
DxD: God of the Bible

What if an ordinary mortal was reincarnated as the Biblical God after sealing the Trihexa. ______________ No harem, maybe romance, but I don't think so. op MC, God MC

eternal_angel12 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Ophis

Are the sections long enough? Are events unfolding too quickly? Are there too many grammatical errors? What are the general errors? I would appreciate it if you could answer these questions.


After Yahweh emerged from Michael's mind, Michael found himself in heaven.

Despite Yahweh forcibly putting Michael's consciousness to sleep, Michael still remembered some things. He remembered many things, such as Lucifer trying to kill him by exploiting Michael's hesitation, and Great Red's attack.

Lucifer's attempt to take advantage of Michael's kindness and kill him without hesitation was a feeling worse than the existence of Great Red.

Michael sometimes felt bad for being so kind. How could the strongest archangel be so easily deceived?

"Maybe I'm not worthy of being the commander of Heaven..." Michael thought pessimistically.

Sensing Michael's emotions, Yahweh felt the need to console him.

As Michael stood alone in the 6th Heaven feeling pessimistic, he heard Yahweh's holy voice in his mind. "Do not feel bad, Michael. You are the most deserving person to be the commander of Heaven."

Michael felt his father's voice in his mind. He could no longer hide his emotions. "But father. Lucifer almost killed me. Without you, I don't know what I could have done."

Before Yahweh could respond, Ifrit interjected angrily and sternly. "Partner, do not belittle yourself! Lucifer made a despicable move and played with your emotions! You are the best partner I could have!"

Michael felt a little better. Yahweh also agreed with Ifrit. It wasn't a bad thing for Michael to be kind.

Yahweh would not blame or scold him just because his strongest child was kind. In fact, he was proud of his child.

"Thank you, partner," Michael returned to his kind expression. He felt a little better.

Yahweh smiled. " Being kind is not a weakness, it is an honor."

Michael smiled. He seemed to have regained his confidence.

Michael sat back in his chair to relax. After a while, Gabriel saw Michael and hugged him. Gabriel said cheerfully, "Michael, I missed you so much..!"

Michael stroked his sister's head. "I missed you too."

Gabriel looked at Michael with sparkling eyes. "Michael, is it true that you defeated all the Demon Kings alone!?"

Michael raised an eyebrow. He had no idea how the world found out about his battles with the Demon Kings.

Yahweh felt the same way. Someone must have known about this.

"Who could have seen it?" Yahweh put his hand on his chin. He thought for a while. He thought of a person. His eyes immediately lit up. "Ophis!"

He got up from his throne and disappeared.

As Yahweh left to find Ophis, Michael and Gabriel continued to talk.

Excitedly, Gabriel told Michael everything that had happened in his absence.

Michael listened to everything his sister said with a kind expression. He tousled Gabriel's hair. "Well done, Gabriel."

Gabriel purred like a cat. She was pleased with Michael's touch. Gabriel looked at Michael and said innocently, "Michael, now that our father has relaxed the rules, can't we get married too?"

Michael, His eyes became more ruthless than ever. Still, he said with a half-smile, "Yes, my sister."

"Michael, why do I feel a terrible aura from you?" Despite Michael's face, Gabriel saw the increasingly holy power around him and asked with curiosity.

Michael immediately restrained himself and looked at his sister. "No, it's your imagination."

Ifrit smirked slyly. "Siscon."

Michael didn't understand what Ifrit meant, but his instincts told him it was a bad thing.

Michael and Gabriel continued to talk for a while longer.

While Michael and Gabriel were talking, Yahweh was searching for Ophis in a specific location.

Then he arrived at the Dimensional Gap. Yahweh took out a compass. This compass could find something according to Yahweh's desires. When he arrived at the Dimensional Gap, the compass continued to move wildly.

Yahweh injected the compass with his holy power. He stabilized the compass. Shortly after, the compass pointed to Ophis's location. But still, it was giving errors.

It was pointing from one place to another, and eventually it shattered. Yahweh sighed. "This is the 321st time."

Yahweh was giving errors because there was no direction in the Dimensional Gap. Yahweh no longer wanted to stay.

"Why have you come?" As Yahweh wanted to leave, Ophis appeared behind Yahweh and asked.

Ophis appeared as a bearded, elderly man, not like the emotionless little girl in DxD. Now he looked like a grumpy old man.

"Ophis, who did you tell that Earth got this information?" Yahweh asked calmly.

"Rizevim Livan Lucifer," Ophis stated emotionlessly.

Yahweh nodded. Rizevim Livan Lucifer must have escaped from the Underworld because of Ophis. Yahweh was sure of the teleportation-blocking spell he cast on the Underworld.

Rizevim seemed to have joined forces with Ophis. Yahweh looked calmly at Ophis. This Dragon could never be killed.

"Did you give Rizevim one of your serpents?" Ophis nodded. He admitted it. Yahweh narrowed his eyes. He couldn't kill Ophis, but he could seal him.

Also, he possessed Samael's poison. He had a very powerful spear and the terrifying power of Solomon.

So, he wasn't worried about Ophis. He wasn't as powerful as Ophis with infinite Mana, but he was powerful enough to seal Trihexa.

So, he had no worries. He summoned his spear. He aimed it at Ophis's face. Then he began to release the poison inherited from Samael. "Ophis, I want you to know that if you aid our enemies, I will have to fight you."

Ophis looked at the spear. All his instincts felt like going crazy. He looked at the spear and hissed. His emotionless eyes showed emotion for the first time.

But suddenly the spear disappeared, and a cookie appeared in Yahweh's hand.

Ophis didn't care about Yahweh's threat. His eyes shifted to the newly baked cookie Yahweh brought out.

Yahweh softened his ruthless gaze and smiled gently. "If you do as I say, I'll give you some of these cookies."

Ophis opened his hands and asked for the cookie. Yahweh gave Ophis the cookie.

After eating the cookie, Ophis's eyes widened. According to Yahweh, he almost looked like a man having a heart attack.

If Ophis shown in the DxD Canon had been portrayed as a cute Gothic girl, it could have been sweet, but this Ophis was an old, bearded man. Naturally, he didn't find this older man who looked older than himself sweet.

[Author's note: A brief note about why Ophis is in the form of an old man will be mentioned. Before the canon, Ophis appeared as an old man, but after something happened, she turned into a little Gothic girl.]

"I want more." Ophis said emotionlessly.

Yahweh accepted Ophis's request. Then, they teleported to the 7th Heaven together. Yahweh and Ophis appeared in Heaven.

They arrived at Yahweh's Throne Room. Yahweh produced an unlimited Cookie Maker device as a security measure Ophis created to stop, and created a bucket full of cookies for Ophis.

Yahweh placed the cookies on a plate and handed it to Ophis.

Ophis took the plate and began to eat the cookies.

Yahweh silently watched Ophis eat the cookies.

After a while, Yahweh sensed a being wanting to enter the 7th Heaven. It was Gabriel.

Yahweh allowed her to enter.

Gabriel entered. She looked curiously at Ophis, who was eating cookies. "Father, who is this old man?"

Upon Gabriel's question, Yahweh calmly replied, "The Infinite Dragon God, Ophis."

Gabriel was immediately astonished. The entity before her was one of the most powerful beings.

"Ophis will stay in Heaven for a while, Gabriel. Don't worry, he is harmless." Yahweh stroked Gabriel's head. Gabriel relaxed. She looked curiously at Ophis.

Meanwhile, Ophis continued to silently eat cookies. When Yahweh saw him stroking Gabriel's head, he looked at Yahweh emotionlessly. "Stroke my head."

Yahweh looked at Ophis. It felt a bit strange to stroke the head of the old man who looked older than him "Alright, but you need to look the way I want."

Yahweh placed his index finger on Ophis's head and implanted the image of the Gothic Girl from DxD that he remembered into Ophis's mind.

After seeing the image Yahweh sent to him mind, Ophis began to change her form.

[Note from author: from now on Ophis will be "She" instead of "He".]

Ophis didn't know why he wanted this, but she accepted it. Her body was covered with a strange energy.

As Ophis changed her body, Yahweh watched with curiosity. He asked Solomon, "Solomon, analyze."

[The energy of the entity named Ophis is unidentifiable, Master.]

Yahweh stood disappointedly. He was very curious about how Ophis, an infinite being, was.

Anyway, soon the old man left, and in his place came Ophis, who looked like a little Gothic girl.

Seeing Ophis change, Yahweh approached and stroked Ophis's head.

Although Ophis didn't know the reason, she was pleased. Then she continued to eat cookies. She looked very sweet while eating cookies.

Gabriel recovered from the shock. She looked at the adorable Ophis, went beside her, and hugged her. She exclaimed excitedly, "So cute!!"

Ophis didn't mind Gabriel's hug and continued to eat cookies. Gabriel started eating cookies with Ophis.

Yahweh thought Ophis would be angry, but he was wrong. Ophis continued to eat cookies with Gabriel.

Yahweh felt they should be left alone. Then he left.

Gabriel and Ophis continued to eat cookies. Gabriel, feeling bored, started talking to Ophis. She asked questions one after another. Ophis seemed unaffected by Gabriel's questions.

"What is it like to be a being as old as my father!?"

"How old are you!?

"How powerful are you!?

Ophis answered all the questions. Thanks to the cookie maker Yahweh left behind, she had unlimited cookies.

Hours passed. Gabriel kept talking incessantly. Yahweh, who roamed the human world, returned to the 7th Heaven.

He smiled upon seeing Ophis and Gabriel. Then he looked at Gabriel. "Gabriel, slacking off isn't nice. Michael looks almost dead from overwork."

Yahweh thought of Michael, who almost continuously handled paperwork, and smiled.

Being a siscon, Michael, after taking over Gabriel's paperwork, worked almost like a dead man.

Yahweh thought if Michael continued like this a little longer, he might actually die. So he thought Gabriel should leave.

Gabriel scratched her cheek shyly. She didn't usually like paperwork. She constantly avoided her duties in Heaven because exploring Heaven was more fun.

Michael usually took care of the paperwork.

Gabriel looked at Ophis. She felt a friendship bond with the Gothic girl who always listened to her. Due to her status in Heaven, Gabriel couldn't usually speak to anyone on equal terms.

Talking to Ophis was very pleasant for her. Gabriel looked at Yahweh with puppy eyes. "Father, can't my new friend stay here too?"

Ophis looked at Gabriel emotionlessly and repeated, "Friend?"

Gabriel took Ophis's hands. She spoke excitedly. "Friends who stay together forever! Partners who are always by each other's side. This is something only those with the most beautiful bonds can have."

Gabriel explained the concept of "friends" to Ophis, which she learned from the books she brought from the human world.

One of the pleasures of Heaven for her was reading books from the human world.

Ophis looked at Gabriel. Some emotion stirred on her emotionless face. "Yes, we are friends."

Gabriel smiled excitedly. "Yes, we are friends."

Yahweh stood helplessly. Even if he told Ophis to go, Ophis wouldn't leave. So it was better for her to stay in Heaven. Moreover, she would gain a powerful ally.

"Well, Ophis can stay here. But on one condition. No neglecting duties." Yahweh stated gently.

Gabriel immediately nodded. She looked at Ophis. "Let's go, Ophis!! I want to show you my home!!"

Ophis allowed Gabriel to drag her along. Then the two of them left Yahweh's throne room.

Yahweh smiled as he thought of Gabriel and Ophis. Who would have thought that the most powerful woman in Heaven and one of the most powerful beings, Ophis, would become friends?

Then Gabriel began introducing Ophis to the entire Heaven.


In the underworld, things were still chaotic. With the deaths of demon kings, Rizevim Livan Lucifer's escape, and the Devil Civil War.

As the Devil Civil War started prematurely, Yahweh wanted to continue fighting against the Satan-Faction until the new Devil Kings grew up.

Despite the deaths of the Devil Kings, their children still possessed considerable power. Thus, Zekram Bael and the 72 Pillars would become weaker than before.

Not wanting this, Yahweh constantly attacked and kept half of Satan-Faction's forces busy. As a result, Satan Faction struggled to deal with the Anti-Satan-Faction.

Yahweh planned to maintain this situation for at least 60 years. After the new Devil kings, Serafall Sitri, Ajuka Astaroth, Falbium Glasya-Labolas, and Sirzerch Gremory grew up, he would begin part of his plans.

Once these four Devils received their titles, Yahweh would arrange a peace table. If things went as planned, both Underworld and Heaven would be under his influence.

After establishing a strong relationship with the fallen angels, he would solidify his position as the leader of the three groups.

Yahweh smiled. He would begin some of his plans for 500 years. His plans were so comprehensive that would even outwit Aizen.

[Author's note: There will be a 60-year time skip after this chapter.]