
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Trials of Mastery: Echoes of Lightning and Precision

The next day morning, upon waking up with morning dews on his face, Nathan sees.

The dense forest of Tulkan greeted Nathan with its towering trees and the whispering breeze that carried tales of old. Having left the familiarity of the castle behind, he found himself standing alone in the heart of nature, his father's teachings echoing in his mind.

As the sun filtered through the leaves, Nathan's heart pounded with anticipation. The journey he was about to undertake held the promise of not only mastering the Valdyr swordsmanship but also discovering deeper truths about himself.

Nathan then remembers his purpose for coming to the forest of Tulkan, he then jogged both cheeks slightly with his hands to fully wake up and started assessing the surrounding trees and terrain and comparing with the information and a terrain map he got from his father to see where he is now.

while assessing the surroundings, he founds a small lake described on the map and takes a bath in it, while confirming that there is no danger in his current surroundings, after taking the bath he collects the firewood because it was slightly cold in the forest in the morning.

After lighting a fire and eating his food. "Hmm, I think now I should start," Nathan says to himself.

Nathan was a five-year-old young, who was sent into the forest by his father, Rodrick, with a daunting task ahead. His mission was to train in the four distinct forms of the Valdyr family swordsmanship, a legacy passed down through generations. These forms encompassed various aspects of combat, each one requiring specific skills to master.

And he has to hunt specific monsters and bring back a piece of their bounties as proof of his success and as a test given by his father Rodrick.

The training was arduous, and Nathan was not allowed to return until he had achieved a good level of proficiency in all four forms.

He begins his training for the first form barefooted which will give him a good grip and balance on the forest floor.

Form 1: The Lightning Footwork - The Embrace of Speed

Nathan's going to start by refining his aura control. he's already got a grasp on channeling it to different parts of his body, but it's time to make that control precise and efficient.

As Rodrick's previously given instructions came into his mind.

Nathan closed his eyes, feeling the energy within him his aura, and turning it into the subtle currents of his inner energy. He envisioned his aura as a vibrant, fluid energy surrounding him, waiting to be harnessed.

Nathan's brow furrowed with concentration. He could sense the potential within him, the raw energy that he could now manipulate, as he was attempting to mold the aura into the shape and size he desired.

With a little smirk on one side of his lips, he thought, "Excellent, I am already on the right path, now let's move on to the next step."

Nathan's mind buzzed with excitement. He began to experiment, envisioning his aura morphing into various shapes. He felt the thrill of empowerment as he realized the extent of his control over this innate energy.

Now, Nathan, imagined pulling the aura down, down to the soles of his feet. Focusing on creating an unbroken, flowing loop of energy, just like the infinity symbol (∞).

Nathan visualized the loop of energy, a constant stream flowing through his Aura core and down to his feet. The concept was challenging, but his determination pushed him forward.

As he established the loop, he imagines the energy moving faster and faster, building momentum. This is the essence of the Lightning footwork. The loop should become a whirlwind of power, generating lightning with every step.

Nathan's heart raced as he combined his controlled aura manipulation with the image of the infinite loop accelerating into a tempest. He could almost feel the crackling electricity beneath his feet, the very essence of lightning being harnessed.

Nathan opens his eyes, and takes a step forward, envisioning that lightning being released with each movement.

And to his amazement, a faint bolt of electricity crackled at his feet. A rush of exhilaration and pride surged through him.

Nathan then says to himself, "This is just the beginning. Mastering the Lightning footwork takes time and dedication. I have to keep refining my control, shaping my aura, and perfecting that lightning-infused step. Then Soon enough, I'll be dancing with the speed and power of lightning itself."

With this determination, Nathan's feet began to dance across the forest floor, mimicking the lightning that danced across the sky during storms. He felt the earth beneath him, its pulse synchronizing with the rhythm of his movements. Every leap, every pivot was a step closer to harnessing the agility that would make him a true Valdyr swordsman.

Hours turned into days, and under the open sky, Nathan practiced tirelessly. He leaped over fallen logs, ducked under low branches, and weaved through thickets with grace he hadn't known before. As sweat rolled down his brow, he could almost hear his father's voice urging him to push harder, to become one with the lightning itself.

After twenty days of arduous training, Nathan completely mastered the lightning footwork.

His every movement was a testament to his dedication. Nathan's feet moved with an agility that mirrored the lightning that danced across the sky. He had practiced tirelessly, perfecting his footwork until he was a blur among the trees, He could feel the agility coursing through his veins. The moment had come to prove his proficiency.

Deep within the forest, a creature known as the Rabauna awaited—a squirrel-like monster that darted through the underbrush at speeds that defied the eye. With its ears pinned back, it was said to run at least 300 kilometers per hour. Armed with his newfound lightning footwork, Nathan set his sights on the Rabauna.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the forest seemed to come alive with energy. Nathan's heart pounded as he chased the elusive creature, his movements as swift as the wind. Branches whipped past, the ground beneath him a blur of motion. But Nathan was relentless, his determination burning brighter than the moonlight.

Finally, after a heart-pounding pursuit, he cornered the Rabauna. With a swift strike, his blade found its mark, and the creature's rapid movements stilled. Panting, Nathan gazed at his prey, the embodiment of his newfound agility. He had conquered the first form—Lightning Footwork.

For the next two days, he spent hunting the other Four Rabauna and collected a total of five pairs of the Rabauna ears.

Form 2: Dragon Slash - The Art of Precision

After a day of rest, having honed his footwork, Nathan moved on to the next form. With a sword in hand, he faced a wooden training dummy he made with his hands during the day he rested, which represented his opponent. His father's words echoed in his ears as he focused on the concept of cutting force, of releasing his energy in one swift motion.

Nathan had already grasped the precision of aura control within his body through the Lightning footwork. Now, he was taking it further – applying that precision to the edge of his weapon.

Nathan's heart quickened as he trained intently. The aura that once surrounded his entire body was now to be concentrated on the blade of his sword, a potent force ready to be unleashed.

Nathan Imagined his aura, that very energy he shaped and directed, flowing along the edge of his blade. picturing it like a shimmering, ethereal edge, honed to perfection by his mastery.

Nathan's gaze was locked onto the sword, his mind forming a vivid image of his aura enveloping the blade. He visualized the edge of the weapon as a conduit for his energy, an extension of his very soul.

then he imagined that aura vibrating, humming with the intensity of his will. The blade becomes a vessel of focused energy, resonating at a speed that defies perception.

Nathan's grip tightened on his sword. He could sense the resonance of energy, the blade humming with power that transcended its physical form. It was as if the weapon itself acknowledged the infusion of aura, becoming a part of Nathan's very being.

Nathan's heart raced, and the challenge and potential of the technique ignited his spirit. He could almost feel the energy coursing through the sword, his aura interwoven with the weapon's edge.

With a deep breath, Nathan steadied himself. He exhaled, and as his sword cut through the air, a flicker of energy trailed behind it. The blade seemed to shimmer with heightened intensity, leaving a streak of light in its wake.

The air itself seemed to hold its breath as Nathan completed the cut. The forest echoed with the sound of his strike, and the energy that radiated from his blade resonated with the very heartbeat of the woods.

Nathan thought to himself, "I have taken the first step into the realm of Dragon Slash, As I continuously refine this technique, I'II be able to harness the full power of aura-infused strikes.

The second form, Dragon Slash, required a keen edge of focus. Each cut was a symphony of precision, a song composed by the clash of metal against wood. Nathan honed his technique against wooden dummies, his sword singing through the air as if guided by unseen hands.

He visualized the power within the blade, the very essence of the Dragon Slash. Every strike represented his resolve to cut through any obstacle. The forest bore witness to his determination, its silence an acknowledgment of his efforts. With each swing, he carved his destiny in the air, the leaves rustling in applause.

The forest's embrace transitioned from moonlit tranquility to the fierce sun's embrace as Nathan embarked on his next test. Armed with the Dragon Slash technique, he set out to hunt a creature that embodied cutting force—the mighty Tusatee.

Standing tall and formidable, the Tusatee resembled a rhino, its hide as impenetrable as iron. Nathan's challenge was to harness the Dragon Slash's power to break through this formidable defense and claim the creature's massive horn—a two-meter testament to his mastery of the second form.

With each strike, Nathan's blade danced in arcs of power, channeling the Dragon Slash's energy. The battle was a symphony of force and precision, a testament to Nathan's growth. In a final, resounding blow, he struck true, toppling the Tusantee. As the creature fell, Nathan claimed its horn, a trophy of his mastery over the second form.

After a dedicated and solitary journey in the forest, Nathan's progress had been nothing short of remarkable. The passage of time was marked by the changing seasons, each day a step forward in his training. One and a half months had transformed Nathan from a novice into a practitioner of formidable skill.

The forest stood witness as Nathan's movements grew more fluid and precise. His swordplay resonated with newfound confidence, a testament to the First and Second forms of the Valdyr family swordsmanship he had mastered. The Aura's energy flowed through him, a harmonious dance between the aura and his own determination.

The Second Form, known as 'Lightning footwork,' was a dance of speed and grace, each movement embodying the spirit of speed and lightning itself. And with each strike, each flourish of his blade, Nathan brought the swordsmanship to life. The First Form, 'Dragon Slash,' carried the raw force of a beast's might, the blade cutting through the air with a resonance that echoed like a dragon's roar.

But his growth extended beyond swordsmanship. Through rigorous training and unwavering discipline, Nathan had reached a remarkable level in his aura manipulation. The Gravitas method had become his ally, guiding him to harness his inner energy with mastery. He had unlocked the potential of the second core star and second mana circle level, a testament to his dedication and the guidance of his solitary training with the forest.

Nathan's connection with the wilderness deepened over time. The forest was no longer a backdrop; it was a living, breathing companion in his journey. He could almost hear the rustling leaves whispering secrets of growth and transformation, and the wind seemed to carry Rodrick's voice as a gentle reminder of the path he treads.

As he stood in the heart of the forest, his sword glinting in the dappled sunlight, Nathan knew that his journey was far from over. The skills he had acquired were not mere accomplishments, but steppingstones toward greater mastery. His connection with the Valdyr family's legacy.

With his aura as his guide and the wisdom of himself as his companion, Nathan looked ahead with unwavering determination. He was ready to carve his name into the annals of history, a testament to his growth, his heritage, and the wilderness that had shaped him into a force to be reckoned with.

I tried changing the style, comment to tell me if it's good and I will edit chapter 7 after some days, so you can see that again and please support me and add it in you library if you like it.

nekrom1creators' thoughts