
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · アニメ·コミックス
108 Chs

Chapter 27 Try it again.

"You're awake," Issei said as he sat there. Akeno was somewhat happy that at least he didn't ogle her or looked pleased with himself.

"How do you feel?" Akeno wanted to fall back on a pair of pillows but found those were lacking.

"Like a certain thing that comes out of you." Oh, so her manners to say words like "shit" hadn't been forgotten.

"What happened?" Akeno didn't feel particularly angry.

Only a tidbit disappointed in herself. And in the ones who taught her magic.

"You two had a match with me, regarding magic. Now, you both might get happy because right now, we are getting to the fun part."

"Does that fun part have anything to do with the fact that we are half naked?" Rias ' voice caused the two to share a similar smile.

The sight of Rias getting up and her bra doing its best to contain its treasure proved to be a wonderful image.

"Hey, I am also sharing that." And yes, indeed, Issei was shirtless. Both women found that to be a wonderful sight as well.

"I am first going to say a few things before I'll teach you other ways of magic. I doubt you'll like it."

Issei didn't wait before he opened his mouth.

"Starting with you, Rias. While you have the power of Destruction, given by your mother, I got a feeling you're trying to copy your sister. I'll be the first one to say it. Cut that out!"

Rias was startled to hear that.


"I heard stories from your sibling. Sirzechs is from what I hear, a monster in regards to his power. Your older sibling can level Japan without even batting an eye. Quick question, Rias. Do you have his monstrous power?"

Rias lowered her head.


"Then why are you wasting your power? In terms of guns, you're not a bullet hose. You should apply it as a sniper rifle. Powerful one-hit kills. Learn to use that. Don't worry, papa Issei is going to let you read from his notes."

The cheerful tone didn't stop the painful words from hitting Rias.

"Plus, we should work on your cardio. While I doubt that you'll ever find yourself in a situation where physical violence would be needed, it can never hurt to be quick on your feet." Akeno's small smile was washed from her face as Issei turned to her.

"Same goes for you, missy. While I can forgive Rias for her mistakes, I'm not doing that to you." Akeno's eyes narrowed in on Issei who ignored her.

"Ara, ara, is that all?"

"No." Issei plainly stated. Somewhere, he was glad that he got his rocks off because those tits would otherwise be distracting.

"I have a question for you, as well. Creativity? Ever heard of it?"

"Oh, I can be creative, I assure you." Akeno's smile would be compared to certain ladies in anime but for Issei, her smile would be the same thing as a flea bite.

To be ignored.

"Not in your fighting style. Zapping something until it dies fails when you fight something that can either tank or avoid your attacks. Not to mention, the waste of the [Queen] Piece."

Rias wanted to veer up from his insult but found that her body was too sluggish for that.

Her face would make contact with the ground if Issei hadn't grabbed her.

"Easy there."

Maybe, Rias would enjoy being captured but now, with the pride of her servant, Rias' eyes flamed at him.

"Let me go! I do not allow my servant to be insulted!"

"The truth is not an insult and reality is not an attack. Rias, the [Queen] Piece, it uses the three attributes of [Rook], [Knight] and [Bishop], correct?"

Issei calmy asked to which Rias nodded.

"Well, if I am not mistaken, [Bishop] enhances magic, [Rook] enhances defense and [Knight] enhances speed. So far, I see Akeno-san fighting as a [Bishop]. Happens quite a bit far I see Devils. If you want your servant to fight better then let her fight like that. And I'll teach you." Issei's calm smile was still on his face.

"With that settled, I am going to follow up on my other way of teaching magic. Small and fun. And comfortable." Issei answered.

"And for the reason why you are not wearing too much on top, that is part of the lesson." The girls didn't like what he said but they could get behind it.

Issei smiled.

"Now, let's try something else."

The girls agreed that the second part of the lesson was a whole lot more fun.

It was more enjoyable of having the hunk not being the crap out of you but helping you out on the magic.

Sitting down, the girls were relaxed as they felt what Issei did to them.

"Feel your powers, let them flow through you. Channel them. See how they work." As a Dragon, Issei had learned from a young age and the lessons weren't pleasant nor fun. But they certainly proved to have merit as Issei showed Akeno some of his own tricks.

The fact that Issei forgot the concept of personal space was not exactly an issue for either beauty. It was refreshing of a male to treat them in such a manner.

"Your postures are too tense. Too strict. Relax." Akeno could feel how Issei pressed at some points which made her sigh happily while he helped himself to the soft points.

"There." Still, in a seated position, still half naked, Issei helped the [Queen] as Akeno could feel his strong fingers touch her lower body.

Issei was focused, not brain dead. Her sex appeal shined through but unlike most males who were anywhere near the vicinity of the sexy girl, Issei kept his focus up.

"Try it again."

Akeno thought she would never learn anything new but she found that this really helped her.

"Wow." The sphere had a size twice as big as she normally summoned and that was pushing herself.

"Learn to implement those to your training and you'll find it will come as easy as breathing." Akeno smiled as Issei continued to give pointers.

Rias found that he looked really good.

"Alright, your turn." Just like with her [Queen], Issei touched Rias' body to learn from her. Because stress had seeped into her system, it proved to be harder.

"Rias, you're too stressed. Relax a little."


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