
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Sweet Innovations and New Beginnings

Upon their return to the castle gates, Nathan summoned the maids and instructed them to take the basket filled with beets to the kitchen. He meticulously outlined his plan to the kitchen staff: the beets were to be washed, peeled, and chopped into small pieces. In preparation for his arrival, Nathan directed them to ready a large saucepan.

In his room, Nathan embarked on a training session, his focus centered on circulating his mana while seated in the lotus posture. An hour of concentrated practice passed before he deemed it complete. With his training done, he set his sights on the next phase of his endeavor.

Accompanied by Winston, Nathan made his way to the bustling kitchen. The staff had diligently followed his instructions, and the beets were now chopped into small, uniform pieces, ready for the next step. Nathan issued a directive for everyone except Winston to leave the kitchen, making it clear that they were not to reenter until summoned.

Guided by Winston, Nathan commenced the process of transforming the high-sugar beets into sample sugar. Their teamwork was evident as they meticulously executed each step. Nathan's deft hands worked alongside Winston's experienced guidance.

Positioning a sizable saucepan over the heat, Nathan transferred the prepared beets into it, ensuring they were fully submerged in water. He allowed them to cook for three hours, maintaining a gentle simmer once the water came to a boil. As the beets softened, their sweet essence infused the liquid.

After the designated time, Nathan carefully drained the liquid into another pan, while the beet pulp found its way into a fresh cotton cloth. With Winston's assistance, Nathan extracted every last drop of juice from the pulp, amalgamating it with the previously drained liquid.

Returning to the pan, Nathan initiated the next phase—boiling the mixture while gradually reducing the heat. The liquid began to thicken, and sugar crystals started forming along the sides of the pan. Once the concoction achieved the desired consistency, Nathan poured it into a spacious mold, allowing it to cool in the shade.

In the gentle hush of the kitchen, Nathan's innovative spirit took shape. The result of his labor revealed itself as brown sugar crystals, glistening with promise. Sweeter than honey and wax sugar, these crystals held the potential to revolutionize the world's perception of sweetness.

The final stage involved grinding the crystals to perfection, achieved with dedication and care using a mortar and pestle. The powdered brown sugar, a testament to Nathan's ingenuity, was a tangible representation of his pursuit of progress and prosperity.

As the last grains of sugar settled into the mortar, Nathan's accomplishment left an indelible mark on the culinary landscape of Everdawn. And as the kitchen's air remained steeped in the sweet aroma of his success, Nathan couldn't help but look forward to the impact his creation would have on the kingdom's future.

While Winston lingered at the back, curiosity overtaking his thoughts, he ventured forth with a query, "Young master, what is this brown powder that you have produced?"

Nathan's smile was his initial response, his voice warm as he instructed, "Try it and discern its identity."

Curiosity piqued, Winston took a small amount from the mortar and pestle, tasting the substance with heightened interest. His excitement was palpable as he exclaimed, "Hmm, this is sugar!" Turning to Nathan, his curiosity burning brighter, he continued, "Young master, how did this transformation occur? And why does it taste sweeter than both honey and wax sugar?"

Nathan proceeded to simplify his explanation, ensuring Winston could grasp the concept. Although not fully comprehending some technical terms, Winston was astounded by the fact that these innovations were conceived by a young mind.

After the explanation, Nathan directed Winston to prepare two cups of tea and instructed him to place the brown sugar in a jar, covering it with a cloth.

As the sun began its descent, the time came for tea—a daily ritual for Nathan's parents. With a warm smile, Nathan approached his father and greeted him, "Father, today you shall indulge in tea crafted by my own hands."

Signaling Winston with a subtle wave, the tea was presented, now infused with the brown sugar Nathan had so ingeniously concocted. The cups were placed before Rodrick and Beatrice, who partook in their customary evening refreshment.

Observing them, Nathan inquired with an air of intrigue, "Father, do you perceive any difference in the taste?"

Rodrick responded thoughtfully, "There is a slight difference, a touch more sweetness, but what prompts this question, my son?"

Nathan's answer held a revelation, "Father, the sweetness does not originate from honey or wax sugar—it stems from the brown sugar I've introduced." With that, he produced a jar containing the novel creation, placing it before his parents.

Rodrick's astonishment was undeniable, his query directed at Nathan, "If you did not include wax sugar, how does this brown sugar possess enhanced sweetness?"

Nathan's response was one of innovation and progress, "It is a new kind of sugar, derived from a forest vegetable known as beets. This vegetable, when cultivated on farms in significant quantities, can yield substantial amounts of this sugar at a considerably low cost. I have named it 'brown sugar.'"

With this revelation, Nathan had unveiled not only a unique culinary creation but also the potential to transform the kingdom's economic landscape. His vision of mass production and profitability shone through, leaving his parents both impressed and intrigued by the possibilities that lay ahead.

Nathan's sigh introduced a request heavy with purpose, "Today, I wish to discuss a related matter. I would greatly appreciate if you could assign a contingent of your most trusted knights or soldiers to safeguard the farmland where these beets are cultivated. I fear the discovery of this unique resource by other kingdoms could pose a threat to our interests."

Rodrick's contemplation was evident as he rubbed his chin, his response finally surfacing, "Indeed, the protection of this resource is imperative. Very well, I shall provide you with the knights you require. How you choose to deploy them shall be at your discretion."

With Nathan's request granted, he left his parents to savor their tea and retreated to his quarters. The next day, in the late morning, he embarked with Winston on a carriage journey toward the new building that was undergoing renovations.

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