Felix White a human living in England with his family with no clue of the supernaturals existance suddenly awakens a hidden power.A golden Crown with jewels appears on his head and he learns of the supernatural.How will the supernatural react to his existance?How will he fare his new life?Read the fic and find how his life changes and he embarks on a new journey.
During the time Felix awakened his sacred gear and Yahweh was explaining to his family about the sacred gear, a phenomenon occurred in Heaven. All of the seven levels of Heaven started to shine in golden light and high amount of Holy energy surged out of Heaven alerting all the factions and pantheons in the world.
In Asgard:
"Hmm.. what is that old bastard Yahweh upto now." An old man with an eye patch on one of his eyes said.
"Maybe he recovered from the damage the heavenly dragons did to him." A large man said while drinking wine. "Maybe I should go and challenge him."
"Should we investigate it Lord Odin?" A Valkyrie asked the old man with eye patch.
"No need. We do have a meeting with them in some months. And Thor you should come visit those oppai bars with me! All you think about is fighting."
In Kailash:
"Hahahhhaa! Seems like a big event is going to occur! The times are changing." A meditating man said in amusement.
In Olympus:
"Should I go and investigate it Lord Zues." A young looking man asked Zues.
"Hmm.. yeah we should do it. We are already facing a problem with our believers converting." Zues said to Hermes.
"As you wish Lord Zues." Her.es said bowing and going out.
"What the fuck are the angels doing. The holy energy is reaching the underworld." A man with black hair with golden bangs said doing experiments on a sword.
The door suddenly opened and a person said "Azazel! Did you feel that. The energy was felt by entire Grigory. It will give Kokabiel more support if the fallens think of this as an invasion from heaven."
The sword feel to the ground and broke. "Noooooo! My sacred gear! What the heck Shemhazai!"
In the capital city of Lilith an emergency meeting was called by the four Satans after feeling the Holy energy.
"Did you guys feel the energy?" A read haired man asked.
"Yeah! I was recording a new episode of Levi☆tan☆ when I felt that!" A girl wearing a pink costume said.
"Hmm." A bald man said.
"Yeah." A green haired man said.
These were the four Satans Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Falbium Asmodeus and Ajuka Beelzebub.
"Do you guys have any idea of the cause of it. We have to quickly address the citizens to prevent unrest." Said Sirzechs.
"We also have to increase the security around the borders after this." Falbium said sleepishly.
"I will get in contact with heaven and ask about it." Serafall said to the other three.
"Yeah, that would be a good idea." Ajuka said getting irritated getting called in the middle of his research.
Meanwhile in heaven, the cause of the problem all angels were getting anxious and formulating their theories behind it while some were panicking thinking that heaven is getting attacked.
Meanwhile Sixth Heaven
After the glow and energy subsided, the seraphs went to the meeting room and the atmosphere felt like a war council was going on.
"What's going on Michael? Are we under attack?" Uriel asked.
"Yeah the glow covered all levels of heaven and the holy energy was felt by all the world. We are getting calls from all the pantheons."
Gabriel said to the three.
"No we aren't getting attacked but we must make up a reason for this situation. We can't tell them the true reason." Michael said putting up a serious expression increasing the tension in the room.
"Huh, why? What's with the face and why should we cover it up?"The final seraph Raphael asked Michael about this new situation.
"A sacred gear."said Michael
"Huh, what does a sacred gear have to do with our situation?" Gabriel asked getting confused.
"Not an ordinary sacred gear. A longinus. A NEW longinus." Michael informed the other seraphs.
"Huh, but that's impossibe! Father isn't around so how can a new sacred gear emerge and a longinus at that." Raphael said shouting.
"Yeah Raphael's right. Are you sure you aren't wrong Michael?" Uriel asked Michael.
"No. The glow and holy energy emerged from the seventh heaven so I quickly went to check if something was wrong with the system." Michael informed them.
"So, is something wrong with the system? It's the first time this has happened and father isn't around to fix the issue." Gabriel spoke getting sad over her father's loss.
"No the prayer system was alright but the issue was in the sacred gear system. I checked it and found out about the new gear. That gear's the main reason we must make up a reason for this incident."
"Well I understand about it but why must we cover a sacred gear and why did the system react to the gear like that?" Gabriel asked.
"The gear isn't the problem but the title of the gear is the reason we must cover it up." Spoke Michael.
"Huh, what do you mean?" Raphael inquired getting interested in the topic.
"The gear's a holy relic. The fifth but the most important. We must find it's weilder and get them on our side as soon as possible."
"But that's absurd! How can a holy relic suddenly appear like that! And a longinus at that!" Uriel shouted hearing Michael.
"It has though and I can't understand the system on the level of our father but the title of this gear reslly shaked me down to the core." Michael said to them.
"Huh, what's the title that even you shook up seeing it?" Gabriel asked getting concerned.
"The ruler of heavens,The God of Bible, " Michael said in a deep voice.
The faces of the the others grow shocked and their eyes widened like they would pop out any moment.
"WHAT! But that's impossible! How can that be!" The calm and xomposed Raphael shouted breaking the silence.
"Father's back... but how?... This is really good news! We should announce it to the entire heaven!" Shouted Gabriel with some tears in her eyes.
"We can't do that Gabriel. It would mean everyone will learn of father's death and the sacred gear weilder will be eliminated or worse enslaved." Uriel said calming the others down.
"Uriel's right. We can't disclose the information and cover it up. We should also start searching for the weilder of this gear." Michael said supporting Uriel.
"Oh... ok... I am sorry. It's just that it's been so long since father's death that I wasn't able to contain myself." Said Gabriel getting sad about her outburst.
"It's alright we all feel the same Gabriel." Michael spoke trying to cheer up Gabriel.
"Yeah Michael's right. Don't feel sad Gabriel."
Spoke Raphael.
"So, what the gear's called?" Asked Uriel trying to change the mood.
"Yeah, what's it called?" Raphael said understanding Uriel's objective.
"The Heavenly Crown." Again Michael spoke in a deep voice.
"Alright, we must quickly search it and train him so we can announce about it to the world once the weilder gets strong." Gabriel said cheerfully.
"Yeah Gabriel's right. Alright so the meeting's over for now. We must form search squads and search for the gear." Michael said standing up from his seat.
{Line Break}
Unaware of the consequences of his gear's awakening Felix was listening when Yahweh was explaining the supernatural to his parents.
"So all of the God's real and all of the mythical races exist in this world." Elyae said after awakening and listening to the explanation.
"Yes, that is the case, and I will have to train Felix because his sacred gear will attract all kind of attraction as all species can sense a sacred gear. Though the path he take would be upto him." Yahweh said after explaining to the White household.
"So, what do I have to do? I will become stronger so that no one will be able to harm my family and the people I care about." Felix asked with a look of determination on his face.
"I will first have to make you a God, a demigod to be more presise. Then we will have you supress your aura so that no one will be able to find out abour your identity. We would then begin the physical and magical training and I will teach you how to make weapons out of light and holy energy and we would also have to teach you how to fly and get you some combat experience." Yahweh explained.
"Huh what do you mean by make me a demigod? Didn't I become a God when I awakened your gear?" Felix asked getting confused.
"No my child, just getting the gear does not change your race. You are still a human. I will fuse half of your soul with mine to change your race and then train you in your mindscape to get better in sensing people's energy and race and better your senses and instincts."
"Wait, what's the mindscape?" Felix asked Yahweh.
"The mindscape is your dream world. The inside of your mind. Do you remember the place you met me last night?" Yahweh asked Felix.
"Well child that's your mindscape. And the Heavenly Crown also makes it so you can also bring other people in your mindscape unlike others." Yahweh spoke to the surprise of Felix.
"Wow, that's awesome! Alright start changing my race!"
"Alright child but remember that you will experience the worst pain of your entire life. It would feel like someone is ripping your body apart and putting it together again." Felix gulped at these words.
"Maybe I should think about it again. Hahaha...." Felix said making a panicked face.
Yahweh created a barrier to prevent anyone from escaping and to prevent any noise and energy from leaking out.
"Alright then, Felix are you ready." Yahweh asked.
"Alright, let's do this! No point overthinking." The six year old boy said.
"Well, let's just take a look, see around your soul here...." muttered Yahweh as clashing and clanking noise proceeded to rattle around in Felix's head.
"Uh, everything alright in there?"
"Yes, yes, everything's fine. Hey! Get back here! Stop trying to corrupt his soul! "
"AND STAY OUT! LUST HAS NO PLACE HERE!" Yahweh yelled as the yowl of a cat followed by the sound of a firm kick. "Ahem.... Anyway, where was I..."
"Right... we were turning me into a demigod I think?"
"Yes, of course! Now, we could change your skin and select body parts into angel body parts. That would increase your affinity to holy magic and make you resistant to it though that would make you susceptible to demonic magic. I would also have to teach you transformation magic to supress your natural holy aura and apperance. I believe that's what this button is for."
"Button? There's a button in my soul?"
"Yes, it's right over here. It says 'press here for full deityfication.' "
"How exactly did you become a God again?"
"Oh, just be quiet. Are you ready?"
"I hope this doesn't hurt as much as you said."
"After that last comment, I hope so. Alright here we go!"
"WAIT, WAIT, HOLD ON A SE-" but Felix eas cut off by a sudden and excruciating pain. "AHHHHHHHHHH!"
"Hold on a bit more, child! It shouldn't be too much longer!"
"IT HURTS!" Felix screamed as he collapsed to his knees. "MY CHEST! IT FEELS LIKE IT'S TEARING ITSELF APART!"
"I think that's just your heart transforming into an angelic one. You see-"
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME SCREAM! ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" he groaned writhing around on the ground.
"Aaaaannnnndddddd done!" Yahweh concluded. "There you go, Felix. How do you feel now?"
"For some reason I wish you weren't in my soul so I could punch you in the face." Felix grumbled, getting up on shaky limbs. "My whole body is sore and beyond belied."
"Well, aside from that, how do you feel?"
"Before I answer that, isn't enjoying giving me pain a sin or something? You're literally God, is that allowed?"
"Well... I suppose it is... but I've been following my own rules to the letter for a millenia. I'm in a sacred gear now, I can bend some of them a little if I want to."
"Somehow, I've gotten more confidence from you saying that."
"I try my best-"
"Because if someone like you can become God, I definitely can."
"Hmm, this button says 'cause pain again '. I think that's the next one I should press..."
"NO! No, there's no need for that! You're our holy father after all! You live and protect all of your wonderful children! Hahahah!"
"You really believed there were buttons in your soul...."
"You're the worst..." Felix sighed. "Anyway, did it work? Am I a demigod or something now?"
"I believe so. Why don't you try out your wings?"
"And how exactly should I do that?"
"Oh right... Well, let's see now... Give me a second here, I'll remember eventually."
"How do you NOT remember? You're GOD, you CREATED angels." Felix groaned.
"Could you teach someone else how to breathe? No, exactly. It's just something I can do, I don't really know how to explain it."
"So, should I just wait for you to figure it out."
"Yes, exactly."
It had been five years since Felix had discovered his sacred gear, Heavenly Crown. In terms of power, Yahweh told him he was probably upto on par with average high class warrior with six golden wings on his back. Though in terms of experience, he still lacked... well... any to be completely honest. It had taken some time to come to an understanding between God, Felix and his family on what he would do with his newfound abilities, and they all agreed that it would be the best to train in secret until Felix was powerful enough to enter the world of supernatural on his own, as well as protect his family. His parents even offered to start attending the church regularly if it would help or be more respectful to God they went to church to worship, but Yahweh insisted that all the knowledge they would get there he could provide at their own house, so there was no need to worry about it. Besides, going to the church with a holy sacred gear could put Felix into harm's way earlier than expected.
The last precaution they had to put into place was Felix being homeschooling. They debated on it for a short while, as on one hand, it could prove dangerous for himself and others should he go, but on the other hand, it would be detrimental for his social skills should he stay isolated at home. It eas actually Felix that convinced them that he wanted to stay at home, as Yahweh could teach him what was important. After relenting to his arguments, Felix time was split between being taught by his parents and Yahweh, training with his sacred gear and spending free time playing with Lavinia and Elfaria. Yahweh was insistent that he enjoy as much time as possible as being young, because as he put it, 'the older you get the more you wish you were young again'.
The other important thing was the White family adopted Lavinia after her parents death in a road accident.
{Flashback no jutsu}
Elfaria was running towards the park to play with Lavinia as Felix was still busy studying. But when she reached the park, her expression changed. On one of the swings sitting was Lavinia but something was wrong, she was sad, she was crying. Elfaria decided to cheer up her friend and know the reason of her being sad went towards her.
"Why are you crying big sis Lavinia?" Elfaria asked with a concerned expression on her face.
Lavinia looked up hearing Elfaria's voice and hugged her while shedding more tears. "*Hic* I don't have *Hic* anywhere to go."
"What do you mean you don't have anywhere to go? You can go to your house or even come to my house." Elfaria said trying to cheer up Lavinia.
"*Hic* I can't go back to my own house. There *Hic* isn't anyone there."
"Did your parents went somewhere?"
Hearing this Lavinia hugged her tightly and started to cry more.
"There, there, don't cry. Um, I am sorry for asking. I shouldn't have asked that." Elfaria rubbed her back while hugging her.
"Tell me what happened?"
Lavinia then explained how about a week ago her family went on a trip to the mountains and their car crashed but only she managed to survive. She saw a really tall ice doll protecting her but nobody believed her and blamed her for it. Then she overheard her relatives talking about taking their house and sending her to an orphanage and how she ran away from there after that.
Hearing that Elfaria felt guilty for having her share that experience and intense anger for her relatives who treated her like that and started thinking of a solution. Then suddenly her eyebrow raised in realization and she spoke.
"Come with me bis sis Lavinia. I know the perfect solution for your problem." And she held Lavinia's hand and started dragging Lavinia towards her house.
After reaching her house Elfaria ran towards her parents room and told them the whole thing and her plan. Her parents became sad after hearing about Lavinia's situation but they grew a happy smile on their face after hearing about their daughter's plan and felt proud of her and their upbringing. Elyae went down to the living room where Lavinia was and hugged her and spoke.
"Shh, poor child, We are rxtremely sorry for you. But you don't have to worry about your problems anymore because Elfaria had a really great idea. Just let your tears flow, don't hold them back."
Lavinia started to cry in Elyae's chest and calmed down after some time.
"Let's go to your home and get your stuff. Feom todat onwards you will be living in this house with us and your name will be Lavinia Reni White, our daughter and Felix & Elfaria's sister." Elyae dpoke to Lavinia stroking her hair while hugging her.
"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!....." Lavinia spoke and started to cry again but this time in happiness.
"It's okay, you don't have to worry anymore."
Meanwhile Felix who heard that asked Yahweh about the ice doll thinking that it was a sacred gear.
"Hmm... I think it is Absolute Demise, one of the longinus also known as eternal ice princess."
"You think that someone sensed her sacred gear and killed her parents but went away without checking whether she is dead or not."
"It might be possible. You should take her into your mindscape to train. You will get a sparing partner while we can train her to be stronger and able to peotect herself."
"Seems like a nice idea but we should do that after some days and let her grieve her parents."
"I believe that is appropriate."
{Flashback end}
Felix explained about the supernatural to Lavinia and started her training in her sacred gear and magic.
She was a prodigy in magic as stated by Yahweh. She learned it very quick and Felix also taught her his custom Spells while training her sacred gear.
Yahweh told them about Balance Breakers and told them to train to achieve and then master it. He also told Felix that all gears with some kind of soul in them have a state beyond the balance breaker, a forbidden state, a drive, which consumes the user's lifeforse and is extremely risky.
(Another chapter with 3.3k words. Hope you folks enjoyed it and please comment and leave your review. It means a lot. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys continue to support me.)
To be continued .