
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · アニメ·コミックス
108 Chs

Chapter 11 Rias rolled her eyes.

Especially given the fact that he looked so good. When he was back in his shirt and loose trousers, he turned to Rias.

"Okay, we are decent." Rias couldn't keep her eyes off him. He looked handsome. That much was clear. And it was a difference how he was like this. She also counted in the fact that she liked the sight of him.

He was confident to a point of being cocky without being arrogant. Assertive maybe. A warrior.

"Now, can you tell me how you got through here? I think I put up a barrier on this." Rias rolled her eyes.

"Please, I have been keeping tabs on you. When you sit next to my [Rook] every time you got free time, it becomes all too easy." Issei sighed. He should have known. But well, there was little harm in that.

The White Dragon wanted to be friendly with the Devils and now, he had a way for that.

"So you just pinned me. That doesn't sound creepy at all. Or should I be honored that Rias Gremory is stalking me?" The tightened jaw, the subtle glare, and the tic on her forearm while they were crossed. Issei was annoying her but he was also unhappy with how she managed to track him.

"I think that you should keep in mind that I am the overseer of this town. All residents are under my protection."

Issei glanced back at Raynare.

"Really now? So what do you want? A medal?"

"Answers. What are you really, Issei Hyoudou?"

The Dragon just smirked as he deployed his White Gauntlet. "This should explain that."

"You're this generation Hakuryuukou." Rias hadn't expected Issei to be that. She had guessed that he would be powerful but not this. Not one of the Two Heavenly Dragons.

"Yep. I haven't really lied to the Student Council." Rias raised an eyebrow while Issei just scoffed.

"Come on. I know they're Devils as well. And I'd be an idiot that they haven't told you already about me."

"They did. They told me that you lived in Kuoh before. But you moved to Hokkaido." At this, Issei looked slightly embarrassed.

"Well, I lived here. But I didn't move to Hokkaido." Rias hands moved to her shapely hips and she expected Issei to continue his story. He was one foot in the door, now he had to move the rest in.

"I lived in the Vatican where I trained with the [Sacred Gear]. Been employed by them for over a decade."

"Reason for leaving?"

"A girl that I am mighty fond of, was excommunicated on idiotic claims. From what I heard through the grapevine, she ended up in this place." Rias wanted to ask but found her question answered by Raynare.

"He's talking about Asia Argento. The Holy Priestess."

"And how would you know that? It appears that I have some unwanted guests on my territory." Her eyes flamed when she saw the Fallen Angel. The Princess really wasn't happy with her. Or the fact that she got to Issei first.

"Of course, you'd complain about that. Can't expect anything less from the little sister of the Satan Lucifer."

"Before you two, start making a mess. Don't." Issei's voice showed that he had little time or patience for a magical catfight.

"I have learned throughout the years that all you Magical Beings got a lot in common. So don't start." Rias wanted to protest but found that Issei was right. He could take her on easily.

"You and I, Raynare, we got a goal that we can combine. You want out of this life, and I want Asia alive. So that would be able to combine."

Turning to Rias, Issei sighed. He hated making deals but he knew better than to piss off the Satans. Especially because he didn't have the backings of the Church or Michael.

"Asia Argento is being kept at the Church that Raynare and her friends are. I go in, rescue those who want to be saved and kill the rest." Rias gave him a softer smile.

"And what do you offer me in return for turning a blind eye to the inevitable carnage that you will cause?"

"My gratitude. And my services. I'll help you and Sona out when that is needed. And no, I do not want to be turned into one of your Servants." Issei replied and Rias eyes lit up. Just a bit. Just the tiniest light that Rias revealed.

He had seen it before. And Issei had a good feeling that just like Asia, she was in a serious pinch.

"That is something yes. I can live with that." Issei wondered what she needed his help for but it could wait. Something in his gut told him that if he played this right, he would be more than in the door with them.

"Okay, what do we now, Issei?" Raynare asked.

"Go back to the Church, tell them you killed me. When Asia is there, I'll save you. When will she be there?"

"Next week. All the Rogue Priests and the rest of us will be there as well. I want you to save me, Kalawarner and Mittelt. Asia as well. The rest of them. Well, I prefer that my past is closed." Issei nodded to her and he looked back at Rias.

"Can you inform Sitri about what is going to happen?" Rias nodded back at him.

"Very well. I'll let you handle this. But after this, we will check-up." Issei felt that he had to think things over with Asia. Even if she got out alive that Church, there would be reprisals. He could take care of himself and maybe some Fallen Angel but a former Holy Maiden from the Church? Yeah, that might be tricky.

"Works for me. Now, do you want me to drop you off at home?" Raynare shook her head and she changed into her adult form.

"Sorry but nope. I'll see you next week, my hero." After a long and loving kiss, Issei felt that he got really lucky. And with that, she flew off. Turning to Rias, his knowing look made it clear that she got the same offer.

"Well, it would be one new thing to learn." Offering her the same helmet as he used on Raynare, he hopped onto his bike.


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