
Dungeon Keeper, chests are not for you!

From dungeons here you get everything: metals, jewels, ready-made weapons, ancient books, fame, success, money... Everything, in short. Often standing on dungehki chests, traps, places with fossils, and no one, vmityat, do not know that someone in the morning the head splits from the endless walks... Always robbing chests, mobs kill, find secrets and no hiding, no hiding! Why the hell am I a dungeon keeper and not a conqueror, huh?! I'll give you a radish without butter, not treasure, you stinking pants!

MichaelSkurov · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Goblin Cave

- It's yours... You privatized it... - the guy answered me nasally in the back.

That's right, it slipped my mind.

- Then leave it, somehow I'll get rid of it myself - and maybe it will disintegrate into dust itself, the system is the same, so go to hell, until I'm tempted by the prospect of earning a little experience.

Dorg Dan took a deep breath and rustled in the bushes, collecting, apparently, the remnants of his armor. Well, there's one less problem, now if his friends come for me, I can proudly say that I'm not so bad, and in general I spared one of them! Maybe we'll even have a dialogue... Ehh, put aside thoughts about the future, let the one who will have to face it think about it.

Now I want to finally put my first goblin, there should already be enough points. It's unlikely to be a killing machine, of course, but it's still better to have one bare-assed green buddy with a baton than not to have one, right?

I closed my eyes, found the unfortunate skill tree, selected a green dwarf and pressed [Purchase]. In an instant , the entire goblin development branch opened up and turned into.. A darned mess. Icons, inscriptions, and characteristics shone everywhere... There were a couple dozen goblin species alone...

Goblins are shamans, goblins are archers, goblins are spearmen... Hobgoblins, goblinids, ancient goblins... Goblin pets, goblin minerals, goblin culture...

Ek-makarek, yes, I have a whole civilization on my menu, the tools are such that you can rebuild a whole Goblinland, and everything, damn it, is tied to stats and bonuses!

Here, for example:

[Goblin Totem: a sacred symbol of a deity who has been taking care of goblins for centuries. (+10% to the attack power of all goblins within a 40m radius, cannot stack with other identical totems)]

[Goblin Altar: a place where sacrifices are made to the deity (+30% to Goblin bloodlust, after the sacrifice gives +20% to the attack power of all goblins within the entire dungeon floor for 20 minutes)]

[Fearsome Totem: A sign of the danger and ferocity of the goblin clan. (All creatures hostile to the Dungeon lose 5% of mental health when they first look at the totem, there is a chance to impose the "Horror" status)]

And their subtypes... Mmm, you'll rock. Everyone has no, no, yes, its own zest, feature. I especially liked the goblins. Such small goblins, tied to secrecy, scares and petty sabotage like "stealing a couple of health bottles from a raider during a brawl." In general, it's funny for me to think about the poor guy they will treat. That is, here he is fighting, believes in himself and his strength, thinks that everything is under control, climbs into his pocket for a potion - and there is nothing there! I would have lit a cigarette with such a scenario, but, fortunately, I am not a raider.

In general, looking at this tree, I begin to wonder if I made a mistake in choosing? Well, since goblins are doing so well, what about slugs? They're brainless! They can have no culture, no intelligence, and nothing at all, it's the same... Slugs.

Although who knows... It would be balanced if they had their own analogues for everything. I looked into the skill tree again, exited the [Goblins] tab and tried to select slugs, but...

[Only one type of creature can exist on one floor of a dungeon. Would you like to create a new floor for 130,000 OP?]


I even coughed a little... One hundred and thirty thousand points... Immediately I grabbed my wand and began to calculate roughly. He divided everything in a column, barely remembering the method of division at all. If there had been a calculator, everything would have been over in thirty seconds, but technology was not brought into this world, as usual, everything had to be done with the brain. Well, at least somewhere it came in handy for me to count myself, thank you, school. True, I had to die for this once, but that's just the little things... So...

Yes, I need to save for this floor for five years with my three miserable points per hour!

- Ek-makarek... well... I made the choice, but it's not so interesting to me... Slugs and slugs, why mumble something... I consoled myself out loud.

Immediately I had a delicate question... If I spend five years ramsing with goblins, then... How are they with the females? Can the dream of a harem of monster girls come true? I've seen pretty beautiful goblinesses on the Internet, I've seen slug girls and something cooler... With slugs, by the way, it would be easier. It's plasticine! I set one up to look like a woman and here's a doll for you! That's really a joint here, I didn't think about Laurentia at all.

I looked into the menu, relatively quickly found an opportunity to buy a female, which here, by the way, were called goblins, and... Good God! I'm sorry, the greens, but she's so disgusting that we'll have a strong male team!

It will be necessary to arrange more T-shirts "Without women" and there will be a fairy tale in general.

I can still see this beautiful picture... There is a hole in the ground, fields around, flowers, and inside there is a crowd of hungry, cold and very angry goblins from long abstinence with me at the head. The devil still knows which of us will be calmer and more balanced.

- Prospects are shit ... - I sighed heavily and pushed all thoughts about the future away.

Now we must finally put our first goblin.

With the power of thought and with pain in my heart, I pulled it out of the menu and put it right next to the chest, so far it is our most valuable source of income. Speaking of income... I remembered the Heart. Somehow, not quite consciously, I stuffed it into the inventory, because the influx of points was in general... One point? Huh?..

So much for the discovery, ek-makarek. It seems that a dungeon without a heart is very bad, since even the chests almost do not pump anything. If you think about it, then having a Heart is an additional multiplier to the chests, right? If that's the case, then some rich chests will bring me a decent income without it, because keeping my Heart on the street is a little scary. However, it is also not very pleasant in the inventory... After all, as long as I have it, I'm disposable. Here's the dilemma...

If you get a Heart, it's fast, they'll dig up a finita la comedy, you'll leave it at home - it's fast in the square, they'll kill you and they won't look at whether the keeper is there, an otherworlder or someone else, and you'll be reborn in your inventory. So far, of course, it's best to hide it in a hiding place or underground, but not in a cave, definitely not where strangers will shun, so it would be fine just strangers, they will also be evil, they will be loot and give my ass.

But they can farm me... That would be just fine! They will stand up, as in one toy, at my point of rebirth and start killing until I shit myself with something good, or even just like that, for the sake of experience or pleasure, there are different guys in the world, after all. Dimka's cheekboned face floated before his eyes.

Oh... That's what, and he was that kind of creature. Strong and tall by nature, handsome, he competed with me in terms of attractiveness, our charm, of course, is a little different, the error, so to speak, but we both easily glued girls... Before my Light, in general. I either fell in love with her, or I was fired up with excitement, in general, the scribe was faithful, but Dimka broke up without me in these half a year at all.

I changed eight girls, fucked up with salt and sent the guy of one of them to the hospital, and the other broke his arms altogether, well, as I was told, for the passion of the night, so that she "moaned".

But I might get caught like that... I'll come across such a Dimka and, Mama Mia, it would be better if he broke his Heart right away. Brr, it was cold.

- Fuck you, Dima! I shouted loudly, kicking his stupid snout out of my head - To hell with everything!

I haven't been able to put my first stupid goblin on for an hour!

I got into the menu, took it and stuck it next to the chest.

"Poof" and in a cloud of smoke appeared a green bald monkey in a loincloth, huge ears and a baton in his hands. And right after that, my whole cave changed. The dirt underfoot was overgrown with grass, the walls were slightly yellow, torches jumped on them, but unusual, but bone ones. Two terrifying totems grew up on the street at once, such stakes with skulls of presumably people impaled on them, the cave narrowed and turned into catacombs, now a small corridor led out, just above my goblin. I had to duck slightly to get through, but it's not critical.

[The Hole in the Ground dungeon has evolved into the Goblin Cave dungeon!]

[Received the following gifts: Awesome Totem(x2), Goblin Torch(x8)!]

[Spell learned: Goblin Summon!]

[The "Simple Chest" has been transformed into a "Goblin Chest"!]

- Ek-makarek... And you, kid, know how to change the atmosphere around you, a real Mr. soul of the company! - I even whistled.

Well, now I understand why you can choose only one type of creatures. The dungeon, as I understand it, is confined to only one type, or, better to say, the floor of the dungeon. So far, of course, my great and terrible impassable dungeon has only one floor, it's not necessary to talk about them, but it's still fun. In general, it's even more interesting for me now to see what the slugs have and how my hole has been transformed, it sounds great, under their influence, but all in good time.

Now I examined my first servant a little more closely.

[Goblin (no name)

Level: 5

Health: 45/45

Mana: none (requires specialization "Shaman")

Skills: Goblin Strike, Night Vision

Active titles: Predator of Caves (20% harder to spot in the dark and dim light)

Inactive titles: None

Number of revivals: 500

Respawn time: 1 hour 30 minutes]

Well, it's clear with revivals, consumables, everything is fine... Wait... huh?.. Does he have a level higher than mine? Seriously?! Come on, status!

[Goblin Cave Dungeon

Recommended level: 5

Danger level: Almost safe.

Special Awards: None.

Monsters: Goblins.

The characteristics below are visible only to the Dungeon Keeper

Number of chests: 1

Dungeon Points: 1/hour

Dungeon Heart Health: 100/100

Dungeon Defenders: Goblin(x1)

Traps: None

Floors: 1 (You can read more about the characteristics of the floors)

Dungeon Level: 1

The Keeper of the Dungeon Eugene

Guardian Level: 1

Health: 450/450

Mana: 50/50

Skills: Sprint

Spells: Goblin Summon

Active Titles: Fast legs are not afraid of lyulya (+10% to running speed), the Killer of Rats (+5% to the damage inflicted), Curious (+5% to the perception area), From another world (The ability to understand all languages, the bonus of the legendary title is always active)

Inactive titles: None]

I'm still level one... Your left! Well, why?! It was necessary to finish off that big-eared one!..

So, okay, everything is fine, you will become the strongest, of course you will become one, no one will ever pass your danjik... In the future, even a rat will pass it for now, but later... Then everything will be fine. But for now...

I looked around, looked at the walls, studied the nooks and crannies of my new cave and I can say with confidence that I would not climb here for any price. Yes, so far everything looks quite civil to itself, not even really, but all in good time. They will have time to scatter my goblins and bones everywhere, splatter everything with blood, make a stink and voila - it will be a creepy, disgusting place that no one will want to climb into for some kind of chest!

But for the Heart of the Dungeon, maybe they will climb... And then there's an aggregator of purple things hanging around... That's sh...

I sighed heavily and got out into the street to look at my cave better. It was raining, but the torches, oddly enough, were all burning, even if they were soaring well. Totems were terrifying, and the narrow passage did not allow you to go even together at all, not to go, hugging, you can, scratching each other's walls. In general, this place can already be called a good natural micro-fortress. It is easy to defend, convenient, and this, among other things, is a dungeon, and therefore there is no threat of destruction of walls or anything else, as I understand it. A fairy tale, if there were no goblins there, but it will suit me, and I am the white leader of the green-eared society "Without Women" for the next couple of years. Well, I can't believe that for all the time I won't get a single gram of experience from other sources.

Maybe, by the way, it will be possible to accumulate points for both me and the greens by killing animals and critters inside the cave? I'll have to try...

In the meantime, I went up to the totems, stroked the Yoricks impaled on them for good luck and went a little further to inspect the perimeter of my new home. I wonder if the system generated the skulls or if the firebrands disappeared from someone's graves? It would be funny if so. It's just that in my world there was a law "Nothing comes from nowhere and disappears nowhere", although it concerned energy, but I'm more used to talking about "everything" in broad terms. Although... It's a different world and the laws are different here, so... What do I care? Maybe there are apples here, if you throw them, they fly into space! You never know what other laws are buggy here.