
DxD: Ink and summoning

After dying in a hospital, our Mc wants to enjoy his new life to the fullest. What can you do with the Longinus Annihilation maker, a great imagination, the legacy of a certain painter and a system that lets you summon characters you knew in you past life? Carrying problems from the past, finding new ones on this world or summoning them from another world What changes would he bring to this new world? I do not own the cover. Dxd or any of the summoned characters. English is not my main lenguage.

LaYEn · アニメ·コミックス
103 Chs

1- New Life [Edited]

An eight-year-old boy is sleeping in his bed. The boy has a hand on his face, which is covered in dry tears, but his smile is bright and cheerful.

How long has it been since then? 

He never cared for his body, and one day he just... collapsed.

He only had three months to live, according to the diagnosis.

He was left in a bed waiting to die while his entire body was collapsing. For some reason, his two months turned into three, four, and ten... not that it felt that long, because by the third month, he could barely walk and it was only getting worse.

How long did it last? After the seventh month, I could barely open my eyes, only to be greeted by a burning sensation from the lights. I even refused painkillers out of fear of losing the only thing that occasionally woke me up, the only thing that told me I was still… alive.

I'd like to sleep...

maybe... Was what she said a lie? Is this another hallucination or... was it real?

It took me hours and a couple of waking up from my short naps to realize... it's real.

I'm in a different body, in a different place, and I'm experiencing a lot of new sensations as a result of those three wishes.

And if they are true... this world is going to be a difficult one...

It's time to get out of bed.

While washing my face and brushing my teeth, I was thinking about what had happened before. 

Splashing cold water on your face can calm you down.

A ROB informed me that she will reincarnate with three wishes. At this point, I was convinced that it was all a hallucination, not the first...

Thinking about it makes me laugh; didn't I look really stupid? That's why she was smiling.

My three wishes were as follows:

1: A system.

The universally useful tool. I also requested a summon feature that would allow me to summon characters from various worlds. She said I could only choose one world, so this was my only chance to meet all the people I'd read about in my previous life.

Yes, people.

If I was reincarnated into DxD it would mean that they are real.

Sadly, I can only live in one world so summoning them is the only choice left.

2- All powers, equipment, and skills from Dusk from Arknights, a character from a game I played on my phone. Her paintings can summon enough monsters to become stage bosses, and there is an event based on various Mc entering one of her drawings where even time is distorted. In his previous life, one of my favorite character designs.

Unfortunately, it was changed slightly...

Memories are out because Dusk lived for too long and her memories would overwrite my own 'self'.

About Dusk's powers and skills... 

The goddess became irritated when she saw reincarnators simply wasting the potential of their skills because they learned them in an instant without considering all of their pros and cons, always using new and flashy ones instead of the old ones.

Imagine a guy fighting a fire monster and using wind instead of water because it's 'cooler' and 'newer'… I would also be annoyed.

She did, however, compensate for it.

She gave me 'potential,' which means I'll start slowly but will be able to progress further into the 'path' but… the road  will be harder.

3- I choose to reincarnate in the world of Dxd, bringing all of my memories with me. There's not much to say about this world; it has everything I wanted at the time: magic, girls, conflicts, and so on. I also asked the Longinus Annihilation Maker alongside a way to hide it because I didn't want to be discovered so soon and with a male body that cannot get sick.

No genderbend pls.

The last one is because of my ability to customize the body into which I will reincarnate, as well as... being able to choose the world into which I will be reincarnated, something I would be able to choose regardless of my wish, 

it is something that everyone gets to choose, Including the memories...

Should have asked about it before making my wishes... 

It was mostly a waste of time, but she did transform my [Healthy Body] into something that was, in her own words: 'worth one wish of mine'.

I'm extremely grateful to her.

I quickly realized... if all of this is true... then I can... paint! I obtained all skills from Dusk. Yes, it is a watered-down version with more potential than anything else, but for someone who enjoys reading about fantasy and magic, testing a magical skill is a dream come true.

Thank you, Dream Goddess!

I forgot to ask her name… but thank you!

Based on my memories, there should be something to start drawing with nearby.

For the time being, a few pieces of paper and a pencil will be enough.

I began painting with a grin; as I worked, the pencil turned black, with ink falling from it, only to vanish as soon as it touched the ground.

It reminds me of how Dusk creates her monsters and the effects of her attacks.

Once I was done, the entire page turned black, and the ink began to fall to the floor, gradually gaining substance, solidifying, and revealing the form of my first creation.

It had a circle for a head, long and imposing black arms, and a long and black line for its chest... as well as sticks for... legs...




That is the sound of my creation attempting to stand alone, only to...



Its two sticks for legs were capable of keeping up with the rest of the body.

Goddess, one of its 'arms' is nearly twice the size of the other, and the lines aren't even straight!

Is shaking to the left and right, its legs twisting and trembling as it tries to support its own weight, balancing it so it can stand straight.

He is doing it! Slowly but surely he is getting the hang of it and he gets better every time with more effort as I pour more mana into the construct as if trying to cheer it up.

Fighto! My first creation! You can do it! figh!- 




Now it just turned into its previous state and disappeared on the floor.

Now I remember something slightly important...

I suck at drawing.

Wait, why am I feeling dizzy?

My mana...


| ""||""||""|


" [Operator:Dusk]: Legacy left by the aloof painter known as Dusk, gives the user various effects.

  .Unlock the use of the element 'Ink'.

  .Unlock user's [Mindscape].

  .Grants the user [Dusk's Arts].

  .Grantz the user [Dusk's Mind].

  .Grant the user with the equipment [Dusk's Sword].

Due to the nature and difficulty of the legacy, it grants the user the following.

  .Affinity with anything related to the 'Mind'. Especially visualization and imagination.

  .Affinity with Arts, especially Painting.

  .Affinity with water and liquids. Especially Element Ink "

" [Healthy Body: Grants the user effects so he will always maintain a 'Healthy Body'.

'A Healthy body requires a healthy mind and soul' "

At last, fixed. I don't know why some words were missing space in between them, when it appeared to be fine in the chapter editor. I already fixed it and thanks for letting me know

LaYEncreators' thoughts