
DxD: Issei's And His Smuts 18+

To most of the school, Issei Hyoudou was the Hidden Dragon leader of the perverted trio and one of Kuoh's most mysterious figures because his perverted nature never showed itself. The reason was because Issei had a very particular fetish, one for swordswomen and that fetish was about reveal itself. Issei x Harem (featuring Female Kiba) AU Dark Issei OP Issei. Non-Devil Issei LEMONS. *** [ DISCORD:-https://discord. gg/zPHaRCV8ax (without space) ] *** I do not own anything everything goes to it's respective owner. *** fanfic creator:- Imperial-samaB link:- https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13407516/0

dxd_no_hentai · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Chapter 27 R-18+

"Sure" Irina smiled making a mental note to turn figure out why her partner was blushing as Issei's sexual prowess was explained.

(Scene Skip)

It took another hour before Issei and Yumi finally arrived and Issei was smiling calmly but Yumi looked exhausted, "Sorry we were late. Things at the kendo club took longer than I expected" Issei said calmly.

"Had enough fun for one day?" Akeno teased knowing exactly what Issei was up to.

"For one day no, but I did promise Irina I would come today. The kendo girls were not happy with me but I made it up to them" Issei said with a lustful grin that caused blushes to appear on Yumi Irina Xenovia and Akeno's faces.

"Alright" Rias replied calmly managing to hide her blush. "Since we're working together how about we split up and look for more leads."

"That's fine so how do you want to split the groups." Issei pointed out. They had enough firepower to split up without too much trouble.

"Lady Rias, why don't you, Akeno, and Asia stay behind and wait for us. Issei, Yumi, and I will make up the first search group and Xenovia Karlamine and Koneko will make the second." Irina smiled.

"That's fine with me" Rias smiled since Akeno and Asia had obvious issues with the fallen and they needed some people to stay behind.

"Works for me also?" Issei shrugged.

He had a very good idea of why Irina paired the two of them together but a part of him was more interested in the Xenovia Karlamine group.

(Scene Skip)

(Xenovia Karlamine and Koneko)

The trio of Xenovia Karlamine and Koneko was an unusual one to be sure.

Thanks to the experience she gained from being in Riser's peerage, Karlamine was used to exorcists and how to fight them.

Koneko's sense of smell would help particularly since she met Freed before.

As for Xenovia, her fragment of the blade was Excalibur Destruction which meant that she was a force to be reckoned with.

However, none of that mattered right now.

"That lucky bitch Yumi, she gets to spend all that time with Issei and now she's teamed up with him again. I bet they're all screwing each other as we speak." Karlamine pouted.

"Irina is going to focus on the mission." Xenovia replied calmly.

Xenovia didn't quite understand Irina's reluctance to sleep with her childhood friend particularly after experiencing Issei's touch herself, but Irina was annoyingly stubborn in regards to things like that.

"I doubt it. Her reactions were very interesting when she realized that Issei was sleeping with Yumi and for that matter so were yours." Karlamine smiled.

"What do you mean by that" Xenovia protested though a blush began to form on her face

"You have that look of somebody who's interested in sex but never found somebody who was worthy of your body." Karlamine smiled.

"How!?" Xenovia replied in shock that this person had her figured out so easily.

"Don't worry about how I know, but know this. If you want to truly experience being a woman, ask Issei, believe me when I say you won't regret it" Karlamine smiled.

"I see" Xenovia blushed as she thought about what happened the night before and the revelation that both knights of the Gremory household were sleeping with Issei.

(Scene Skip)

"So Issei what do you think we should do now?" Irina wondered as the trio walked around.

The grouping was an awkward one to say the least but Irina felt this was easier than dealing with the other knight of the Gremory peerage.

The look of annoyance on Karlamine's face was one she knew very well and she suspected that the other knight was enjoying Issei just as Yumi but not as frequently

"That's easy. We find that Freed guy that attacked Yumi. He's working for whoever attacked her and he can lead us to them." Issei said calmly.

"Works for me? I want to get my revenge" Yumi said angrily.

"Sorry, but no revenge for you Yumi. I will fight Freed while you and Irina back me up. You had your chance Yumi and you failed. I will face him and get the information we need." Issei said firmly.

"But Issei" Yumi protested before Issei walked over to the knight and started blatantly fondling her breasts much to the embarrassment of both girls.

"Yumi have you forgotten how in your first battle you were so irrational because of the Excalibur that Karlamine had to bail you out." Issei reminded her.

"Yes…but" Yumi moaned.

"But nothing Yumi. Your brother sacrificed his life so you could live a normal life and be a normal person. By acting so reckless you basically spit on his sacrifice." Issei lectured keeping his hands on her breasts much to the embarrassment of both girls

"Okay" Yumi replied trying to stay calm despite what Issei was doing.

"Good" Issei smiled before taking his hands off of the flustered knight.

"So Issei how strong are you now?" Irina wondered wanting Issei to focus on her for a little bit.

"Strong enough to know that If Freed is the best that this Valper guy has to offer then I can probably do all of this on my own." Issei smiled but his smile quickly faded when he noticed the nervous look on Irina's face.

"What are you hiding Iri" Issei said with a twitch knowing that he was about to get extremely annoyed.

"Well…." Irina said bashfully knowing that it was time to tell the whole truth and pray that Issei didn't go ballistic.

(Scene Skip)

Although Rias stayed behind, she was still doing her best to think about how best to help her peerage with the current hunt.

She recalled that Yumi was attacked by the same rogue priest that was working with the fallen angels and she got a bad feeling in the back of her mind.

"Hey Asia what do you remember about working with Freed." Rias wondered.

Something about this whole situation bothered her more than she cared to admit.


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