
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

The Fall from Grace

After some days of hearing the bad news of his defeat, Archbishop Thornwood received a summons to the capital city, Celestia Regalis, of the Casentino Empire. The call came from none other than the Pope himself, who resided in the grandest church known as the Sanctum Pontifex.

As Archbishop Thornwood entered the main room of this impressive religious edifice, his eyes fell upon the Pope. A man of sixty years, Seated upon an ornate throne of divine authority, The scepter of authority made of pure gold, a symbol of his divine right, rested firmly in the Pope's grasp. He was adorned in robes of a bluish shade, resembling the sky itself, intricately embroidered with threads of gold.

A magnificent mural adorned the wall behind the Pope, capturing the essence of the Sky God, Celestorial. Thornwood's eyes were drawn to the mural's vivid depiction of a soaring bird, its silhouette cast against a radiant sun, representing the boundless power and grace of the divine.

The grand chamber stretched out before Thornwood, with towering arches and ornate pillars supporting the weight of history. Stained glass windows adorned with vibrant depictions of celestial scenes filtered sunlight, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the marble floors. A sense of reverence hung in the air, magnified by the hallowed echoes of countless prayers.

With utmost reverence, Archbishop Thornwood knelt before the Pope, bowing his head in deference to the supreme spiritual leader of their faith. The Pope's voice, aged but resolute, resonated through the grand chamber as he began to speak, acknowledging Thornwood's achievements, "Hmm, Thornwood, I have granted you the esteemed position of Archbishop, recognizing the shrewd decisions you've made."

This meeting held the promise of significant developments, and the archbishop awaited the Pope's words with bated breath.

With his head still lowered in reverence, Archbishop Thornwood replied, "O high one, I am honored by your words of praise."

The Pope, his gleaming eyes fixed upon Thornwood, continued, "I thought that you would be the one closest to attaining the coveted 4th cardinal position, but..." With a calculated gesture, he lightly struck his scepter onto the ground, creating a resounding echo that filled the vast, white chambers of the Sanctum. Thornwood's anxiety grew, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

The Pope's voice escalated in intensity, his disappointment palpable. "But you, you are such a foolish child!" His voice echoed with authority and reproach. "To think that even after hiring numerous mercenaries and employing your own troops to attack the Valdyr Empire, despite having a numerical advantage, you still lost. This disgrace tarnishes not only our church's reputation but the reputation of our entire empire."

He paused for emphasis before continuing, "Even though the King of this kingdom allows us to hold power, we do not possess enough influence to countermand his orders. Did I not make it abundantly clear when the royalty conveyed his wishes? We were to address the issue of the bandit king in the desert before considering any offensive against the Valdyr Empire."

Archbishop Thornwood, overwhelmed and anxious, rushed to explain, his voice trembling with fear, "O high one, please hear me out. That young Prince of the Valdyr Empire employed mysterious arrows and a powerful artifact, and..." Before he could finish, the Pope slammed his scepter forcefully onto the ground. The resounding thud silenced Thornwood, his heart heavy with dread.

The Pope's face contorted with a mixture of anger and disappointment as he regarded Thornwood. His tone turned cold and ruthless. "Your excuses, Thornwood, are as empty as your ambitions. In light of your failure and your reckless disregard for my orders, your position as Archbishop is hereby revoked."

Thornwood's heart sank, his worst fears realized. He was being demoted, not only losing his prestigious role but also facing the bitter humiliation of being stripped of his power and influence. The Pope's voice was unyielding as he continued, "You shall be demoted to the position of 10th Bishop among the 36 Bishops, a humble station befitting your incompetence."

The weight of the punishment hung heavily in the air, suffocating Thornwood. The Pope's words were a verdict, and there would be no appeal. It was a fall from grace, a stark reminder of the consequences of his costly failure.

The Pope leaned forward, his eyes piercing into Thornwood's soul. "Consider yourself fortunate, Thornwood, that I have not cast you out entirely. You will serve the church in your new role with unwavering loyalty, or you shall face consequences far graver than demotion."

Thornwood, now 10th Bishop Thornwood, could only bow his head in submission. His dreams of power and ambition had crumbled to dust, replaced by the bitter taste of disgrace and defeat.

As Thornwood made his exit from the grand chambers, the weight of his humiliation bore down upon him. The echo of the Pope's chilling words reverberated in his mind, a constant reminder of the thin thread by which his life now hung.

"Remember this, Thornwood," the Pope's ruthless voice had followed him out, its coldness sinking into his very bones. Thornwood turned to see the Pope's piercing gaze fixed upon him once more. "This will be my last warning and a last act of benevolence for you regarding your past. If I hear something like this again, you will not receive a mere demotion but a verdict of the guillotine."

Fear gripped Thornwood's heart as he realized the gravity of the Pope's threat. He knew that in the world of the Church, power and ruthlessness walked hand in hand. With a trembling nod, he acknowledged the Pope's warning and left the sanctum, his future now uncertain and perilous.

As he walked through the corridors of the grand cathedral, the weight of his failure and the Pope's warning bore down upon him. Thornwood knew that he would have to tread carefully, for any misstep could now lead to his ultimate downfall.

Thornwood's seething anger and thirst for revenge simmered within him as he walked through the echoing corridors of the grand cathedral. Each step he took was heavy with the weight of his demotion, a constant reminder of the price he paid for his failure.

"Nathan," he muttered to himself, the name like a curse on his lips. "This all happened because of that little demon. Because of him, I even got stripped of my title of archbishop."

His fists clenched, and with a surge of frustration, he lashed out, striking a nearby pillar. Pain shot through his hand, but it was nothing compared to the burning rage that consumed him.

"Nathan, Valdyr Kingdom," Thornwood vowed, his voice a venomous hiss, "I will take my revenge on them. If I can't kill you right now, I will do something else."

As he made his revenge vow, Thornwood ascended the staircase leading to his awaiting carriage. The sun's rays filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a mosaic of colors on the marble floors.

But just as he was about to step into the carriage, a sharp and mocking female voice cut through the air from behind him.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" The voice dripped with sarcasm. "Isn't this our Archbishop Thornwood? Oh, sorry, our new 10th bishop."

Thornwood turned, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Archbishop Seraphina Lovelace. She was known for her charming wit and playful nature, a stark contrast to Thornwood's current mood. Her presence was both unexpected and unwelcome.

With a forced smile, Thornwood replied, "Archbishop Lovelace, what a pleasant surprise." Though his words were polite, his tone hinted at the simmering tension between them.

Archbishop Seraphina Lovelace, standing there with an air of amusement, raised an eyebrow as she examined Thornwood's disgruntled expression. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of emerald, seemed to twinkle with a mischievous glint.

"Oh, don't sound too thrilled to see me, Thornwood," she teased, her voice like honeyed daggers. "I heard about your little meeting with the Pope. Quite the demotion, isn't it?"

Thornwood's jaw tightened, but he managed to maintain a veneer of composure. "It's a temporary setback, Archbishop. I'll regain my former position soon enough."

Lovelace chuckled, her laughter echoing through the grand cathedral's corridor. "Of course, Thornwood. Ambition burns brightly in you, I'll give you that. But do be careful not to overstep again. The Pope can be rather... unforgiving."

The warning in her voice was clear, and Thornwood knew that Seraphina Lovelace had her own share of influence within the Church's inner circles. Crossing her could be just as perilous as defying the Pope himself.

With a curt nod, Thornwood made his way into the waiting carriage, closing the door behind him. As it began to move, he cast one last glance at Lovelace, who stood there, her enigmatic smile never leaving her face.

As the carriage rolled away from the grand cathedral, Thornwood's mind raced with thoughts of revenge and redemption. He was determined to claw his way back to power, no matter the cost, and to make those responsible for his downfall pay dearly. The game had just begun, and Thornwood was ready to play it to the end.

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