
DxD: Dragons, Monsters, Me and Magical World.

I hadn't been overly special in my first life. When I'd died, I'd expected nothingness - oblivion. Instead, I rose again with the powers of a phoenix in a world of magic, monsters, and all-powerful Dragon Gods. If I wanted to avoid dying again, I would have to use everything at my disposal. This story will keep you engaged till the end. If you want to know well, you should add this book to your library and read it.

Real2024 · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs

Chapter 59 my king.

"Then I will take the field and combat his foes as if they were my own. One last battle, my friend!" Lancelot strode through the opening of the tunnel, the cloak adorning his shoulders billowing in the wind as he strode forth. Arondight was held firmly before him, both his hands gripping its hilt.

Yubelluna, Clarissa, Kalawarner and I just stared after him in shock. None of us knew quite how to react to what had just transpired.

"Um…do we even need to fight with him here?" Kalawarner spoke up. "I really don't see how they could–"

"Welsh Dragon! Balance Breaker!" a deep, powerful voice echoed across the arena.

My jaw fell open as I turned to look at the monitors on the wall. Floating above the trees on the opposite side of the ravine was a red-armored figure with dark silver wings.

Issei had unlocked the Balance Breaker. Issei had unlocked the Balance Breaker.

That shouldn't have been possible! Didn't it take him over a year to do it in canon?

A second figure flew up next to Issei. Alivian, still wearing his butler's uniform, nodded minutely to Issei then began to change. His body stretched at unnatural angles. His joints popped and reformed. His head stretched as large fangs grew in place of his teeth. In moments, the butler's form had become that of a four story tall, dark-scaled dragon. He reared his head back, and his roar was so powerful it shook the earth beneath my feet even so far removed from him as I was.

I didn't know when, but at some point Yubelluna, Clarissa and Kalawarner had approached and were watching the screens over my shoulder.

Kalawarner started chuckling nervously. "Well, at least it can't get any…worse…"

A third figure had appeared. Issei's armored form floated to the right of Alivian's. The new arrival flew to the left of Alivian. It was the knight we had seen when Seekvaira had challenged me to a Rating Game, only that was a horrendously inept description.

The brown haired girl was not holding the longsword I'd seen at her hip last time. In her hands was a long, curved blade that I recognized. It was Harpe.

Seekvaira had said Harpe wasn't hers to give. She'd already given the blade to her knight.

As if that wasn't jarring enough, the knight was not flying under her own power. She sat atop a steed whose fur was the color of a starless midnight sky. Two great, feathered wings held the horse and its rider aloft as they beat rhythmically against the air.

"Pegasus." Clarissa whispered in disbelief.

"I mean…Yeah. It's a flying horse." Kalawarner said, obviously even more nervous than a moment ago.

Clarissa shook her head, her eyes wide as she disbelievingly touched the screen in front of her. "No. That's Pegasus. The original that all others were named after."

"Oh." Kalawarner said dumbly as we all stared at the monitor. "Well, at least it can't–"

Kalawarner's voice was muffled as Yubelluna slapped a hand over her mouth. My queen leaned close to the former Fallen and, in a voice like a serpent's hiss, said, "You will not say anything resembling those words ever again. Not during the Rating Game. Not after it is concluded. Never."

Kalawarner nodded with wide, terrified eyes, her mouth still covered by Yubelluna's hand.

"Who the fuck are these two? How the hell do they…I mean…one minute until the battle starts. Larry, why didn't you tell me the microphone was–"

"The Red Dragon Emperor and Alivian are too powerful to defeat unless you bring all of your strength to bear against them." I said quickly, forcing my mind out of its state of disbelief and falling into a state of mind that let me assess the problems I was faced with. "Leave Alivian to Lancelot. He should be able to hold him off or outright defeat him. In the meantime, I am changing my previous orders. Do not, I repeat, do not attack Issei. Go after the knight and eliminate her as fast as you can. I don't know what all Pegasus can do, but we need to eliminate her before we have a chance to find out. Issei, as terrifying as he is, is a known quantity. Someone will likely have to stall him while you deal with the knight. Lancelot should be able to deal with Alivian on his own." Issei would have too much time to boost with my current plan, but I couldn't send my peerage to focus him down while the knight was still mobile. Riding Pegasus, she'd be able to dash in and out of their group with impunity unless she was taken out immediately.

A deep chiming sound echoed across the field. The start of the battle had been signaled.

"Follow me!" Yubelluna said to my bishop and pawn, wings exploding from her back. She looked me in the eyes and said, "We will not fail, my king."

The three of them burst out of the cave, taking to the sky.

I turned back to the monitor and watched as Seekvaira's peerage began flying forward together.

The Rating Game of the century had begun.


In the Waiting Area…

Ruval Phenex had yet to be able to pick his jaw up off the floor. After applying a Phenex Tear to Valerie and leaving her lying on the couch under Zissa's supervision to rest, he stared slack-jawed at the large viewing screen in front of him.

Ruval couldn't believe his little brother had somehow managed to summon Lancelot, greatest of the knights of the round table. Not only was Lancelot currently in the arena, but he had agreed to fight on Riser's side. It was…beyond unbelievable.

"Ruval?" Zissa said as she stepped up beside him, her eyes locked on the monitor. "Is this…this is real, right?"

Ruval could do nothing but nod numbly, watching as Seekvaira's peerage arranged themselves in a line, The Red Dragon Emperor and a devil astride the Pegasus flanking a large, european dragon.

"How?" Ruval said breathlessly, not expecting an answer. "How did two teenagers gather such impressive peerages? We've faced lords who were hundreds of years old that would resign in the face of either force. They both have Longinus wielders for Satan's sake! It took us decades to find Xantha. How the fuck!"

"I don't know." Zissa said, falling silent as the bells tolled the start of the battle.

[Sorry guys for the late update, My device was damaged,All files were vanished from the device.]

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