
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Something was wrong. That thought was crossing the mind of Vlad Tepes the IV, the current leader of the Tepes faction.

The castle was too quiet. He alongside 2 of his most trusted subordinates. Ferid Bathory, The Gourmet, and Crowley Eusford,The Fallen Crusader, came back from negotiating between other vampire clans. He wished to build a large enough army to defeat the Camilia faction.

'As if I would yet some little girl take my throne!' Thought Vlad when he returned to the castle. But those thoughts were quickly moved to the back of his mind when he realised that there were no guards at the entrance or any hallways.

The closer he went to the throne room he saw signs of battle. Holes through the castle walls, slash marks across the floors and mountains of dust.

There was an intruder in the castle and they say the intruder was a holy light user. Holy light was one the greatest weakness any true vampire has. The tiniest amount could kill a weaker vampire. However he wasn't afraid of this intruder. He was the strongest of Vampires so he doubted the intruder. There were very few holy light users who could threaten him and most of them couldn't do anything to him or risk a war. Which the Church didn't want.

As he got closer to the throne room a cold sweat started to form on his head. Yet I pushed on, I will not yet this intruder entered my castle like he owns it. My pride as a king demands.

"Your grace.." Crowely started

"I know Crowely. Whoever entered my castle and killed my guards will face justice by my hands." I said

"I understand. Though Ferid, why are you smiling?" Crowely asked

"I'm just imagining who could possibly have the balls to attack us and I can't wait to see their face filled with despair as we sucked their blood and left nothing in the body." Ferid said with a cruel smile on his face and I nodded.

As I opened the doors to the throne room I saw the intruder. A human if the scent of his blood is any indication to the intruder's species. He wore a pure white suit with golden rims that reminded him of Crowely's own suit. The intruder wore a mask that had the similar color scheme as his outfit, yet his helmet had a reflected visor and I saw my own face reflection staring back at me.

It was unnerving to some degree that the only sign of emotions on the intruder being was my own reflection. The intruder titled his head and I could feel his stare. I felt anger through my veins, this mongrel was staring at me as if I were an insect and what was worse…

"You dare sit on my throne!!!??" I yelled at the intruder. The symbol of the King of Vampires was now seated upon a lowly human. The arrogance!!

"It was the only chair in the room." The intruder said and I blinked at his response. "Seriously I thought for a so-called king you would have better manners. Don't you know it's rude to keep your guests waiting."

"You dare mock me, you mongrel!!?? I will gut you. I'm Vlad Tepes the IV! I'm the strongest.." Before I could finish my declaration the intruder did an over exaggeration of a yawn.

"Oh did I interrupt your self important monologue? Sorry about that but I heard one already today. There was a young vampire who wore a fancy hat that did a similar monologue. So I killed him. You can have his hat though." The intruder threw down the 'supposed' hat to my feet and my eyes widened. At my feet was the crown to my heir. I gifted it to my son Darious Tepes.

"I just realized something that I never introduced myself." The intruder said as he got off the throne and started walking towards us. The intruder grasps the air before a weapon forms in his hands. It wasn't just any weapon but the most feared weapon to us vampires the True Longinus.

The intruder swung the spear towards his back and a ray of light destroyed the throne. "The names Abel current wielder of the True Longinus prepare to die." Now the name Abel charged at us and we charged at him. With only one thought coming to my mind I rushed towards Abel to kill this mongrel!!


Kuroka was excited. Normal girls wouldn't be excited about infiltrating a literal den of monsters and the possibility that she could die at any moment if her darling failed but she had always been an action-kind of girl and besides she has the utmost faith in her mate. He is the disciple of the Great Sage and possesses the Ultimate Longinus after all.

She still couldn't believe her luck which had been nothing but shitty for all her life. To think the man she chose would be so perfect. That he has such grand ambition and wants to protect people like her. She really believed that she could fall in love with Cao Cao. In fact she is already really close to it.

This is why she went with his suicidal plan to attack the Tepes Castle and save this young girl. Because for once in her life, she is doing something right. Beyond the fact of finding the perfect mate, she truly believed in Cao Cao's dreams and she will do everything in her power to help him achieve it.

Maybe, just maybe when Shirone will see all the good she is going to do with her darling and the safe haven that he is going to create, her sister will forgive her and come back.

She clasped her cheeks hard with both of her hands and woke up from her thoughts. She has an innocent girl to rescue after all.

Looking at the dreary tower where the girl is held and behind her where she could hear the screams of dozens of scums dying by the hands of her darling, she thought back to what he told her to say to the dhampyr who possesses one of the strongest Longinus in the world. She did not know if it would really convince her or even how he knew about it but she trusted Cao Cao.

So she easily entered the tower which was already deserted as all the vampires guarding this place were running to their deaths by the hands of her darling. She then finally came across the room where she could feel the aura of a halfblood.

She went inside and finally had a good look at the young girl her darling wanted to save at all cost and she was as broken and miserable as he said.

Cao Cao told her that Valerie Tepes is broken both in heart and soul because of the side effects of the Graal but she never thought it would be this bad. The girl was looking at her with no expression on her face. She is not even panicking about seeing a complete stranger in her room.

'Shirone…' my mind whispered.

That girl was just like Shirone. Broken by her own family and couldn't express her emotions anymore.

Kuroka made a decision at this moment. That she would help this innocent girl, who reminded so much of her sister, at all cost. As a form of redemption to what she did to her own sister.

She approached the dhampir slowly. "Hey there." she said with a warm smile trying to put her at ease.

"Hey." she answered with a monotone voice and dead eyes.

"I'm here to take you away to a better place nya." she said to test the waters.

"Better… place ?"

"Yes, my darling and I are going to save and take care of you nya and one day we will help you reunite with your little brother, Gasper." she promised to Valerie.

"Gasper ?" life finally came to her eyes and for the first time she was looking back lucidly and with hope in her eyes. "You promise ?"

"I promise nya." she nodded resolutely and offered her hand. Valerie took it.

"I can't move…had training…earlier…with my brother." she said with a broken speech.

"This is not a problem. I will hold you." I reassured the dhampir and took her in my arms.

We both escaped easily and Valerie seemed to have fallen asleep. Most likely having used Sephiroth Graal too much earlier if what she said about her brother was true. I need to get away from the castle then send a signal informing her darling that it was done.

She looked at the direction where she sensed her darling 3 ultimate rank vampires fighting. Not only that but weaker vampires heading towards him. She just hope that her darling's plan works.

'It's up to you now, darling nya.'


'In hindsight I probably shouldn't have pissed them off so much.' I thought to myself as I fought 3 ultimate class vampires.

It's not like I was planning on fighting the 3 strongest vampires of the Tepes faction. Hell I would have been happy to avoid them all together. But after killing the prince and after sensing Vlad, Ferid and Crowely who were closed he had no choice. He had to wait for Kuroka to give him the signal. I had to fight them to make my plan work. Even so it was not an easy job.

Even with my advantage with my spear it was hard since I was limiting myself. I have limited myself to my sacred gear and the basics of spearmanship from different styles since I can't use Sun Wukong's style since it's so recognizable. If it wasn't for my Ki sensing and me reinforcing my body to the max with total concentration breathing, reinforcement and Ki. I would have died a couple of times.

I have been fighting my 3 ultimate class opponents for at least 5 minutes. I was covered in dirt with a few cuts on me. While my opponents still looked the same.

I sighed internally. My opponents were ultimate class vampires who fought in the Vampire Civil war. They had a lot more combat experience than me and they built up resistance to holy light to some degree. At worst they only get 2nd degree burns. Looks like I have revealed a few tricks.

As Ferid was right behind me about to behead me I revealed one of my trumps. "Amplified" A large amount of holy light was now surrounding me in an instant. Amplified was very similar to the boosted gear ability. But instead of increasing my physical parameters it multiplied the amount of holy light coming from me by four.

I always wonder if True Longinus had any other abilities. After all, simply extending the length of the spear couldn't possibly be the only thing that I could do with the Ultimate Longinus beside light manipulation. It would be way too weak for the strongest of all sacred gears and turns out I was right. After experimenting with my spear I found it had quite a few tricks up it's sleeves.

Ferid was now burnt by more holy light. The upper left of his clothes were burnt away and 3rd degree burns now cover his body. Ferid jumped back to regroup with Vlad and Crowely.

Vlad, Ferid and Crowly were now looking at me as a threat. Good. I charged at them. Crowely uses his infamous sword Chikage. Thorns came out of the handle and was draining his blood as the blade turned blood red.

Crowely tried using the arcs of blood he was swinging trying to keep me at a distance. Too bad for him, spheres of light from behind and shot holy light at the blood arcs. The blood immediately evaporated, creating a thick layer of red mist.

With my Ki sensing I immediately found Crowely. He looked surprised that I was able to find him so easily in the mist. I thrust my spear at him. Crowely blocked everyone of my thrusts. Yet every time he blocked my holy light, aura continued to burn him. Until there was an opening for me to deal a devastating blow to Crowely.

He over extended he reached which allowed me to disarm him. Quite literally. His left arm was now the ground disgengrating on the floor. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Crowely screamed in pain. Him being a vampire and getting cut by the strongest holy weapon probably hurt like a bitch.

'Jump' My instincts and Ki sense screamed at me when stakes popped out of the ground trying to impale me. I kept dodging until I managed to get into the air. I immediately form a platform made out of holy light.

I saw Vlad stand down below me. He looked at me with an angry scowl on his face and I couldn't help but smirk at him. I pointed my spear at him, "Increase"

'Thanks King.' Dozens of tiny spears appeared behind me. I know my lasers will be useless against Vlad who is to fast them to hit. So I'm using a couple dozen tiny spears that I cantrol to attack.

"Fire." I said and the tiny spears went after. Vlad tries his best to destroy them but for everyone he destroys 2 more, takes it's place. After seeing Vlad cover in so many wounds I decided to stop my onslaught.

I knew the small spears wouldn't kill him. They lack any real power to kill plus I needed to get ready for the finale. Finally I now have a big audience,thanks to the low ranking vampires that just arrive to help their king.

"Give up and face your death, boy." said Vlad trying to convince me to end this meaningless fight while swinging his sword at me. "Your actions are meaningless. You have no chance of winning against all 3 of us."

He was right. Even though their injuries were grave in a fight in endurance they will out last me. Even with total concentration breathing, reinforcement and Ki there is so much my body can handle. Fighting against experienced ultimate class opponents didn't do me any favors. Fighting against an army of vampires in my current state would be sucicide. But they are wrong about 1 thing.

"Winning ? I already won. I killed hundreds of vampires and dozens of nobles." I said with amusement clear in my voice."I ruined your reputation. A mere human crushed the mighty vampires, the so-called superior race as if they were nothing more than annoying bugs. After today the Tepes Faction will be a laughing stock." I laughed and I could see that my words had an effect on every vampire who heard my statement. A few hundred death glares where sent my way.

"I'm going to enjoy draining your cattle body of all life." said the Gourmet, Ferid Bathory with an very angry smile.

"Why?" said Crowley the Crusader with a smile that was as angry as Ferid and I hummed questionaly. "Why are you attacking us? We, the Tepes, are an isolationist faction and we do not leave our territory of Romania so I do not think that we ever met or hurt you personally. The only answer I could find was that you chose us as a target to make your grand debut as the possessor of the Ultimate Sacred Gear but the Devil Faction would be a much better target for you, wielder of the True Longinus. So why us?"

"Why, huh?" I hummed at his question, "Convenience. You are right that I could have gone to the underworld to kill a few Extra Demons and smaller Noble Houses. But that would be too much trouble since I don't have any way to get to the underworld." I said

It seems that they didn't expect me to answer with this. That the only reason I attacked was simply convenient to me.

Better that they believe this than the true reason being Valerie. Though Crowley was also right about the grand debut. I needed to make an impression on the supernatural world and build my reputation as 'Abel' as a fearless and ruthless individual and what better than attacking the Tepes Castle simply because I could. They will also not suspect that I am also doing this for the Fullmoon Village.

Looking at their enraged expression, I couldn't help but smirk beneath my mask. I think that looking down on and mocking arrogant bastards is going to become my favorite hobby.

"Y-you've…done all of this, killing my son, my subjects by the hundreds, ruining my reputation…for such a worthless reason." said the King of Tepes, trembling with rage.

I laugh at him. "Whoah how naive of you Vlad. Don't you know that in this world the strong rule. The strong can kill whoever they please. That is the law of this world. So what right do weaklings like yourself have any right to complain." I mock

"Y..ou d..ar..e call us weak!!" Vlad yelled in outrage and many of the vampires started screaming at me.

"Yes. In fact I deem you so weak that I didn't need to use my Balance Breaker on you. In fact I held back quite a bit in our fight." I said and the entire room was silent. I with my sensing I picked up anger and fear from every vampire here.

I couldn't help but smirk the vampires. I unlocked my Balance Breaker about a year ago. Though I haven't mastered it yet, I could have still used it during my fight. But I like having a few trumps cards under my sleeve.

"You will die here." Vlad said with a conviction that spoke that even if he dies here he will take me with him I smirk at that.

"I will die here? Who decided that? The only person who is deciding who lives or dies here is me!!" I said as I raised my free hand up to the sky.

Suddenly a sphere of holy light appeared in the air. It continued to grow, the vampires were too scared to get anywhere near me. Too afraid they might burn to death but that is the fate that awaits them anyway. The sphere stopped growing until it was the size of a miniature sun. A miniature sun of holy light that could kill an ultimate class vampire with ease.

"White Crash" I said

"RRRRUUUUUNNNN!!!!!" An anonymous vampire transformed into a bird and started flying away hoping to escape the blast radius of the attack but I have very little doubts about that.

With my attack destroying the castle and killing every vampire it came into contact with I decided to leave. My work here is done.


How did this happen?

Marius Tepes, second son of the King of Tepes and fifth in line for the throne still don't understand what happened. They, the Tepes Faction, one of the strongest factions in the world was attacked by one single human and…lost. How could this be possible ? and yet right in front of his eyes was the truth.

A good part of their castle, nothing more than rubbles in the grounds, hundreds killed including many nobles and his older brother dead at hand of this 'Abel'. How could a single human do so much damage to their faction in a single night even if he is the Wielder of the True Longinus. Even if he has the most powerful Sacred Gears, a human is still a human. They should be nothing more than food for us, vampires and one lone human humiliated us like this. Granted, no true assets apart from his worthless older brother was killed and rebuilding the castle would take a matter of days and the majority of those killed were the ones with impure blood but still this is the proof of what I've always known.

That the Tepes Faction became weak under the leadership of his father.

This could also be an opportunity, with his brother dead. Father may chose him as his heir and if he doesn't he simply has to kill him. The other nobles will fall in line as they all follow the one giving them power. He needs to use Valerie and the Graal to make his kingdom stronger sooner than planned but he needs to do it fast before the other factions like these wrench from the Carmilla takes advantage of this.

But as he was making his way to check on his impure sister, one of his men came to him and told him something which shocked and enraged him to the core.

The wielder of Sephiroth Graal, the tool that would have allowed him to become unstoppable, his sister Valerie Tepes disappeared.

How did she disappear ? Was she killed ? No, her part of the castle was untouched. There is only one explication for her disappearance.

Someone took her away during the chaos. And now he knows why this 'Abel' attacked them. It was nothing more than a distraction to kidnap her. It was either the wielder of the True Longinus or an accomplice and it means that they know about the Graals. I punched in anger one the remaining walls and roared to the sky.

'Shit shit shit shit! What am I gonna do? They ruined everything.' He thought in panic.

No, he just needed to find her. His father would want to find her too if he knows about the Graal but I can't tell him about her true powers. It will ruin everything but he would want to find 'Abel' and finding him means finding Valerie.

'I will make that foolish human regret ever standing in my way.' He thought with a sneer on his face.

I immediately went to my father to talk to him about that worthless halfbreed disappearance and more importantly about our next course of action.

"Father." I interrupted him while he was talking with Ferid Bathory who is one of the few people of the castle who knows about the Graals and who would follow him if he made him stronger wth it.

"Marius." said Father with a curt nod and I told him about Valerie's disapearance and he reacted just as he expected. He could see through the corner of his eyes, Ferid's eyes widen in shock.

"That foolish child must have conjured images of ghosts with her mind, wandered during the chaos and got herself killed." As expected he didn't care. "It doesn't matter. What matter is finding that mongrel who dared to humiliate me. He dared to take the name of the first human my ancestor ever killed. What arrogance." said father with gritted teeth and rage clear in his voice.

"My King, we can't send a hunting party after the True Longinus possessor. The sun is close to rising." said Ferid dissuading my father.

'His pride over his dead son, such a typical behavior for a vampire.'

"We should put a bounty on him, with a price that no one would be able to resist. The inferior races would find this 'Abel' for us and we will just have to hunt him down ourselves.' Marius proposed with a confident smile.

"You do that but only I am allowed to kill him. True Longinus or not, I swear to one day put his head on the pyke of my throne." he said with a cold voice despite the pain he felt because of the Holy light.

"Very well, father." he turned around and left.

It would be much easier to find Valerie if several factions were to hunt down the human but there is still the possibility of them giving up. He shivered at the oppressive aura of light that he felt even from afar during the attack. It was like being in the presence of an angel. That human is strong even if that weapon is wasted on a member of such a weak race.

He had no choice. He needed to ask help from them.

Going underground to avoid the sun, he connected the communication device and a face appeared on the screen. It was the face of a young looking man with silver-braided hair.

"Marius, to what do I owe this pleasure ?" said the silver haired man with a smooth and arrogant voice.

Marius gritted his teeth and was also shaking in fear despite trying not to. "W-we h-have a problem, Lord Euclid."

The man at the other end of the screen seemed displeased by what I said.

"Tell me everything."


I was sitting in a lotus position on a cliff with the Valerie Tepes sleeping on my magic cloud next to me. I looked at the Fullmoon Village where the inhabitants were all awake and looking at the crumbling castle in shock and hoped that my actions helped them this time.

I then felt a presence behing and could feel arms envelopping my neck and breats pressing against my back.

"It's done ?" I asked.

"Yes nya, I erased the memories of every villagers of our existence. The vampire would find nothing about us through them though I do not think that the bloodsuckers will even bother asking. They are too arrogant for that nya." She replied.

"Better safe than sorry." she hummed behind me and looked at me with a smile.

"You did it, darling. You saved her and made them pay for every person they've hurt." Kuroka whispered in my ear.

"And I made many, many enemies and may have put Valerie and you even more in danger." I said with sadness.

"I do not care nya. I will be with you every step of the way and I'm sure Valerie will be too when she will learn more about you." she reassured me with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Kuroka." I put my hand on hers and she tightened her grip on me.

" So 'Abel' huh ?" she teased and I blushed at the stupid name I took for my Alter Ego. This is such a lame name. Why didn't I choose something like Mastema, Hasmed, Amorgen, Bran Fendigaid or something cooler but I had to choose the name of the first murdered boy in existence. Well what's done is done. The truth is I chose this name because Cain was the very first vampire and the ancestor of the Tepes and Carmilla. I thought that it would be poetic if someone named 'Abel' beat the shit out of the descendants of his killer.

"That's smart actually." I was startled by her compliment. "After today every faction would be looking for Abel, wielder of the True Longinus. No one would ever think that 'Abel' is in fact the descendant of a Chinese warlord who is not even christian."

It was the other reason why I chose this alias as it would throw off anyone looking for me especially the Church as I am going to join them shortly. They wouldn't be able to make the link between Abel, wielder of the Spear of Destiny and Cao Cao, the disciple of Sun Wukong.

"I know. Anyway it is time to leave, the sun is going to rise soon and we need to get away from this cursed place." she nodded at me and went to the cloud.

I looked back at the village with clenched fists and remarked that there was someone looking right at me. Narrowing my eyes, I could see that it was Akatrina who was looking at me.

She was smiling softly and whispered something that felt oddly like a thank you. I could feel a single tear rolling down my face that I wiped using my sleeves. I nodded at her resolutely and turned around.

'I swear that one day I will save you, all of you.'

Crowely and Ferid belongs to the author of Seraph of the End

Chikage is a weapon from the game Bloodborne

True Longinus abilities

Amplified: Allows the user to create a aura of holy light 4 times stronger then the spears current output. It does not drain and mana or any stamina. Only useful against creatures of darkness.

Increase: Create dozens of small spears with only 1/10 of the original's output/power.

Balance Breaker:???

Zillagrillacreators' thoughts