
Chapter 51 This is your last chance

Kalawarner's breathing grew erratic, but she maintained her silence.

I shrugged. "I guess that's that. I'll have Serafall drop you on Earth. After that, you're on your–"

"I'm a weapon!" Kalawarner blurted out, the surprise on her face showing she didn't know why she was talking.

I looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Kalawarner's breathing was coming in huffs and puffs now, the blue-haired Fallen seemed to be on the verge of hyperventilating. "I was a weapon. Even when I was a pure angel I only ever existed to fight. I was given a target and told to kill or be killed. Is it any surprise I started to enjoy my work and fell when I became sadistic?" Kalawarner was slowly increasing in volume as she spoke, her shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she took small steps towards me. "I thought I'd finally found a home in the Grigori, but even among other Fallen I couldn't fit in. I was either too focused on my job or not lazy enough. There was no pleasing any of them, so I just kept doing what I did best – I killed. I killed and killed and killed and killed and killed! Was it ever enough? No! I am tired of being a weapon! I am tired of doing what is expected of me and still not being good enough! So tell me, Riser, will I not be a weapon again? Your weapon? Can you promise me that? Or are you just the same fucking bastard with a different pair of wings!" Her last words were bellowed right in my face. She'd closed the distance between us during her tirade and was now close enough that she could create a light spear right through my chest if she wanted to.

Looking the fuming woman in the eye, I said, "Would you have to fight in my peerage? Yes. Would I expect you to kill my enemies? Most definitely. Am I the same as those pricks that work their people to the bone then complain when they have no muscles left to work with? No, and fuck you for saying so." That actually seemed to get through to Kalawarner if her shocked blink was anything to go by. "Let me tell you something about leadership. Actual leadership, not what your arrogant dickhead of a boss passes for it. If you're supposed to lead someone, to tell them what to do and when to do it, you had better be doing twice what you're asking them to do." Now Kalawarner just looked confused.

"When I was banished, do you know what the first thing I did was? I traded away the single most valuable thing I'd ever possess to make sure my peerage had a place to sleep. Every night while my peerage sleeps, I push my regeneration into overdrive to rest my body while I train. And every day I eat breakfast with them, I don't let the cramps my regeneration couldn't fix show. I don't let myself yawn because then they'd know something was wrong. Soon, I'll be asking them to face down your psychotic boss, and I need to make sure I'm equipped to see them through it. That is the kind of bastard I am, Kalawarner. I'm the bastard doing everything in his fucking power to make sure I don't let my people down, but still afraid he'll fail anyway. Now that that's answered, what kind of bitch are you? The kind who blames everything and everyone but themselves for their problems, or the kind who grits her teeth and comes back swinging, to hell with the consequences?"

Kalawarner was stone-faced as my words washed over her. "I'm the kind of bitch that kills my problems."

"Really? Because what I saw when I walked in here was a frightened little girl who was just waiting for the end. You say you kill your problems? Then what are you waiting for? Kill them." I goaded her.

Kalawarner sharply exhaled out her nose, her eyes boring holes into mine. "You said you'll be fighting Kokabiel. Will you take me with you?"

"I'll take my peerage with me, but I'm not going to reincarnate you for the sole purpose of fighting Kokabiel. If you just want to fight him, I'm sure Serafall can work something out with you."

Growling, she said, "I will not be the Satan's fodder. If you help me take Kokabiel's head, I will serve you for all time."

I shook my head, saying, "Okay. It's clear I'm not getting through to you. I'm not accepting conditions here. Either you accept my authority, regardless of whether or not we kill Kokabiel, or I walk. I can promise you safety, a home, allies, and freedom to live your own life when I don't need you, but I offer nothing else. If that is not agreeable to you, then we're done here."

"You would deny me revenge?" she practically snarled, spit flying from her mouth.

"You need to move on." I said, stalling her rage. "Take it from someone else who recently lost everything he ever had. I would be dead if I'd thrown myself about trying to get even. Instead, I'm in the best position I've ever been in. Leave all that bullshit behind and live. You're a Fallen Angel, immortal. You have time to get over it and make your own life."

I held up a finger and conjured a flame atop it, causing her to dart backwards, but she wasn't my target. The flame snaked off my finger through the bars of the cell. It flowed into the lock and molded into the shape of the tumblers. I hardened it into a makeshift key and turned the lock. The door swung open moments later. "I'm done with this conversation." I said, walking to the door. I turned to face her as I reached the threshold. "This is your last chance. If you want to join my peerage, I'll welcome you with open arms, but you leave everything from before behind you and start a new life. If you can't do that, I'll talk to Serafall and see if she can find a way for you to end up in a deathmatch with Kokabiel."

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