
DxD 0073: Mayhem

"Abaddon Bael…" A tall yet lanky man with 10 wings behind him said as he looked at Abaddon who was in front of him. They were both mid-air as they faced each other.

"Kokabiel… You're looking as lively as ever." Abaddon commented as he looked at the guy's weirdly long face and pale skin that seemingly belonged to a Vampire.

"You'll do perfectly as the catalyst for my grand plans." The Fallen Cadre smiled with anticipation.

"What plans? Do you want to restart the war between the Devils and Fallen Angels? Cause that's what killing me is going to result in." Abaddon laughed as the gem on his arm subtly glowed again for the second time.

"And that's exactly what I'm looking for." Kokabiel laughed and continued, "I want the war to start again. The three races called a truce at the worst possible time. Just when everything was getting better, the war ended. And I've been so bored ever since!" Kokabiel was way too emotional about the peace between the three races.

"You monster…" Rias gasped from below. She wasn't going to interfere in the fight, but she was still listening to their pre-fight exposition talk where Abaddon gets Kokabiel to reveal his plans.

"Oh, no dearie. I just want to push the advantage. After you don't always have the Angel faction weakened enough that—" Kokabiel was interrupted by a flare of energy in front of him that made him wave his arm, "What was that for?" He asked with nonchalant annoyance after deflecting Abaddon's Destruction projectile with annoyance in his tone.

"I think you've spoken enough. They don't need to know." Abaddon smiled genially but there was a hint of threat in his eyes.

"Oh? What? Does the heir of Clan Bael care about what soon-to-be-dead small fries know?" Kokabiel laughed derisively.

"Not on my watch they're not," Abaddon said.

"He's so brave…" Irina joined her hands together and prayed, "Oh Lord… Please protect Abaddon-san and bless victory upon him."

"Don't be so dramatic. He's just playing around while waiting for his boosts to stack up." Rias broke Irina's assumption that Abaddon was actually heroic.

"Fufu~ That does sound more like A-kun…" Akeno also laughed.

"I wonder how these two devout girls would react to the information that—" Kokabiel was interrupted again.

Abaddon sighed loudly, "Why are you trying to burst their big protective bubble, huh? The system is working just fine. They don't need to be broken like that."

"Oh, but that's the fun part." Kokabiel suddenly cast a large-scale magic circle on the ground below him. Abaddon could see that it was a summoning circle so he didn't interfere, instead opting to stack his boosts for a bit longer. He was already up to his 5th boost.

From those summoning circles, three Cerberus appeared. They were large three-headed dogs that were known to be the guard dogs of hell.

"Oh? You're friends with Hades, huh? Never would've expected…" Abaddon commented nonchalantly. He was confident in the capabilities of the girls to be able to take care of the dogs with relative ease.

"I'm getting bored, let's get started." Kokabiel summoned two massive light spears that were almost half a mile long and hurled them at Abaddon.

"Now, that's just rude," Abaddon commented as he summoned large chains of destruction energy that were spiked at the ends and attacked the spears of light.

'Balance Breaker, Draig…' He asked. He wasn't going to play around with a cadre-class Fallen Angel with 10 wings.

‹Your body is still not adapted well enough to the gear. Your arm will get saturated with Draconic energy again. And this time it will be much more difficult to revert it back.›

'I'll take care of it later.' Abaddon had enough ways to take care of problems like that later. Right now, he had to go all out. Kokabiel had already created more light weapons that were pointed in his direction after he took care of those two spears.

Within a moment, Abaddon felt his arm flooding with Draconic energy that was spread to his whole body. The armor of the Balance Breaker appeared on Abaddon before Kokabiel threw the holy attacks at him.

«Balance Breaker— Scale Mail»

'Armor of Destruction,' Abaddon whispered under his breath, and dense crimson energy that was mixed with black surrounded his now armored body. He started flooding the armor with his Power of Destruction as it soaked the crimson energy up like a sponge, the bloody crimson of the Scale Mail armor got a darker red sheen with streaks of black appearing on the chest plate that started at the middle and extended to his back.

‹Your power is melding with the Scale Mail armor much better this time…›

The biggest change was the scaly tail that extended from Abaddon's back. It used to be red but now it was mixed with a majority of black. The outside seemed to be completely black while the inside of the scales on the tail were crimson.


He allowed the voice of the 8th boost to sound out since it had a better impact on the ongoing fight.

That was when Abaddon started moving. He quickly reached Kokabiel and slashed at the guy with his tail. That was where he'd concentrated a large amount of Destruction energy. So it was going to be a lethal weapon.

"Hmm… The Red Dragon Emperor, huh… You really are a prime example of luck falling into your lap, aren't you, Abaddon Bael?" Kokabiel seemed to be annoyed as he saw Abaddon weave past all of his light weapons and reach him. He created two dense light spears and grabbed them before moving to block the tail that was coming to attack him.

Abaddon wasn't really proficient with the use of a tail as an attack medium so Kokabiel easily blocked it with one spear while stabbing the other spear toward Abaddon, who dodged it.

The concentrated waves of holy energy that the spear was releasing were already pretty uncomfortable to him so Abaddon wasn't going to test it with his armor.


'Is it just me or are the boosts working better…' He thought.

‹They are. Your connection to the gear is now stronger and in time, the effects will be close enough to the full power of the gear.›

'Not your true ability thought…' Abaddon's thought trailed off as he pulled himself away from Kokabiel and created two large magic circles over his hands. Using them to channel his power, he created a torrent of Destruction energy that was shaped like a dragon. He'd used Draig as the mold as two identical-looking western dragons that looked like the Welsh Dragon charged at Kokabiel. The Fallen burst out with a glow of holy light that seemed as bright as the sun.

It was so intense that the girls that were fighting the three Cerberi had to pull back and shield themselves from the holy light as even the mere presence of that light was painful for them. Rias looked worriedly in Abaddon's direction and was relieved to see that he was completely fine. His armor provided enough protection to naturally resist the attack.

"Take this!" Kokabiel pointed both his hands in front of him and released a thick beam of light that collided with the two Destruction dragons that Abaddon had created.

As the two attacks met, a huge shockwave was created that practically blew away the three dogs that Kokabiel had created along with Xenovia and Irina who weren't within the barrier that Rias and Akeno had created to protect themselves from the holy light.

Akeno moved quickly and grabbed the two of them into the barrier at Rias' orders. They were mostly fine except for a few scratches which wasn't that much of a problem since they weren't weak to Holy energy.

In the exchange between Abaddon and Kokabiel, Abaddon came out slightly weaker as his dragons were getting pushed back.


The 10th boost made a big difference as the pace suddenly changed and Kokabiel's beam of light was pushed back.

The Fallen Angel let out a war cry that resulted in even more holy energy radiating from his body. However, instead of expanding, the beam of light got concentrated and pierced through the dragons that Abaddon had created.

"Guess I gotta do something drastic…" Abaddon thought as he created a dense destruction ball between his hands within a moment as he didn't have much time to react. He couldn't let the holy beam hit the ground behind him since the girls were still there and would probably die if they even got close to it.


He transferred all of the boosts that he'd accumulated into the ball of destruction as it quickly grew unstable due to its sheer power and energy being multiplied by almost a thousand times instantaneously.

'I might have gone a bit overboard…' Abaddon thought as he quickly hurled the ball in the direction of the approaching beam of light.

Just as the ball of Destruction collided with the beam of light, it exploded with a blast of Destruction energy that completely engulfed the beam of light.

'Well, fuck…' Abaddon quickly appeared in front of the barrier that Rias and Akeno were maintaining and pushed a huge amount of his energy into the barrier while turning around and facing the explosion of Destruction energy head-on, preventing it from hitting the girls.


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