
DxD: Child of Shadow

You ever seen that one anime obsessed with tits and dragons? Well, if you squint very carefully you might see some edgy kid who always wears sunglasses. That’s me, Connla… and somehow, it’s turned out a lot better than I expected. A DxD story featuring a classical hero, one who doesn’t give a shit about moral dilemmas or self righteousness, just monster slaying, boobs, bitches, and beer! And runes, lots of runes. Expect Celtic and Norse themed build. Join the discord, at https://discord.gg/AMyqBN2 [Self Insert/SI]

theMadLad · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Valkyrie’s Resolve

Child of Shadow

Chapter 8 - Valkyrie's Resolve

By theMadLad


That was all Rossweisse could think as she finished watching Connla battle her senior, Brynhildr.

He was so strong.

She had thought he was powerful during the battle with the Curruid, but it seems that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Brynhildr was an insurmountable mountain always present in her mind, someone who she would never be able to defeat in her lifetime—that was her senior, the greatest valkyrie who earned the name of Brynhildr.

…and Connla played with her as if she was a child.

Every bombardment of Connla's flaming cone bombs, every shield of Brynhildr's broken, and every hopeless gaze her senior made pounded into her heart as if it was struck by Mjölnir itself. Doubts clouded her mind as she questioned everything she knew. Was her senior really so great? Why did she believe that she could never live up to her senior's strength?

Every memory she had together with her senior—even all the other valkyries were brought to the forefront of her mind as well.

Why did she try so hard to get their approval? The memories of staying up so late that she would collapse on her desk, or training so hard that her hands would bleed came to mind.

She didn't inherit a magic crest, and was forced to learn everything herself. But, instead of feeling pride at such an achievement, why did she always feel like a failure regardless? Connla didn't inherit some magic crest—and yet he made Brynhildr feel completely hopeless.

Did her efforts truly matter in the first place?

Rossweisse shook her head with shaking hands, she had worked so hard all her life and couldn't allow herself to believe it was a waste.

She needed answers.

So, as she watched Brynhildr be teleported out of the arena in the wake of Connla's victory, she ignored the inquiries of those in the room and stepped out to head towards the healing room.

It took her some time to arrive there, as the halls and corridors along the way were filled to the brim with people loitering around in excitement after watching the previous match. Not that she could blame them, as Connla truly drew a spectacle.

Her heart picked up pace as she remembered the magic circle he used when lighting the cones aflame—it was her magic circle, the one she had poured years of study into the creation of.

Seeing Connla use it after their brief heart-to-heart and promise the previous night made her feel all fluttery inside, a feeling which doubled when she watched the magic it was used to cast eviscerate Brynhildr's shields.

Eventually she exited her thoughts as she arrived at the medical room deep within Thor's Stadium, she was thankfully able to avoid any check-ins due to her fame and recognizability as Odin's assistant within Asgard.

She entered the room only to find it empty except for an unconscious Brynhildr resting on a bed inside, it seemed everyone who had helped her had already left. She pulled over a chair before sitting down on it at her senior's bedside.

"...Rossweisse?" Her senior's eyes fluttered awake as she spoke with a dazed voice while bringing a hand over her aching head. Rossweisse grabbed her senior's free hand in comfort as she awoke.

"Senior… can we talk?" She spoke lightly as she looked into Brynhildr's eyes.

"H-huh? Yes, we can talk." Brynhildr stuttered slightly due to her dazed state before quickly pulling herself together and speaking to Rossweisse with clear eyes. She could see the doubts swimming in Rossweisse's erratic eyes and was curious to her reasons.

Rossweisse looked up with tears glistening her eyes as she finally spoke the worries that had filled her heart all these years, "Do you and the other Valkyries hate me?"

Bynhildr was stunned at her words but was unable to reply as Rossweisse pushed on, "I-I tried so hard to study and c-catch up to you all… but I only ended up being laughed at." She hung her head low as she finished speaking, with her voice cracking between words and tears flowing freely from her eyes.

She remembered that the jabs the valkyries would speak would only further shrivel up her bleeding heart, with each slight bringing up the memories of disappointment on her parents' face when she was revealed to be incompatible with her family's magic crest.

Brynhildr was shocked at her words and quickly pulled her into a hug. While she and the other Valkyries often teased Rossweisse, they seemed to underestimate how much their words affected her. They had forgotten that they weren't like Rossweisse, as they had inherited their family's crest and had no sense of insecurity towards themselves.

But Rossweisse was different.

Her whole world revolved around her circumstances, she lacked any friends to truly express herself with and viewed herself as a disappointment towards her parents who were always busy and away from home.

The only person she had was her grandmother, and even then, that was difficult as she didn't want to worry her too much. So she threw herself into her studies, desperate to make something of herself—something that she could be proud of for once in her life.

It caused her studies and success to weigh so heavily in her mind that she didn't realize that it was mostly all in her own head. It was one of the reasons she had so quickly latched onto Connla, as he was as much an escape for her as he was a support.

She simply craved for someone to be there for her more than anything.

Brynhildr held her tight as she responded, "I'm sorry." She apologized for not realizing how much her words impacted her before continuing, "And no, of course I don't hate you."

She backed up from her hug and squeezed one of Rossweisse's cheeks with a soft smile and clear eyes, "If anything, I admire you Rossweisse. I admire how much dedication you put into your work and in everything you do. It made me have to try harder not to let you catch up, as I didn't want to disappoint you—I want to be the senior you look up to afterall."

She then pulled the stunned Rossweisse into a tight hug full of warmth, "The days I spent teaching you are some of my fondest memories, so don't doubt yourself. You make me and the others very proud."

They sat like that for some time, hugging each other in silence as Rossweisse's quiet sobs rang out from within Brynhildr's arms.

After some time, they eventually let go of each other as Rossweisse pulled herself together and realized something she neglected earlier, "I-I'm so sorry senior, here I am b-bothering you when you should be healing!"

Brynhildr held a hand up to her mouth as she gave off a teasing chuckle filled with mirth, "H~eh? Don't you know your hero paid me a little visit before you arrived?"

"Eh? Connla was here?" Rossweisse asked in surprise, to which Brynhildr responded with a nod while bringing her arm out, as wrapped around it was a faint branch that connected to the floor below.

"Yes, although I was still unconscious at the time. Apparently after the match he arrived here and sprouted this little branch from the ground and connected it to me. I can still feel it working even now, it seems to grant me energy and healing." She spoke while moving her arm up and down to display the branch before speaking her next words with envy in her tone, "You truly found yourself a hero Rossweisse, one that can even best me with ease."

Rossweisse became shy at her words, but still wanted to comfort her senior regardless, "I'm sure one day you will find one of your own."

Brynhildr shook her head with an empty laugh, "I am getting too old for those fantasies, I am already in my thirties. There is no need to comfort me, I have finally come to accept that I am not so lucky."

Rossweisse simply gave her a comforting hug in return. The Valkyries had long filled their heads with romanticized fantasies of one day finding their own hero to watch over and love. It had become a tradition at this point, passed from each generation of Valkyries to the next, but those fortunate enough to find one were few and far between.

They all wished to emulate their ancestors, the original Valkyries created by Odin, and have their own 'Einherjar' to ferry over into Valhalla.

…It was kind of a shared fetish between all the Valkyries in a way, similar to how a princess locked in a castle wishes for a hero to save her. Normally this wouldn't be much of a problem for them… but this was an era without heroes—without men who went out to challenge the impossible.

The Age of Heroes had come and gone, now anyone worthy of the title appeared at most once a generation. Which left those yearning Valkyries all alone… with no one for them to watch over.

It was a sad reality for them.

All except for Rossweisse.

"D-did you two really k-k-k-kiss?" Brynhildr asked with a blush so heavy that it made any thought at her more usual serious demeanor laughable.

"Y-yes." Rossweisse replied with the same ruddy luck, but one that had a hint of smugness never seen before on her face. Because she came to the realization that she finally beat her teacher in something, she was the senior now!

"H-h-how did it feel?"


So, as two Virgin Valkyries bonded over their inability to touch grass, Rossweisse realized that she didn't need to prove herself to anyone.

She wouldn't allow those thoughts to hold her back anymore.

She had finally decided to move forward thanks to the support that Connla had given her. She smiled as she looked over towards the branch he left for her senior, even now he had supported her, as without that branch, Brynhildr wouldn't even have woken up yet.

The thought of which made her realize that... she didn't know all too much about Connla.

But, she didn't want it to stay that way. Unlike the teasing jabs of her fellow Valkyries which made her heart shrivel with sadness and insecurity, the teases from Connla made it swell with joy and shyness.

She didn't want it to end.

She wanted to see where this rabbit hole she had thrown herself into led… even if she had to jump in head first.


It was some time later that she entered the celebration area of Thor's Stadium, taking each step with steady resolve.

She had decided—she didn't want to be a maid anymore.

She wanted to follow her hero instead.

As she entered inside the large hall packed to the brim with people, food, and alcohol, she was stunned as she came across a massive line of people all chanting the same rhythmic song.

"""~Soon may the wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum~!"""

T-those voices, she recognized them! There were dozens of people all lined up shoulder to shoulder singing a sea shanty—was that Connla?!

She could see it, at the front of the line Connla was shoulder to shoulder with Thor and Baldur! They were all leaning back while cheering with beer in their hands, """~One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go~!"""

Rossweisse's jaw dropped further as she watched a man with long white hair pass by her while singing together with everyone else in line. Was that L-Loki?!

She shook her head while holding a hand to her heart in order to calm herself down. Then, after taking a deep breath, she continued onward through the hall, towards a small corner where she saw Odin sitting down while watching the events with a pipe in his mouth.

He turned towards her as she approached with amused eyes, "Oh… Rossweisse? Not planning on joining your boyfriend?"

She almost tripped from his words before correcting herself with a blush. She then stood in front of with her back straight and a pout on her face, "Lord Odin, I don't want to be your maid anymore! Y-you barely pay me any money, and I can't take your p-perverted antics any longer!"

Odin tilted his head as his gaze became serious, freezing Rossweisse in her place. She felt so nervous from his change in demeanor that she missed the twinkle of amusement hidden deep within his eyes.

He leaned his head forward as he held it up with his fist while resting his elbows on his legs, "…What are you trying to say Rose?"

She gulped, but held firm. She had already resolved herself for this moment and wouldn't let him scare her! "I-I want to follow Connla instead! I want to stay by his side from now on!" She spoke clearly with a blush tinting her face from the words.

Odin was about to reply but then they were interrupted as a woman suddenly pinched Rossweisse's cheeks with a squee of excitement, "Odin I can't take it anymore, stop teasing her—she is just too cute!"

Rossweisse looked up to see a beautiful woman with blonde hair braided into an exquisite design, the lady had a curvy and youthful form that was clearly outlined by her thin white dress. She recognized the woman as someone she had often interacted with as Odin's secretary, "B-bwah! L-lady Freya p-pwease let go!"

Odin smiled fondly as he watched them, with the scene reminding him of the time Baldur was still a babe being teased by his overprotective wife, Frigg. He gave a sad sigh at the thought before digging in his pocket for a small item.

"I had expected this day to happen eventually." He then brought a small hand to pat Rossweisse's head with fondness, "Make sure to do a good job as his Valkyrie little one."

He then brought up a small ring before placing it in her hand with a hidden smirk, "Here is one of the Draupnir Rings, give it to Connla when you have the chance."

Rossweisse gave a shy nod and bowed, "T-thank you for everything Lord Odin." She never expected him to care so much for her, but it still made her feel warm nonetheless. Odin simply waved her off with a grin as Rossweisse left to go meet Connla.

It was nice to see things go so well. Odin had actually been hoping for such an outcome for some time now. He had first heard of Connla due to a hunch he had towards the inquiries of his 'sponsor.' He grinned a bit at how badly his interference had ruined any of her plans.

Ever since then, he had kept an eye out for Connla, frequently sending Huginn and Muninn to watch over him and report back. Someone of that much talent was invaluable for any faction, which was why he tried so hard to tie them together.

Now through Connla, he had not only gotten a firmer alliance with the Celtics but also another heavy hitter to help combat the troubles he had been divinating recently for the future.

"Did you have to tease her so much?" Freya asked from the side with a sigh.

Odin gave a face that completely hid any internal worries towards the next few years and simply replied with a grin, "Could you blame me? Even among the Valkyries, her reactions are the best!"

Freya couldn't help but agree.

"Heh, now watch this—it's gonna be great." Odin spoke as he pointed towards the center of a crowd where Rossweisse was speaking to the standing Connla.

"T-take this ring." Rossweisse spoke without ceremony as she held it out to Connla.

"…Rose, are you proposing to me?" Connla asked with a strange face, but even Odin from so far back could see the light blush on his face at Rossweisse's easily misinterpreted action.

"H-h-h-hahh!? N-no, this ring allows you to summon the bifrost—N-not, t-that I would m-mind—!" She stammered to reply with a nuclear blush, even her head started to smoke due to how much she was heating up as she realized that everyone was watching them.

"Hahaha!" Both Odin and Freya laughed as they watched, "I told you it was great, didn't I?!"


Author's Notes

Phew, finally finished. Sorry for the late update, been having arm pains as well as being busy. Hope you enjoyed it, I wanted to develop Rossweisse a bit more this chapter.

Now she has left Odin and is going to travel with Connla as he soon leaves Asgard! Leave some powerstones if you enjoyed, and some comments, comments make me happy!

Join the discord at, https://discord.gg/AMyqBN2

I am also now on the Shiro's Gaming Omniverse discord server, so you can find me there as well!