
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Ch 13

At this time, Ryuhei walked to the abandoned church at the back of the hill. Recently he discovered that there are a few small crows nesting in the abandoned church. The abandoned church is not in the territory that Rias administers. He was pretty sure she knew nothing about this crow's nest.

Currently Ryuhei needs some EXP-chan to level up. Now Ryuhei has reached level 99. He only needed to level up one more level to reach Tier 4 as well as his race evolution.

When Ryuhei went to the church, he saw the white-haired exorcist. The exorcist looked a bit surprised by Ryuhei's visit. He mumbled a few nonsense things before he let out a maniacal smile.

"Who are you, did you come here to pray about your mistakes ?. Even when I'm far away from you, I can still smell the devil." That was all the exorcist said before Ryuhei appeared in front of him and punched him in the stomach. The exorcist vomited blood before he was sent flying over the back wall.

"You're a dog ? you can smell the devil on me." Ryuhei scoffed and continued walking. He didn't even care if this little exorcist was dead or not.

He used his senses to locate the crows. Ryuhei broke the altar, revealing a basement. He slowly walked down the stairs. When he got there, he saw a blonde girl chained to a cross. He glanced at the group of exorcists and a few small crows. The first impression when Ryuhei saw this scene was that it looked like some kind of pagan ritual.

Fallen angels looked on with surprised expressions but they quickly understood what was going on.

"You bastard, who are you? How dare you interrupt my work." The black-haired fallen angel yelled. Meanwhile Ryuhei just sighed at her cliché words.

' The familiar saying of suspicious people. ' Ryuhei thought before summoning a spear that was crimson like blood. He immediately rushed in to begin slaughtering the mob. All the priests pulled out their guns and started shooting. Meanwhile, the four fallen angels create spears of light and throw them at him.

Ryuhei wondered if the priests were serious. Apparently they noticed the difference in power and they only pulled out their . Ryuhei spun his spear like a propeller to repel the bullets and the spear of light.

Every time he swung or stabbed his spear, blood and flesh flew everywhere. Ryuhei slaughtered all the exorcists and then turned to the four fallen angels.

"You are only a human, how dare you attack such superior beings as us". The blonde fallen angel shouted.

Ryuhei immediately moved behind her. He grabbed her crow's wings and tore them off.

"KYYYAAAAAA" She let out a cry of pain as he ripped off her black wings. The rest of the fallen angels rushed in only for Ryuhei to do the same before killing them.

Then he approached the cross that chained the blonde girl. He didn't know what to do with this unconscious girl. Ryuhei decided to take her out of the church and then called Rias to deal with it.

Not long after that, he felt the presence of four devils. This devil group is none other than Rias and the members of her peerage.

"What's wrong, Ryuhei? " Rias asked.

"Well, I found a bunch of fallen angels here. They were doing some kind of shady ritual with this girl. " He said and pointed at the blonde.

"Where are those fallen angels? " Akeno asked curiously.

"I killed them along with the lost exorcists. I discovered this suspicious group yesterday."

"Did you fight them? Are you injured anywhere? " Rias said worriedly then she went around Ryuhei to check if he was injured or not.

"As if some random fallen angels could hurt me. Anyway, your boyfriend is very strong. No need to worry ." He then kissed Rias lightly on the lips and did the same to Akeno. Ryuhei turned to look at the white-haired loli and said. "Koneko, do you want me to kiss you? "

"No, perverted Senpai. "Koneko immediately replied.

"Oh okay, I'll leave now. I have a few things to check. Can you guys clean this up for me? " said Ryuhei before leaving.

"Okay, we'll take care of these." Rias replied, then she continued talking." Koneko and Kiba will check inside the church. Akeno take care of that girl."


After Ryuhei returned home, he quickly checked his status board. Now he has leveled up. Enough for him to evolve to level 400 .

Name: Ryuhei Yamazaki.

Race : Arch Demon King .

Level : 400 ( Tier 4 )

Skills :

[ Sojutsu - level 9/10 ]

[ Flying - level 10/10 ]

[Blue Flame Manipulation - level 6/10 ]

[ Manipulating red lightning - level 7/10 ]

[ telekinesis - Level 4/10 ]

[Demon King Aura - Level 7/10 ]

[ Death eyes - Level 6/10 ]

[ Charm - 9/10 ]

[Transfiguration -8/10 ]

[ Spider Silk - level 8/10 ]

He then continued to examine his open body until a familiar voice spoke above his head.

[Ryuhei-kun . Congratulations on getting to Tier 4. I'll give you a present.] The goddess he worshiped suddenly appeared and kissed him on the forehead. Just then a black box hovered in front of him. Ryuhei took the box and opened it, inside it was black chess pieces.

[ This is my gift for you . I took the idea from this world's Evil Pieces to create it. it has the same mechanics as Evil Pieces but at the same time is very different so I will call it Chaos Pieces. ]