
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Unveiling Legacy: The Valdyr Family Swordsmanship

The next morning arrived, its golden rays filtering through Nathan's window like a promise of something extraordinary.

As he stirred from slumber, a rush of excitement surged through Nathan's veins, his heart dancing like a playful breeze. The impending demonstration of the Valdyr Family's Swordsmanship, a cherished pledge from his father, was finally at hand.

With a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, he leaped out of bed, a burst of energy igniting every corner of his being.

In the quiet cocoon of his room, Nathan dressed in the ceremonial attire, each motion deliberate and purposeful. The fabric whispered against his skin, a reminder of the significance of the day. A light breakfast awaited him on a tray, the aroma of fresh fruits mingling with the crisp air that had crept in from the open window.

And then, a gentle "Knock, knock" orchestrated the melody of his anticipation. Nathan's steps carried him to the door, where Winston's familiar voice floated through, a bearer of news that held its own intrigue.

"Young master, King Rodrick has tasked me with informing you that today's training will not take place at the usual training grounds, but rather near the Tulkan forest just outside the city."

The words lingered in the air, a harbinger of change and mystery. With a nod, Nathan acknowledged the message that had been entrusted to Winston. A sense of purpose and readiness welled within him, an unspoken understanding that this day held more than just a display of swordsmanship.

The carriage awaited, its polished exterior gleaming like a knight's armor in the morning sun. Nathan, accompanied by Winston, embarked on this journey with a blend of eagerness and curiosity. The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves created a soothing cadence, a backdrop to his thoughts that raced like the wind.

As they approached the designated location, Nathan's gaze locked onto a figure standing amidst the tranquil expanse. His father, a figure of strength and wisdom, stood there, flanked by a formation of thirty Royal knights. Their presence was like a silent oath, an unspoken vow to uphold tradition and honor.

And so, within the embrace of nature's beauty and the camaraderie of loyal knights, Nathan stood on the cusp of destiny. The morning breeze seemed to carry whispers of ancient tales, and the sunlight painted a portrait of anticipation on his face as he took his place beside his father, ready to unveil the legacy that awaited him.

Approaching the scene, Nathan's footsteps carried a mix of curiosity and respect as he closed the distance between himself and Rodrick. With a deferential nod, he greeted his father, his words laced with a blend of eagerness and genuine inquiry, "Father, may I ask why we are conducting our training here, near the forest?"

Rodrick's gaze held a depth of wisdom as he met Nathan's eyes, his response a tapestry woven with intention. "For two main reasons," he began, his voice a steady river of knowledge. "Firstly, if I were to employ these techniques at the training grounds, the infrastructure might give way, incurring substantial repair costs. This forest provides a canvas untouched by stone and mortar, allowing us to wield our skills without constraint."

Nathan's brow furrowed slightly, the cogs of understanding turning within his mind. The forest, with its raw terrain and untamed beauty, became a place of purposeful challenge, mirroring the path of mastery he was embarking upon.

Rodrick's gaze held a steadiness that spoke of generations of wisdom. "Secondly, this forest provides an ideal environment for you to learn," he continued, his words carrying a weight of insight. "As you'll need to apply these techniques within a challenging setting. Here, the elements and the land itself will test your adaptability, pushing you to harness your abilities beyond the confines of a controlled arena."

With a thoughtful nod, Nathan absorbed his father's words. The forest became a crucible of growth, each rustle of leaves and whisper of the wind an invitation to become one with the surroundings.

The command to return echoed through the air, the Royal knights departing, leaving father and son alone amidst the embrace of nature's beauty. As the world narrowed down to just the two of them, Rodrick's gaze held a mixture of pride and anticipation, his voice a steady anchor in the sea of possibility.

Seated on the ground cross-legged, Nathan absorbed every nuance of his father's presence. Rodrick's voice, like the river of time itself, began to weave a tale of lineage and legacy. "Let's start with a brief history of these techniques," Rodrick began, his tone a conduit for the echoes of generations past. "As I've mentioned before, these techniques were crafted by our ancestor during the establishment of the Valdyr kingdom. In that era, our kingdom stood as one of the most powerful forces across the entire continent."

The words seemed to conjure images of battles fought and victories won, a tapestry of strength and honor that painted the history of their people.

"However," Rodrick continued, his voice a quiet reflection of time's inevitable passage, "the crown was handed down to descendants who were progressively weaker than their predecessors." The weight of this truth hung in the air, a reminder of the cycle of life and power.

"Some could not even surpass the seven-core star mark or reach the subsequent levels," Rodrick confessed, the weight of unfulfilled potential a palpable presence. "This gradual decline led our once-great kingdom to wither in the river of time, resulting in the weakened state we find ourselves in today."

Nathan's eyes held a mixture of empathy and determination, understanding the weight of the past and the responsibility that now rested on his shoulders.

Rodrick's gaze remained locked onto Nathan, the bond between father and son a thread that transcended time. "Among our family traditions, mastering this technique held a precedence even before other skills," he revealed, his voice a testament to the value of legacy. "Yet, do not underestimate its potency. As you accumulate more core stars and refine your proficiency in their utilization, you will come to understand."

And in that moment, as the forest listened and history echoed, Nathan's heart swelled with a sense of purpose, his father's teachings and the weight of generations urging him forward on a path that would shape not only his own destiny, but that of the Valdyr lineage itself.

"Now, let's delve into the technique itself," Rodrick's voice carried the weight of accumulated wisdom, his words like an invitation to unlock the secrets of generations. "It's divided into four parts, with the first focusing on footwork, and the remaining three centering around swordsmanship."

Nathan's focus sharpened; his anticipation woven into every fiber of his being.

"First, you will begin by learning the footwork," Rodrick began, his voice a guide through the labyrinth of knowledge. "Once you can execute it proficiently, you can then progress to mastering the sword techniques. After all, if you can't keep up with your opponent's speed, how can you effectively launch an attack?"

The logic was undeniable, and Nathan nodded in agreement, the pieces of the puzzle aligning.

"The footwork we'll be focusing on is called 'Lightning Footwork'," Rodrick's words resonated like an incantation, a key to unlock a hidden power.

With that, Rodrick stepped forward, his presence a beacon of authority and mastery. He proceeded to demonstrate the Lightning Footwork to Nathan, every movement deliberate and purposeful. He explained, his voice a river of understanding, "While you've already grasped the basics of moving and channeling your aura through various parts of your body, it remains inconsistent, leading to the wastage of a significant amount of your aura."

Nathan's gaze was unwavering, absorbing every detail like a parched desert drinking in rain.

"To start," Rodrick continued, his voice a guide through uncharted waters, "you must learn to control your aura with precision, using just the required amount and shaping it according to your intent. Once you've achieved mastery over these aspects, you'll direct your aura to the soles of your feet, setting it into an unending loop (∞) that maintains an exceptionally rapid pace. This continuous motion results in a speed akin to lightning, causing each step you take to unleash lightning from your soles."

The concept was both intriguing and challenging, a delicate dance of mastery over one's own energy.

Continuing his explanation, Rodrick's voice held a note of encouragement, "Shift your focus to your eyes. Observe the flow of aura as I demonstrate."

With each movement of Rodrick's body, Nathan's eyes followed, the rhythm of his breath synchronizing with the ebb and flow of aura.

Rodrick commenced the Lightning Footwork, and in the next instant, the air seemed to crackle with energy. Faint tendrils of static lightning began to emanate from beneath his feet, a testament to the controlled power he held. With each subsequent step, he seemed to vanish and reappear several meters away, accompanied by lightning discharges where his feet had landed. The earth trembled beneath the might of his steps, and Nathan's jaw dropped in astonishment at the spectacle.

As he gripped his sword, a chuckle escaped Rodrick's lips upon witnessing Nathan's astonished expression. With a playful tone that belied the gravity of their practice, he continued, "Now, I'll introduce you to the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship's inaugural form, known as the 'Dragon Slash'. Having familiarized yourself with the lightning footwork, you've undoubtedly grasped the precision required in channeling your aura throughout your body."

Nathan's heart raced in tandem with his curiosity, each beat a step forward in his journey.

"However," Rodrick's voice lowered, a hint of mystery veiling his words, "the next step involves taking this understanding even further. You must learn to envelop the striking edge of your weapon with a controlled aura, maintaining its presence while setting it into rapid vibration. This intricate combination yields an intense cutting force capable of slicing through substantial obstacles, much like a dragon's claw rending a mountain."

The image was vivid, a canvas painted with the raw power of nature's might.

Rodrick initiated the demonstration of the technique, his movements captivating Nathan's attention like an absorbent sponge soaking up every detail.

Guiding Nathan through the technique, Rodrick encased the edge of his sword with his aura, causing it to vibrate with uncontrollable intensity. With a swift, expert strike, he directed the vibrating blade toward a small hill merely seven meters away. The impact cleaved the hill into two distinct pieces, showcasing the overwhelming force of the technique.

In that moment, Nathan stood on the precipice of true understanding, his mind a tapestry woven with newfound knowledge and possibility. The lineage of the Valdyr family pulsed through his veins, and the legacy of their strength beckoned him to rise and claim his place within its storied history.

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