
DxD: God of Greed

The MC gets reincarnated in DxD as an Asura, a branch of Hindu Gods who are in opposition to the Deva's. He will rise in strength in the world while living as he wished as he takes the form of Augus from Asura's Wrath as he shares the Gods views a bit and then shows the supernatural world his powers as the God of Greed. ################## This will be a DxD R18 fanfic so it will contain sex and the like though there will be plot. I wanted to write DxD characters into this due to how beautiful the women are there and I also liked Augus from Asura's Wrath and he perfectly fit the bill. So hope you enjoy this.

Lust_Demon_Samael · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 2

A grown up child of the couple who looks like Asura now is punched by a fellow teenager from his tribe as he skid back a bit before he dashed and punched him and sent him back with great force. He then dashed and grabbed the disoriented boy and flipped him over his shoulder and slammed him on the ground as he gave a toothy grin.

"You have to be better if you want to defeat me!" The Asura lookalike said with a grin.

Only to be punched again as he staggered a bit before he looked at his attacker to be another teenager of his tribe while he is flanked by his group as they got into fighting stance as he smirked in anticipation.

"Come on then! Show me what a warrior of our clan can do!" He shouted as they all attacked him.

The Reincarnated Asura punched one, flipped another over his shoulder, threw another, kicked another, used another's body to protect himself, grabbed the leg of another and used him like a bat before throwing him at his friends before laughing all the while.

"Time to go to sleep!" The reincarnator said as he grabbed one by their waist and was about to slam their head on the ground.

"Aniket! Stop!" The voice of his mother Arya stopped him and the rest of the boys as they looked at her.

Arya, the reincarntor Aniket's mother is looking at him with a frown causing him to sweat a bit as he placed his fellow tribesmen down.

"Come here right now." Arya said to him with a glare.

"Coming." Aniket said before he walked towards his mother.

The other teenagers just gave him words of encouragement as he passed them as they decided to take a rest.

Aniket looks just like Asura with his brown skin and white hair except that he has Augus's markings and red eyes. He walked and stood in front of him mother who is looking cross with him.

"What is it mom?" Aniket asked her.

"Do you remember where you have to go today?" Arya asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhhhh, to a celebration by the tribe of Virochana?" Aniket said to her.

"That's correct but what kind of celebration?" Arya asked him.

"Uhh, a feast?" Aniket said nervously.

Which got him a flaming punch to his left cheek courtesy of his mother which sent him flying to his right as he hit a tree which broke from the impact while smoke came from his cheek and his mother's fist as she has an angry face while her eyes are twitching as the flame like energy surrounding her hand went away.

Aniket's father Maurya who was just a bit away from them saw the scene and seeing his wife's angry face did a quick u-turn and went the other way as if he hadn't seen his own son being clobbered by his wife.

'When she is like this it's better to stay away until she cools down.' Maurya thought to himself before he walked away while looking at the mountains which he had no doubt seen a lot of times.

'Mom's Divine Aura is still impressive.' Aniket thought to himself as he got up and rubbed his cheek.

Then his ear was pulled by his mother as he winced in pain as she has an angry face.

"Many young warriors from many of the Asura tribes in Patal-lok will be coming there to show their prowess. You are one of the three chosen by the tribe to fight there. You can't exhaust your strength by fighting here." Arya said to him.

"But mom, we're just playing." Aniket whined to her.

"You were literally throwing them around and using one as a stick! I do not call that playing around! Now take a bath and get ready with your armor and ornaments and make our tribe proud." Arya said to him as she let him go.

"Fine fine." Aniket said with a sigh as she crouched on the ground.

"I said go!" Arya said before kicking him away.

"Gah!" Aniket shouted before he fell face first on the ground and landed in front of his house.

'This still hurts.' Aniket thought to himself as he raised his head.

Some of the girls of his age giggled at the plight of the boy before he glared at them causing them to run away in fear. Then he got up and went inside his house to get a bath. After that was done he dressed in white while wearing armor on his forearms, chest armor, and his calfs

He walked out of his house and joined the other two boys as the tribesman wished them luck in their fight. His mother gave him her wishes as well as he gladly took them.

"And don't embarrass us." Arya said with a smile while her eyes glowed.

"Right." Aniket said nervously.

'Even if I am strong I can't just seem to oppose my mom.' Aniket thought to himself.

"Let us depart. I hope that you three will show the others the power of our tribe." The chieftain said before looking at his own son who is standing in the middle of the group with Aniket to his right.

"Yes chief!" The three said in unison.

Then the chieftain alongwith the three boys, their fathers and four soldiers departed from the place while the rest of their tribe gave them their wishes for the battle.

'Anyway, this competition will help me get more stronger and might also help my craving for a good fight.' Aniket thought to himself as he walked with his father.

Aniket in his previous life was a boy who didn't have much freedom as his parents had a set of rules which he had to follow and while he had wanted to fight, which is something that he craved, he wasn't able to do it. Which was also the reason he chose to become an Asura because they are said to her quite chaotic. He had trainer ever since he was able to walk and has become a very strong and capable warrior of his tribe. He hoped that this trip to the celebration would help in his craving.