can't help with some training. Would any of you ladies mind teaching her some self-defense training?" Asia just groaned at the table and Issei felt that adorable while she sulked.

"Raynare?" Her name came as a question. The Fallen shared a look with Rias who tended to the semi-conscious [Queen] who just shrugged.

"Rias and Akeno are doing well. I had an idea you wanted me to focus on CQB. So that is what I did. They can certainly use some practice on that."

Issei grinned while he turned his back.

"This is good. This is very good. Now, Rias. How did your training with Raynare go? Did she give any trouble that I should be aware of?"

Rias looked to the Fallen Angel and when she felt a friendly hand going up her shoulder, it didn't fill her body with revulsion as she would have done two months ago.

They had more alike than they thought.

"Nothing really. Some awkwardness but that is understandable. I think we can come to even enjoy this."

"Great. How about you Mittelt?" The gothic girl just sent Issei a dirty glare."

"Been doing my own thing." Issei took that as something good.

"Eh, for all of your training. I'd like you to work with my Fallen Angels as well through training. Growth can only come if you go beyond your usual boundaries." The two looked at him while Mittelt just glared.

"You all forget where I come from. I have seen many of your old brothers and sister grow as they broke themselves and trained. The same is for all of you. But that is something you can focus on later. Now, the stew has to be on the fire for a bit. Koneko-chan, you told them about our training."

Koneko looked at the man who had been training him.

"Done so, Chief. When this is over."

"You can ask me any time. We are going to cram and go hard. But you'll all be better for it when it comes to blows with Riser."

Rias smiled as she began to think of a certain plan that she could have to thank the man.

"After dinner, we were thinking of having a bath. Maybe you can join us at our side. I don't mind. Any objections?"

The [King] asked the group of women at large.

Akeno giggled as she usually did.

"Of course not. I can wash his back."

Asia didn't move from her spot but gave a thumbs-up.

Raynare and Kalawarner turned to each other.

"We are his slaves. We don't have a say in the matter."

Koneko shot a sympathetic look at him.

"Sorry, Chief. But I am not comfortable with that yet."

Issei shrugged as he began to stir the stew.

"No worries. We move at our own pace. Sides, a baht is to relax. Beautiful girls in a bath cause the opposite to happen."

And that took the entire group by surprise as they blushed.

Issei smirked inwardly as he watched them. He still got it.

Scene skip

Asia had rarely found herself being jealous of others. It was frowned upon by the Church to covet others.

And yet, when she looked at the four more mature women in the bath, she felt outmatched. Her own modest breasts weren't growing that well yet and Akeno, Rias, Raynare, and Kalawarner already had breasts that most adult women would kill for.

Raynare had perky upstanding breasts while the ones of Kalawarner could rival Akeno's glorious chest.

"It is a great place. If we had known this before." Raynare said as she soaked in next to Akeno.

"We are honored with your praise. No hard feelings, Raynare?" The Fallen shook her head while Kalawarner wasn't sure why Rias had asked her to wash her hair.

"Is this good?"

"Perfect." There were worse tasks to perform and Kalawarner really enjoyed the action of the hair.

Asia just sighed half-heartedly when she watched them.

"Don't be greedy," Koneko said as she washed her own body. Mittelt had already left the bath. She was exhausted from the fight.

And if Asia was honest, so was she.

On the baht of the males, Yuuto Kiba was used to sharing baths and he found that Issei was the type of guy who could appreciate a good bath. Issei had soaked in the hot water while he enjoyed the sounds of the women.

"Not going to peek?" Issei was glad that the [Knight] had a sense of humor. The Dragon shook his head while he sat back with a grin.

"No reason for that. Besides, I'm not that kind of idiot." Issei said while he continued to listen.

"You don't strike me as the guy who would say no to a woman."

"And I don't. Bust listen here, Kiba. There is a difference between going along and letting your hormones go wild. I don't want that kind of thing. It is no hair better than what Riser has in mind."

The pretty boy found that a surprising note as a comparison.

"Oh, can you explain that to me, Issei-kun?" Issei smirked when he heard that name.

"All in due time. When it is your time of training. I'm going to dry off and crawl into my bed. I need some sleep." Issei made good on that.

Rias had put his Fallen in another room and frankly, he didn't blame her. It wouldn't be proper to let them sleep in the same bed. So Issei didn't mind that this night he had to sleep without a pretty girl.

It was nice once in a while to have room. Before Albion could even come to talk to him, Issei was fast asleep. It really felt nice and whoever the Gremory contacted to make their beds, they did an awesome job.


The next twenty chapters are posted here.

Link ---> patreon.com/Vengeance05
