
Dungeons & Dragons: Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos

Jeong Yung loves Dungeons & Dragons. But when he dies on his way to a D&D tournament he finds himself waking up as the character he made for the game! His first campaign? Strixhaven, a school for magic and knowledge. But deep beneath the beautiful exterior is a threat waiting to shroud the school in darkness. Can our poor Jeong stop it? I am the Dungeon Master and I say he can't. Oh well.

CaramelCam26 · その他
9 Chs


It was dark. And everything felt...muffled. oh why did everything hurt? Suddenly I remembered. I had died. And that voice had told me I was being reincarnated into D&D! So cool. With some great effort I opened my eyes and was met with the sight of a clear blue sky above. The feeling was returning to my limbs and I stretched, wincing at the ache. 

Where was I? I sat up and glanced around. I was sitting in a field of tall grass and in the distance stood some mountains. And I could vaguely see...multiple buildings? Or something? Wait...Could it be...

[Yes. That is Strixhaven. But the mountains and Heavenfall stand in the way.]

I jumped surprised. Where had that voice come from? 

[I am Choal. I guess you could say that I am your assistant. I answer any questions you have or help you analyze a situation you are in. Furthermore I help run the System.]

I frowned. "So...can you tell what my goal is?" I didn't know what else to ask. 


[Make your way to Strixhaven. (140 XP)]

I sighed. Of course. And the XP was kinda worrying. Only 140 for just reaching the school? Oh. "Can I see my stats?" I asked Choal excitedly. If I could level up and gain more skills than who knows how powerful I'll become.

[Name: Peren Xiloscient (Lv 1) (HP: 44) (MP: 50)]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Half-Elf]

[Class: Wizard (Lv 1), Sorcerer (Lv 1), Warlock (Lv 1)]

Hmm. So that was my basic info. But what is going on with my class? Why do I have three? Three! What about my other stats such as Strength and Dexterity? I didn't really remember all the numbers.

[Strength: 12]

[Dexterity: 14]

[Constitution: 13]

[Intelligence: 16]

[Wisdom: 11]

[Charisma: 10]

Oh wow... My charisma sucks...But at least I'm intelligent. But even so I definitely needed to level up. I stared down at my now long and nimble fingers. I seemed to be African American only I had pointy ears and white hair apparently. Not a bad look. 

"Alright guess I better complete the first part of the campaign. Get to the school. I can check my skills later." I mumbled before slowly picking my way across the field, my goal miles away. This was gonna be one heck of an adventure and I was all for it.

I had only been walking for a few minutes and already I was tired. I sighed. The school was still so far away. Suddenly a thought ocurred to me. "Hey, Choal? Did anyone else get reincarnated into this world like me?" I asked the little assistant. A glowing sphere appeared near my head and it rippled as the System spoke.

[Yes. Unfortunately, I do not have enough info to tell you more.]

I frowned. Choal kinda sounded disappointed. "Ok. Tell me about Strixhaven." I already. knew a decent enough info on the school but I felt that if Choal had something to actually inform me about he would feel better. 

[Of course. Strixhaven is a school of magic which resides in the Orrithia continent of the plane, Arcavios. Five particularly powerful snarls of overlapping mana became five hatched dragoons. They are the founder dragons and centuries later created Strixhaven.]

I frowned. "So are the Founder Dragons still there?" I asked. Would the dragons recognize me as a Player?

[The dragons prefer to not interfere with Strixhaven directly. People only seek them out to learn the most elusive of secrets.]

I nodded. Ok, so I was good. "So how big is the school?" 

[It is several kilometers large.] 

I stared at the glowing orb that was my companion in disbelief.

[Don't look at me like that. You're the one who asked.]

I gasped loudly. "Is that...attitude I see from you, Choal? Oh my god, you're growing up!" I squealed. The assistant muttered some curses quietly before disappearing.

"Wait, come back!" No answer. "Fine, be like that you overgrown piece of discombobulated pixels!" I snapped before continuing, silently fuming. I was so mad that I didn't see the grass smoldering with every step I took. Hmm.

I turned and stared at the footsteps that I had burned into the ground. Fire magic then? I stared at my hands in both fear and excitement. ooh, I couldn't wait to try some magic soon. 

But my thoughts were cut short when the ground under me collapsed and I fell into...water? Oh. A swamp. I flailed unable to rise to surface before noticing the pair of blue glowing eyes staring at me. Oh. Aw, crap.

With that the monster lunged at me and I froze, helpless as its claws were aimed at my neck.

Im still figuring out how to put things like a system and dungeons and dragons together...

CaramelCam26creators' thoughts