
DxD: A Fallen Sorcerer

This is the story of the life of a reincarnated man who committed suicide after being fed up as the last alive human. He ended up in the world of dxd. Or did he? ........ PS. this story is unfinished and the only reason I'm publishing that is because a reader asked me to continue my other work but I have exams so I'm releasing this thing that I wrote months ago. If this does really well I'll continue that after examination too.

Poppie_1356 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs




It was weird talking to a kid who could very well kill me if he wishes to. It's seen and known about many of the anomalies in the underworld but most of them are descendants of a powerful noble family or descendants of some hero. So this kid's parents may be someone powerful. Considering his lineage, one of his parents may very well be one of the leaders in the Grigory.

Which is bad news for us, Devils.

Grigory is already stronger than both us and the angels. Due to their technological advancements and the ability to reproduce without a problem.

The original… God was really a hypocrite. How come us devils are punished like this yet the fallen angels received no such punishments? We can't even think or say of his name but they can use holy magic? Then what's the point of banishing them? Make goth angels?

Grigory is already strong due to the variety of sacred gear users and many hybrids. It's to be expected considering how lax and carefree their leader is compared to the rest of the biblical faction. The devils have casteism and the angels suffer with low population and can't even control the church, which should be under their control.

"And my issue too…" I sighed out loudly.

I'm already walking on eggshells after accidentally knowing about the 'king pieces' and how most of the top players in the rating games are using that to cheat. The old satan faction and the great king faction both know that I know which is bad news.

Right now they're just waiting for a reason to send their force to Kuho to assassinate me in the guise of support. That's why I was so nervous when the curse appeared suddenly out of nowhere.

"My lady." I looked at Maria who just came out of the lift.

"Did you safely drop him?"

"Yes." Good, there weren't any issues. Making the sorcerer's angry is now the last thing I want.


"No way! I won't go to school!" I held on to my pillow tightly as mom tried to pull it away.

"I thought you were ok with me not going to school"

"I was. Until you decided to go on a 'trip' to Kuho to exorcise a curse since you were bored."

"It's not like I got hurt or anything" I shrugged. If anything, I just showed off in front of them.

"Do you know how dangerous it was? Kuho is the hub of devils, if they found out about your identity as a fallen-angel it would cause trouble."

Yikes, it's already too late then I guess?

"*Yawn* Danger? They wouldn't even be able to touch me." I'm getting sleepy, I shouldn't have binged all of Lord of the rings all night. But it was worth it and now I have a fetish for elves.

"You are just like your father" She bonked my head.

"Is that a complement?"

"No. I hate it, that's why I'm gonna send you to school so that you'll at least learn some manners." She pulled me.

 Do you really think I won't just mind-control everyone there?

"You're just skipping responsibility."

"Gaslighting me is not gonna work Satoru."

"But it is true though, aren't my you and gramps supposed to teach me that?" Checkmate.

She looked at me and sighed, "If I could have, we wouldn't be having this conversation and your grandfather is sometimes worse than you."

That's true, I can't disagree.

"Really?" I asked her about that in genuine confusion. 

She smiled and sat on the bed, "I was about 8 or 9 back then. My mom, your grandma and my dad had a fight and guess why did they fight?"

"Did he hit her or something?"

"No!" She shouted and looked at me with a shocked face. "You think he's that worse?"

"No. it was just a guess." Not that I would be surprised if he did, I've seen how some old farts treat female servants here. They still think having balls means superiority which is stupid considering Izanami and Amaterasu are both females.

"He didn't do anything like that, I don't know what he was thinking but he decided that it would be a good idea to mix up every alcoholic drink in existence and fed it to me."

*PFFFTTT!* "What!? Hahaha!" That guy fed his 9 year old daughter that?

"For some reason he thought my sickness would get cured by alcohol. My guess is that he saw alcohol on sanitizers and thought that it'd work on me." She smiled.

Gramps was a dumbass.

"My mom slapped him so hard that day, he didn't speak to us for weeks after that."

Grandma did? I wonder how much it hurt?

"How was she? Grandmother I mean."

Mom gained a reminiscing look on her eyes, "Mom?... She was the most brave and funny woman I knew. She always made fun of others, maybe that's where you got your character from. She always supported me, even when dad didn't. When she died all of a sudden, I couldn't understand anything… Everything was so painful for a while… I was confused and ran away from home." Her voice reflected her sadness, but she smiled to hide it. I could tell easily.

She pinched my cheek and said, "That's when I met your dad, I pretty much fell for him at first sight. He was really funny and caring but I guess we were too fast on our steps and ended up ruining everything." She didn't explain further. Guess something bad happened if she won't even explain that.

"I can't believe I started at you going to school and ended there, you trickster!" She pinched my cheeks hard.

"Ouch! That's unfair!" I didn't even do anything. This is abuse, or asian parenting I guess.

"It's called love, Satoru."

"Don't try to justify hurting your only son!"

"What?" She pinched it even harder and pulled it wide apart.


"You'll go to school right?"

Geez she's so persistent… I'll see what school's like.



I can't believe I'm going to go to a school. From what I've seen in movies, school is a terrible place and the way some manga shows are is too unrealistic, so I will now find out if these authors are just lying or if it is true.

I stood in front of the school gate and noticed a woman coming towards me with a smile on her face.

"You must be Gojo-kun right? You look just like your mother! I'll be your teacher! My name is Shizu." She smiled and held my hand bringing me inside to my 'hell'.

I remained silent as she brought me into the school and followed her quietly into the classroom named, 1-3. It must mean Grade-1 and class-3.

Inside the classroom, there were a lot of kids, talking, laughing and some even crying? Why the hell is that kid eating glue!? The fuck is this place?

*Sigh* Shizu-san beside me sighed and clapped her hands loudly. Causing all the kids to shift their attention to us.

"Say hello to your new friend, children"

"Hello," They replied in a chorus manner.

"Gojo-kun" She whispered under her breath, "introduce yourself."

I stepped forward and took a deep breath. Trying not to regret my decision as much as possible.

"Yo, name's Satoru Gojo. Nice meeting y'all"

"Feel free to sit on any empty seats Gojo-kun." Hearing what Shizu-sensei said, I went to the seat which was near the window. I have to give my applause to the one who designed this class. They even made the window low for kids my age.

"Why are your eyes blue?" 

"Woah, his hair is very whitey" Is that even a word?

"He's very cute!" ….thanks?

"Hmph, a femboy." such a childish insult.

"He's taller than you Kachan!" 

I looked at the green haired kid who said that to the sand haired kid. I feel like they're sorta odd.

"Shut it Deku! He'll be just a little tall. I'll get taller than everyone in no time!" The sand-haired kid's gonna die of heart attack at 30 if he shouts like that often. Though the green kid is not wrong, I'm taller than most kids my age, I'm exactly 149 cm. Almost five feet to those Americans. I can now confidently say I'm taller than Hasbulla.

"OK! Class we're gonna sing all the English alphabets today! Shall we start?"

"YES!!" They all resounded.





Mom, help me!

Should I just mute all noise? Or maybe control their mind?

No Satoru, you can't do that. If I keep of relying on magic for everything, I may become a fucking asshole and lazy bum who gets offended by his own shadow.


Don't test my patience….



"Huh? Did you say something Gojo-kun?" The girl in front of me turned back and asked, guess she heard my embarrassing moment.


She continued to stare at me like I did something wrong.

"Why aren't you singing along with us?" She asked.

"Don't wanna."

"But Shizu-sensei said everyone must sing." 

"Then why aren't you singing?" Heh, small girl, you're too young to question me.

Oh my god, I'm becoming an asshole…

"Um- But I-" It looks like her mind crashed.

Who cares if I'm an asshole? Definitely not me. As long as I'm happy I don't really care.

"You! Are you bullying me?" She puffed up her cheeks and questioned me.

"Bullying?" This is bullying? Then what about extorting money and humiliating publicly?

"What if I am?'' I said back, I want to see her reaction.

"Um- I'll bully you back!"


"Hmmm… that's actually a good solution. If you are getting bullied, just bully them back… You're smart." I said to her,

To which she smiled widely, "Thanks!"

"Don't mind it." I waved my hand, "So what's your name?"

"Marin Kitagawa, feel free to call me Marin."

"Marin huh? Then feel free to call me Satoru too." 

"Ok Satoru!" She's really enthusiastic, I like her character already.

"So tell me about the others in this class." I asked her. From the overall look there aren't many interesting things in this class, but I just noticed after trying to sense mana. Marin probably has a scared gear in her, her aura is mixed with something that's not human.

That sand-haired kid and green-haired both have a naturally high amount of mana too. The dark-skinned kid in the corner has a unique aura to him too.

Am I in a shonen main cast room or something? A girl and three guys… getting bleach vibes here.

"The others? Like everybody?"

"No. That sand-haired kid, green-haired kid and that dark-skinned kid in the corner would be enough for now." 

"Sand-haired? Oh you mean Bakugo! He's gonna be angry when he hears about your name for him."

"I don't care." 

"Well… about Bakugo?" It looks like she's a bit more intelligent than other kids here.

"He's very angry like.. always."

Can a kid my age really be that angry? I turned to look at the boy, only to see him have veins bulging his forehead. I could practically see the blood flowing through that thing.

"Everyday I learn something new…" Though I would rather not see a reincarnated Chihuahua.

"What about the green-kid?"

"Midoria? He just… cries a bit." 

A bit? I looked at the boy crying up a river as… Bakugo? Held him by the collar of his shirt. Why is nobody batting an eye? Is this the regular here?

"Is that kid ok?" I was a little unsure. From the amount of water out of his eyes, he should be dead from dehydration. Unless his dad's a blastoise or something.

Or in hindsight, he may be using magic subconsciously.

"I'm sure he's fine, he cries like this everyday. They are both brothers so the teacher doesn't do anything, "she said.

That certainly explains it a bit. Brothers and in the same grade, are they twins? I thought they were of supernatural origins considering they have hair colour like that.

"Brothers? They look nothing like each other."

"Oh, I heard both their mothers are divorced and live together. So I guess they become brothers like that?" Even she looked unsure of what she was saying.

What in the K-drama nonsense in this?

"Just say about that kid there." I asked to change the topic. How others live is none of my concern, if they wanna do scissors that's their own decision…. But step-sons and step-moms in the same house…. That's literally the plot of a porno.

Fuck my mind is dirty. Fuck you god for making fallen angels have hormones from birth! Now I'm all bricked up in a room filled with children and it's fucking disgusting.

"Oh that's Tanaka-kun!" '-kun' huh? So she's closer to him than the other two. "He's kind of a loner, he hardly talks to others and just says a few words when I try to talk to him too. But we live on the same street…" She was saying something about what they did as kids.

But I stopped listening halfway through because this 'Tanaka-kun' was staring at me.

"Yo," I greeted him, in a polite way too.

"*Tsk*" He turned his head away.

Well that's rude.

"Is he always like that?" I asked Marin who was now talking about Sailor Moon? When did the initial conversation derail?

"Oh, yeah you'll get used to it. My mom said he's in an edgy phase."

And she's not wrong, but.

"Do you even know what edgy means?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She blinked cluelessly and tilted her head, "I just assumed that edgy means acting like how Tanaka-kun does."

… Wow, she's cute.

"Never change Marin." I said and laid on my bench. Leaving a confused Marin who turned back towards the teacher after looking at me for a few seconds. How do I know that? Six Eyes provides me clairvoyance and three sixty degree vision if I want to.

My school days are sure gonna be interesting. This class is literally like a shonen cast with a girl and three boys. If I have to specify, Tanaka looks like the edgy rival, Sand and green hair looks like either BL or pron MCs and Marin feels like the clueless girl. I wonder who the protagonist is? A transfer student maybe.




Wait a minute? Am I the protagonist? I sure hope not, I have no dream or aim that could be the end goal of the story.



I don't know guys, is he the protagonist? what's stopping me from pulling a Gon on him and introducing a new MC? State your thoughts.