
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

The Eastern Winds of Mystery

As Nathan, his companions, and their soldiers embarked on their journey towards Axum, the ever-changing landscapes unfolded before them. After a leisurely march spanning ten days, they finally arrived at the capital city, Axum.

The triumphant procession through Axum's streets continued as Nathan, his companions, and the Arcanum Legion made their way toward the royal castle. The once-quiet city had been transformed into a hub of excitement and celebration.

As they passed through the bustling streets, the voices of the citizens rang out in cheers and praises, a symphony of gratitude for their prince's valor. The stories of the battle, once unknown to the people, had spread like wildfire through the words of traveling merchants and locals who had witnessed the returning heroes.

Some hailed Nathan as the greatest of princes, their admiration evident in their voices. "The prince is the greatest! At such a young age, he won a battle of such magnitude," they exclaimed with pride.

Others, especially the older generation, believed Nathan to be a gift from the gods, sent to reinvigorate their beloved kingdom. "Our prince is a genius, bestowed by the gods themselves to breathe new life into our realm," they declared with reverence.

Conversations among the citizens buzzed with curiosity and awe. Speculation about the motives behind the attack and Nathan's incredible feats filled the air.

One citizen, puzzled by the motive behind the assault, questioned, "Did you hear? Some archbishop sent his soldiers to attack our kingdom. But what could they have possibly wanted from such an attack?"

His companion, seemingly more informed, responded, "You don't know the half of it. They were after the low-priced brown sugar that our prince has invented for us."

The discussion continued as they exchanged stories of Nathan's heroic actions on the battlefield. One shared, "I heard from a merchant from Silverbrook that he singlehandedly confronted four enemy commanders and dispatched them with unwavering valor."

Another chimed in, "I heard he wielded a powerful artifact, summoning the void itself onto the battlefield. His soldiers fought like a pack of wolves on a determined hunt."

As Nathan and his entourage advanced through the city, the echoes of admiration and gratitude from the people grew louder. The citizens of Axum welcomed their prince and his companions as true heroes, their faith in Nathan's leadership unwavering.

Nathan, upon reaching the castle, was greeted by the heartwarming sight of his trusted butler, Winston, awaiting his return. As Nathan dismounted from his horse and stood before Winston, the butler bowed his head, exuding admiration and respect.

"Welcome back with your triumphant victory from your battle, Master," Winston spoke with a deep sense of loyalty. "This servant of yours has missed your presence dearly."

Nathan, moved by Winston's warm and loyal welcome, smiled and extended his hand towards his butler. "Thank you, Winston. It's good to see you again," he said, his eyes reflecting the genuine appreciation he felt for the man who had been by his side for over a year.

Winston took Nathan's hand and pressed it to his forehead, a traditional sign of deep respect. "Your victory brings great joy to all of us here, Master Nathan. Your absence was deeply felt, but it warms my heart to have you back safe and triumphant."

Nathan's gaze swept over the familiar surroundings of the castle courtyard, and he felt a profound sense of homecoming. "It's good to be back, Winston. There's much to discuss."

Nathan spoke with a warm urgency, "But before we discuss anything, I must see my mother and father. They must have been worried about me. Please, take me to them."

Winston nodded respectfully. "Yes, Master, this way." He then instructed the maids to prepare a room for Liam's stay.

Leading Nathan through the castle, Winston guided him to the vibrant garden that had sprung to life through Nathan's magical formations. In this serene setting, both Rodrick and Beatrice were seated at a white table, enjoying tea and engaged in conversation.

Nathan called out from behind them, "Father, Mother, I have returned from the battle."

Nathan smiled warmly at his mother as she ran towards him, her eyes glistening with tears. Beatrice enveloped her son in a tight and loving embrace.

"Nathan, my son, you're alright," she exclaimed with a mix of relief and emotion. "I heard you were unconscious for a whole day after using some powerful artifact." Her tone held both scolding and concern. "I told you not to go. You're still too young for wars."

Nathan returned his mother's hug, feeling the warmth and love that only a mother could provide. "I couldn't stand by and do nothing, Mother," he replied earnestly. "The kingdom needed me, and I had to protect it."

Rodrick, who had been quietly watching the reunion, spoke up with a smile. "Your mother worries because she loves you, Nathan. We both do."

Nathan nodded, understanding his parents' concerns. "I know, Father. And I love you both for it. But I promise, I'll always strive to come back to you safe and sound."

Beatrice wiped away her tears and smiled through her emotions. "That's all a mother can ask for, my dear. We're proud of you, Nathan, for your bravery and your sense of responsibility."

Nathan felt a deep sense of gratitude for his parents and their unwavering support. He was home, with his family, and it was a moment of joy and relief.

After an extended conversation about the battle and Nathan's journey, his father, Rodrick, took a more serious tone. "Nathan, there's something I need to discuss with you. Come to my study with me," he said.

Nathan nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, Father. I also have something I want to talk to you about." With that, they exchanged farewells and made their way to the study.

Inside the study, both father and son took their seats. Rodrick cleared his throat and spoke sternly, "I heard that you used a powerful artifact to summon a black hole that sucked in enemy commanders and many soldiers. Where did you acquire such a dangerous artifact?"

Nathan lowered his head, a hint of remorse in his voice. "Yes, Father, it was an artifact I obtained as a reward after clearing an abnormal dungeon in the forest while returning from my training."

Rodrick let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "Hmmm, it appears you're telling the truth." He then facepalmed in frustration. "Nathan, you should never have attempted to use an artifact that's beyond your current capabilities. You were fortunate to only experience physical and mental exhaustion; it could have cost you your life in such a reckless endeavor."

Nathan nodded, understanding the gravity of his actions. "I'm sorry, Father. I let my eagerness to protect the kingdom cloud my judgment."

Rodrick's expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Nathan's shoulder. "I know you have a strong sense of responsibility, but you must also remember the importance of caution and training. We'll find a way to properly harness your abilities in the future, but for now, promise me you won't take such risks again."

Nathan looked into his father's eyes, determination shining through. "I promise, Father. I won't let my recklessness endanger myself or the kingdom again."

Rodrick sighed deeply and turned to Nathan. "Show me the artifact; let me examine it to determine the minimum level of proficiency required for its use." Nathan carefully removed the amulet from around his neck and handed it over to his father.

Rodrick inspected the amulet meticulously, peering at it through a magnifying glass and sensing the energy it emitted. After studying it for a while, he looked up at Nathan. "You are incredibly fortunate, my son. This amulet is enchanted at a very advanced level, and it can only be wielded by those with a 5-star aura, yet you are but a 3-star aura user."

He handed the amulet back to Nathan, his expression grave. "The inscriptions on this amulet appear to be a blend of demon language and symbols associated with black magic. Whoever crafted this must have had a strong desire to harness demon magic. This artifact is known as the 'Abyssal Voidshaper,' as written on inscriptions and it carries great power and immense danger. While black magic has gained some acceptance in the Magic Kingdom of Alaroth, it remains a sinister form of magic, closely associated with the demons from the island, so don't show it too much."

Rodrick leaned back in his chair, his gaze focused on Nathan. "Now that you understand the minimum aura level required to use the amulet, promise me that you won't attempt to use it until you reach that level. It's a powerful artifact, but it can be equally dangerous in untrained hands. And what was it that you wanted to discuss with me?"

Nathan nodded in agreement with his father's advice regarding the amulet. Then, with a thoughtful expression, he began to share his concerns about the looming eastern threat and the cryptic words of the diviner in Silverbrook. Father and son engaged in a deep and meaningful conversation, addressing not only the challenges and responsibilities ahead but also the importance of trust, wisdom, and unity in the face of an uncertain future.

Rodrick listened carefully as Nathan recounted the diviner's ominous words and the sense of urgency that had accompanied them. "Father," Nathan began, "I don't know the specifics of this threat, but I can feel its presence. It's as if the very winds of fate whisper danger to me. The diviner in Silverbrook, while cryptic, made it clear that this threat is real and that it comes from the east."

Rodrick furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "The east," he mused, "could it be possible that the diviner was referring to the kingdoms in the far east of the continent, even beyond Alaroth Kingdom?"

Nathan looked puzzled, but a shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the diviner's cryptic words. "Kingdoms in the far east? Why have I never come across any mention of them while reading geography books in the library?"

Rodrick's eyes, usually calm and composed, betrayed a flicker of concern. "The eastern lands are shrouded in mystery, Nathan, and not many in our kingdom know of them. The histories of those realms are written in whispers, their secrets guarded by the eastern winds."

peoples i kniw my chapters are long so i will divide the previous too long chapters in parts and re lease them , don't worry content will be the same as it is, and from i will keep the word count between 1.5k- 2k words. now support me with power stones and your collections, don't forget to review.

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