
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Elgo City

I am almost at my limit the swaying carriage giving me more damage than the demons ever could, my ass screaming for release from this hell called carriage and leaving me at loss what to do as we haven't arrived at our destination.

This is a second day since Eris and I left Refia city, we are riding horse carriage alongside 4 other people, 3 of them are escort and the last one was our boss. His name was Reynold, William firstborn son.

He was an amiable man with brown eyes like his father and green eyes inherited from his mother. He was a chubby man who likes to talk. Along the way he chatted with all his guard namely Edgar, Julian, May, Eris and me.

From the conversation I heard, I know that we will stop at Elgo city before going to Xantras, the nearest frontier city. After two whole days of traveling with this cursed carriage I can see finally my sweet release as the outline of a city from finally appears.

As we get closer I saw that The city was at least twice as big compared to Refia city. It also has massive traffic in front of the city gate. It was no wonder as the people must travel through this city before going to frontier.

"Ahaha, Ed, Ed, looks like your ass is saved. We almost make it to the city"

"Shut it Eris, you have no idea how much I suffered from this cursed carriage"

"Sir Edward please don't say such thing, Sir Reynold has been kind enough to us so, it's better if sir Edward can appreciate sir Reynold kindness by not slandering him" Edgar said.

Edgar is a stern man. He was over 2 meters with Black hair and eyes. He came from bear clan and easily the biggest in this group.

"It's okay Mr. Edgar I don't mind Mr. Edward word. I am sure he didn't mean to say that"

"You are too kind Rey, Be angry a bit and cut his pay, it will be a good lesson for him" Julian said with a smirk on his face.

Julian is a jerk. He was around 1.8 meters tall with gray hair and blue eyes. He came from wolf clan and even though I don't want to admit it, he was quite handsome with bad boy kind of look.

"Do … Do … Don't be so mean to Mr. Edward Julian this is his first time. I remember you broke a carriage because you couldn't stand still in the carriage" May said.

May is a kind girl. She was around 1.6 meters tall white hair and green eyes she came from rabbit clans, and she has a figure that make you want to protect her.

"Don't dig up an old wound may that was so long ago and it's not my fault that carriage was just too fragile"

Julian and May start their usual banter it was becoming quite a routine as I watch them these last two days. Edgar, Julian, and May are one party with Edgar and Julian as vanguard and May as rearguard by the way Edgar is the leader of the party.

"We will arrive in the city after this we will take a day break. There's an annual tournament this time of the year, many frontier aspirant entered this tournament, you can try your luck as their prize money is quite good.

My blood boils as I hear Reynold said a Tournament after all the bad news these days I can finally release my accumulated stress. Two days ago I realized something, it seems the pain was not the only reason people didn't spend all their status point in one setting.

The increased status need some adjustment as your body haven't quite adapted to the new strength, I learned it in painful way as I broke all the furniture in the dinning hall, I want to find a hole as the people laughed at my stupid mistake and the lesson was not kind to my wallet either as I must pay the compensation for my action.

Done with my tear jerking recollection, I see the gate as we pass it through after hour wait, different from my entrance to Refia, Reynold only need to chat a bit with the guard before they let us in.

"Aren't you pretty strong Eris, do you want to participate in the tournament?"

"Me, Oh my Ed if I join the tournament it won't be a competition anymore. What the fun in one sided match"

"You think you can beat me Eri, let me tell you even if you are a woman I won't hesitate to give you some lesson about who's the stronger one here" Julian said as he stared Eris menacingly.

"You sure?" Eris asked as she looks at Julian with a smile on her face. I can feel a pressure as she said that Julian definitely felt it too as his face turn pale for a moment.

"After I think it once again, me fighting a beautiful lady like Miss Eris is not appropriate for me"

"Bwa ha ha ha"

I laughed as Julian saying something out of character usually, he was a jerk that likes to say anything without minding other people, I am happy seeing him suffer as he looked down and not daring enough to stare at Eris again. Looking him like that I feel some kind of camaraderie with him, I am also Eris victim after all.

"So, who will join the tournament?" Reynold asked.

"Of course it's me"

"I will"

Julian and I said at the same time. It seems Julian has recovered a bit of his vigor as he answered Reynold question.

"Mr. Edgar why don't you join the tournament?"

"I am a guard and my duty is to protect you Sir Reynold, I will refrain myself from doing activity outside my job"

"I appreciate the concern Mr. Edgar but you don't have to go that far for me the security in Elgo city is great, especially in the tournament venue as they need strong guards to secure all the rowdy participant"

"No, Sir Reynold it's my principal to finish the job the best that I can, I will protect you until we arrive in the Xantras city"

"If you insist then, I thank you Me Edgar, how about Miss May will you join the tournament?"

May trembles a bit and looked down nervously, "I… I…I think I will join Mr Edgar, I don't think I am fit for the tournament"

With Edgar and May refusal to join the tournament that means only Julian, and I will enter the tournament.

"Punk, you better give up now before or else your ass is the thing you have to worry about"

"Pretty boy like you need to learn some lesson so on behalf of all the not so fortunate people, I will strike a hammer of justice on your face"

Sparks appear as we stare at each other

"It's on. You better prepare yourself now ass boy or you won't even pass the preliminary round"

"Back at you pretty face don't drop out before I can beat you down"