
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

The Hostile Welcome

As the carriage bearing Cardinal Creston rolled through the grand gates of Axum, the city's bustling streets came into view. The once-devastated capital is now rebuilt and filled again with activity and vitality. 

As the carriage carrying Cardinal Creston entered the city of Axum, it was met with a stark contrast to the prosperity of the farmlands. The bustling streets were filled with the common people, many of whom harbored deep resentment towards the Sky God's Church, particularly due to the actions of Thornwood and the Church in the past.

The atmosphere quickly turned hostile as the citizens recognized the symbol of the Sky God's Church from the Casentino Empire. Angry shouts and accusations filled the air as they voiced their grievances and anger.

  Cardinal Creston, seated inside the carriage, could hear the accusations and cries of the crowd outside.

"Go back to your country, you suckers of the Sky God's Church!"

"Yeah! Go back! Your church not only sent people for attack before, but you even launched a surprise attack and killed innocent people!"

An elderly man, tears streaming down his face, mustered the courage to step in front of the carriage, blocking its path. His voice quivered with anger and pain as he shouted, "You people of the Sky God, because of your bishop Thornwood, my daughter got killed. She didn't have the chance to get married. I will not let you go until you pay for your members' crimes!"

The crowd around him grew larger and more agitated, echoing his sentiments:

"You killed my husband!"

"You killed my child! Give me back my child!"

The situation was escalating rapidly, with the common people venting their pent-up frustration and anger at the Church and its representatives. Cardinal Creston, seated inside the carriage, could hear the accusations and cries of the crowd outside.

His expression remained composed, but it was clear that the tension in the air was palpable. The cardinal now faced not only the challenges of diplomacy within the royal court but also the anger and grief of the people on the city's streets. 

Inside the carriage, Cardinal Creston maintained a shrewd and calm composure despite the rising tension outside. His thoughts remained detached, unaffected by the anger of the common people.

"These peasants", he mused inwardly, "not knowing the heights of the sky, thinking they can do something to me."

He turned his gaze to a servant sitting in front of him in the carriage and said in a low voice, "Go tell the paladins to clear the way."

Before the servant could go out and relay the orders, General Barch, representing the Valdyr Kingdom, rode forward on his horse.

In a commanding and confident voice, General Barch addressed the people of Axum, saying, "People of Axum."

General Barch's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the angry crowd, and Cardinal Creston couldn't help but acknowledge the general's ability to command a crowd.

"Impressive", the cardinal thought briefly, "but it changes nothing."

His words carried the weight of authority as he continued, "I understand your pain and anger. We, all, have suffered at the hands of those who sought to harm our kingdom."

The old man who had stopped the carriage spoke up with tearful eyes, his voice quivering, "But our suffering came at the hands of those who claimed to be followers of the Sky God. They attacked our city and killed our loved ones."

General Barch nodded solemnly, his gaze unwavering. "I do not represent the Sky God Church," he clarified, "I am General Barch of the Valdyr Kingdom, and I share your grief over the loss of innocent lives. We fought to protect our people from the same threat that visited your city."

A woman in the crowd, her face etched with sorrow, stepped forward and asked, "Then why is the Church's representative here, and why is he in our city?"

Cardinal Creston, hearing the question, stepped out of the carriage, his demeanor still composed. He addressed the crowd with a measured tone, "I am Cardinal Creston, and I have come not as an aggressor but as a representative of the Church to seek answers."

A murmur of skepticism rippled through the crowd, Cardinal Creston, his expression composed, observed their reactions with detached interest.

Cardinal Creston continued, "We seek the truth behind recent events, including the actions of Thornwood, who has caused suffering to both our kingdoms by tarnishing our name and killing innocent here. We hope for a peaceful resolution and justice for all."

A man in the crowd shouted, "Justice? Our loved ones are gone! What justice can bring them back?"

General Barch, his voice resolute, replied, "No justice can bring back the lives we've lost, but we must ensure that those responsible face the consequences of their actions. It is our shared duty to prevent further suffering."

The crowd fell silent, torn between their grief and a glimmer of hope for justice. The old man, tears still in his eyes, spoke once more, "What will you do, then?"

Cardinal Creston and General Barch exchanged a knowing glance before the cardinal answered, "We will investigate Thornwood's actions and hold him accountable for the lives he has taken. We are committed to ensuring that justice is served, for the sake of both our kingdoms."

The tension in the air began to ease, replaced by a cautious sense of understanding. The people of Axum, while still grieving, recognized the sincerity in their words.

As the old man stepped aside, his act of understanding resonated with the crowd. The tense atmosphere began to ease, and the angry shouts gave way to somber murmurs of agreement.

One by one, the people of Axum began to clear a path for Cardinal Creston and General Barch, allowing the carriage to continue its journey through the city.

The old man, his eyes still filled with tears, spoke once more, his voice carrying a mixture of grief and hope, "Stand aside, my friends. Our prince and king will seek justice for our loved ones. Let us have faith in their wisdom."

The crowd slowly dispersed, their anger giving way to a cautious optimism. They had expressed their pain and grievances, and now they chose to place their trust in the leadership of their kingdom.

Cardinal Creston and General Barch continued on their path through the city.

upon reaching the castle doors Butler Winston standing with the trusted advisor to welcome the cardinal, Winston says to Barch "General you can leave the cardinal to us now and go back"

General Barch nodded, his duties fulfilled for the moment. "Very well," he replied, turning his horse to depart. "I'll leave the cardinal in your capable hands, but I'll be nearby if needed."

With that, General Barch rode back toward the city, leaving Cardinal Creston in the care of Butler Winston and the trusted advisor. 

As Cardinal Creston was escorted into the castle, he couldn't help but notice the icy reception he received from the castle staff and servants. Whispers and hushed conversations followed his every step, and disapproving glances were cast his way.

It was evident that the people of Axum held a deep-seated resentment toward the members of the Sky God Church, and their anger was palpable.

Butler Winston, maintaining his professionalism, led Cardinal Creston through the grand hallways of the castle. The trusted advisor followed closely behind, his expression unreadable.

As they approached a chamber where the upcoming meeting with King Rodrick would take place, Butler Winston leaned in and spoke in a hushed tone to the cardinal.

"Your Eminence, I must caution you. The people of Axum harbor great anger and grievances against the Church, particularly in the wake of the recent attack orchestrated by Thornwood. King Rodrick is aware of this sentiment, and it will be crucial to navigate this meeting with sensitivity."

Cardinal Creston, his shrewd demeanor unwavering, nodded in acknowledgment. He understood the delicate nature of the situation and was prepared to tread carefully.

However, hidden beneath his composed exterior was a cunning mind, well aware of the potential advantages that could be gained in this tumultuous situation. The conversation that awaited would be a carefully orchestrated dance of diplomacy and manipulation, and Cardinal Creston was ready to take full advantage of the opportunity that lay before him.

hmm, just give power stones if you even think this story should continue. Thanks for reading.

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