
Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus]

Foul monsters of the dungeon, foul folk of this decrepit and rotten city. Prepare to meet spartan law! This not an OP mc wish fulfillment fic, the mc will be at best above average throughout the story. There will be no harem, at most 2 partners and most main characters from the anime will mean nothing to him and will rarely show up, but may be often brought up in conversation, if you are looking for a more unique danmachi fic with substance, here it is. An mc with a brain that uses tactics to defeat his enemies instead of brute strength and 'courage' [plot armor]. Enjoy or dont. Also if you arent coming from it already I have an 80+ chapter fic that is currently ongoing.

SoupHarbinger · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Spartan Law: 3

"Charles come out now, it is over."

"Oh good gods dear sirs that was quite a pickle, er? where are the other men?"

The chubby man with blonde hair and a goofy handlebar mustache looks at us inquisitively.

"Dead or fled mlord."

"Oh dear, we will need to hire more guards at the next town over."

"Surely my lord."

The knight commander turns to me.

"Well it seems we are stuck guarding the caravaneer for now."

"Sir Arwin, how much is this orc skin worth?"

I clutch the large patch of skin in my hand.

"Oh mhmm.. Maybe.. Hehmm. 700 vallis."

"Really! That's a lot."

"Its not bad, but the cost of living in Orario is quite harsh so that's not much to be completely honest."

"Oh well then."

I put the orc skin into the front wagon where I can keep an eye on it, I plant my butt onto the coach bench and watch steadily as the caravaneer snaps the whips making the lizard horses walk forward, their feet splashing mud all over the sides of the carts, their heads rear momentarily to the goblin corpses but the crack of a whip keeps them heading straight forward.

The trees clear after a while and we begin travelling through some plains, wet yellow grass with a sprinkle of purple flowers and white hydrangeas sparkling under the suns light

It is beatiful, the cascades of color are unlike anything I have ever witnessed in my life.

And the smell, its something else. Floral and natural. Slightly sweet but also dry at the same time. Much better than the stale scent of a city coveted by rats and sewage of all kinds.

"No monsters here hopefully."

Arwin remarks, he sets his feet up and lays back, taking his helmet off completely and closing his eyes for a short rest.

"Good sirs by morrows dawn we shall arrive at our next stop, take a rest for now."

Charles leans back and holds the whips in his armpits, dozing off as the lizards march forward knowledgeable of their destination.

I suppose a rest for myself is in order as well.

My back leans into the carriage slowly, I roll back under the canvas and into the interior of the warm enclosed wagon.

My head hits some furs and instantly I become groggy, my eyes shutter to a slow close and I drift off.



"Wake up."

A tough skinned hand grabs my shoulder firmly.

My eyes flicker open to the sight of Arwin standing over me, his armor off and instead a red tabard and brown trousers.

"Welcome to the humble town of Entwood, explore, drink, get a whore, I dont care just be back here in 2 hours."

"Ok sir."

A whore? Who does he think I am? Right, hes only known me for like 2 days. But still usually you can get a good sense for someone by that point.

Let's see if I can trade this orc skin in for something good!

"Wait Sir Arwin, do you know where I could take this hide?"

The knight stops and looks at me, his eyes searing me as usual.

"The guild post for cash or the smith if you are looking for it to be forged."

"Thank you."

Guild post? Where is that? I suppose it doesnt hurt to explore for a bit.

Along a cobbled sidewalk many passerbys shop for food, tools and more, some with strange emu looking beasts pulling wagons and large wheelbarrows

'Todd's General Store'

'Straueses Grain and seed'

Lots of shops in that vain make up the small business section of the town, the guild has to be nearby.


Yea that's definitely it.

A small illustrious brick building with slight inlays of brass and tin on the tiled roof.

'Traders Guild International CO.'

A large engraved oak sign hangs by 2 firm steel chains from the roof, it hovers over the large double door entrance like a shadow guarding the building with the name of the union alone veering any brigands from robbing it.

Hopefully I make a decent chunk of change here.

I push the doors open and the lot interior nearly blinds me, lanterns hang amok on the walls of light stained birch wood, benches and tables sit in the waiting plaza, in front are many stalls and beside them is a door with a simple sign.

'Auction house'

And the building is very warm, probably some type of magic heating it, a supple breeze that helps my chilled skin relax.

I should probbaly go to one of those people at the desks.

An old man sitting down stares seriously at a rack full of beads, with a quill in one hand and his other maneuvering the beads around fervently while he writes extremely fast, occasionally glancing down at the parchment.

He tips the large circular glasses on his face down and looks up at me.

"What are you here for?"

"To sell this."

I plop the orc skin onto the countertop adjacent to the bars guarding the old man from the other side of the building.

"Oh, hmm. Let me see it."

He pulls a lever and the bars lift, he grabs the skin and slides it to his lap.

"Fresh, decent quality."

"I will say erm.. 1200 vallis."


"I'll take it."

He opens a cabinet up, it is full of rows of various coins of varying sizes.

He pulls out a little leather pouch from under the desk and begins filling it, after a minute or so he hands it to me.

"Thank you for exterminating this monster."

He clasps his hands and bows, then continues working like a robot.

Finally some money,. I can buy some real clothes.

"Bye then."

I wave and exit the empty building back to the street side.

I think I saw a tailor near so I should head there for the time being and get some clothes, and then maybe see If I can buy some cheap weapons for the rest of my journey to the capital of the world.

"Jahnessonnes Tailory.'

Alright then.

A small white painted wooden building with a sinole thatched roof, the inside is a little musty but there are stone floors that are starting to crack slightly, rows of varying clothes from many cultures hang on the walls, robes, hauberks, tabard, plain shirts and togas. I think a simple sewn tunic should work for me.

'250 Vallis' The price tags hangs below a stack of white tunics with red embroidered stitching. I pick up one and examine it.

Way too small.

I reach to the bottom of the pile and grab one, this one seems like it will fit.

Anything else I should get here? Hmm maybe a bit of leather armor for my chest.

On another wall some lousy looking leather curiasses sit.

'300 vallis'

I'll take it!

Now with my goods I approach the shopkeeper engrossed in a book, a young lady with green hair in a bun, she also had some small glasses on her face.

"Oh sorry! I didnt see you."

She pops her head up with a slight smile.

I plop the 2 articles of clothing down and she tallies up the price.

"Alrighty 550 vallis."

I count out 55 10 vallis couns as fast as possible and hand them over.

"Have a nice day."

She hand over my purchased goods, I wave her goodbye and leave the shop. Outside I slip the shirt on and quickly strap the crappy leather cuirass on. It looks used for sure, probably why it was so cheap. Lots of the straps are worn down and slightly loose, small cuts and bludgeon marks cover the front most part of the cuirass near the breast of it. When I get more money a helmet is definently gonna be my first buy, then maybe some chainmail. Righto then let's check the smithy for some weapons.

I got like 650 vallis left for something really cheap.

I follow the clanging of a hammer through multiple alleyways, a small smokestack rises from a brick building where the loud resounding bang of a Smith carries throughout the street, echoing into the air.

Tools are strewn about the front of the open building, a old man with a comically long beard bangs a large sword against an anvil.

"Look will ye, but ye not be stealing for I kill ya for it."

The Irish sounding man doesnt even make eye contact with me, his eyes focused on the flame and bright red of the delicate blade.

Some swords and hand axes are laid about on the floor, his finer pieces on racks, sabers, dane axes, billhooks, voulgies. Not exactly what I'm looking for, I should grab a shield aswell.

The cheapest one is..

This little wooden round shield, simple white paint and a leather rim bolted in with cheap nails. 150 vallis is affordable.

I take the shield out of the pile of rusted maces and continue looking for my desired weapon.

Some javelins, a versatile throwing weapon that pairs well with a shield and can be used as a last resort melee weapon.

Hmm Hmm

Oh! These should be fine.

A scratched up leather quiver with 4 short javelins with simple triangular heads, and a white pine shaft.

395 vallis.


"Sir, I'm interesting in buying these."

"Javelins eh? Made those for fun one day dint' think they would sell."

I scrounge up almost all of my remaining money and fork it over.

I strap the shield to my belt and plop the quiver over my back and bid the Smith farewell.

Alright time to head back to the caravan.