
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Shadows of Resolve: The Valdyr Kingdom's Perilous Night{2}

In a sudden and chilling confrontation, the assassin emerged from the shadows, his figure a sinister silhouette against the dimly lit chamber. Without a word, he lunged at the unsuspecting prince, his poisoned blade glinting with deadly intent.

Nathan's instincts kicked in just in time, and he spun around to face his assailant. The prince, a skilled warrior in his own right, drew his sword with lightning speed to meet the assassin's deadly strike.

Their weapons clashed in a symphony of steel, and Nathan looking straight in the assassin's eyes demanded answers, his voice resolute and unwavering. "Who are you? Why are you trying to kill me?"

In the midst of this life-and-death struggle, Queen Beatrice, who had been observing the scene in shock, found her voice. She shouted for help, her cries echoing through the castle chambers. "Who are you?" she demanded of the intruder, desperately calling for her trusted protector. "Barch! Barch!" Her loyal guardian, having ventured outside to oversee the castle guards, was her only hope in this dire moment of peril.

Nathan's protective instincts kicked in, and he spoke urgently to his mother. "Mother, don't worry. Hide behind the sofa. I will deal with him."

Beatrice, though terrified, nodded and quickly sought refuge behind the sturdy sofa, trusting her son to confront this deadly threat. The room was filled with tension as the skilled prince faced off against the shadowy assassin, his weapons poised for a deadly dance.

Nathan, his heart racing, took a deep breath as he faced the shadowy assassin. The dimly lit room cast an eerie glow on their poised figures, emphasizing the deadly dance about to begin.

The assassin, shrouded in darkness, moved with deceptive speed. Nathan's keen eyes followed the subtle shift in the shadows as the assailant lunged with a concealed dagger. With a fluid motion, Nathan blocked the strike with his Moonshadow Blade, their blades clashing in a resounding clash. The room seemed to hold its breath, the tension almost palpable.

In response, Nathan countered with a well-practiced thrust, enhanced by his Lightning Footwork. Lightning crackled and sparked with each step he took, and his speed surged to more than 300 kilometers per hour.

His Moonshadow Blade cut through the air with electrifying precision, aiming for the assassin's side. But the shadowy figure evaded with a graceful sidestep, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. A hint of admiration flickered in the assassin's concealed eyes.

The room became a battleground of wits and skill. Nathan and the assassin exchanged a flurry of strikes and parries, their movements a blur in the dim light. Furniture toppled, and objects crashed as they weaved through the room, the battle taking on a chaotic and intense rhythm.

Nathan seized an opportunity, feinting with a high swing before swiftly changing his attack to a low sweep. At the same time, he channeled his aura into his Moonshadow Blade, initiating the Dragon Slash technique. His weapon vibrated with an intensity that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the room.

With a fierce thrust, Nathan's Moonshadow Blade pierced the assassin's cloak, finding its mark. A pained grunt escaped from beneath the shadows as the weapon cut through cloth and flesh. Blood oozed from the wound, staining the room's floor in macabre patterns.

Despite the injury, the assassin showed no sign of surrender. With a desperate surge of strength, he retaliated, launching a series of rapid strikes in quick succession. Nathan parried and dodged with all the skill he possessed, narrowly avoiding each lethal blow.

Nathan's determination remained unshaken. He saw an opening, a momentary lapse in the assassin's guard. Seizing the opportunity, he executed a spinning maneuver, his Moonshadow Blade slicing through the air like a deadly cyclone. The assassin's cloak parted, revealing a gasp of shock and pain as Nathan's blade struck true.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the assassin crumpled to the ground, defeated. Nathan stood over the fallen figure, his breath heavy with exertion. The threat had been neutralized, and his mother was safe.

Beatrice emerged from her hiding place, her face a mix of relief and gratitude. She rushed to her son's side, embracing him tightly. "Nathan, you saved us," she whispered, tears in her eyes.

Nathan returned the embrace, the adrenaline of battle still coursing through him. "I'll always protect you, Mother," he vowed, a fierce determination in his gaze as they stood together in the aftermath of the deadly encounter. 

Nathan, still holding his mother close, felt a rush of emotions sweep over him. Amidst the relief and the lingering echoes of battle, he couldn't help but think to himself, "In my previous life, I couldn't protect my mother, but in this life, I will definitely not let anything happen to either of my father or my mother."

With that unwavering determination echoing in his heart, Nathan tightened his embrace around Beatrice. "I promise, Mother," he whispered, his voice filled with resolve, "I'll always protect both of you. No harm will ever come to our family again."

His words were a solemn vow, spoken in the quiet aftermath of the life-threatening encounter, a testament to his unyielding determination as a son who would go to any lengths to safeguard those he loved.

As Nathan held his mother close, a sudden commotion outside their chamber drew their attention. The sound of hurried footsteps and the unsheathing of a sword were unmistakable. Moments later, the chamber door burst open, revealing Barch, their loyal and valiant guard. He stood there, sword in hand, his face a mix of relief and determination.

"Prince, Queen, don't worry, I came!" Barch exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Nathan, still holding Beatrice, smiled warmly at Barch. "Hey, Barch, you don't need to worry now. I've already taken care of the threat."

Barch, his brows furrowing in inquiry, stepped closer. "You killed the assassin? Did you get any injuries? Let me see."

Nathan, however, waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "No, no, I didn't get any injuries," he assured Barch, his smile unwavering.

Barch, a vigilant guardian, leaned in closer to examine Nathan carefully. He couldn't hide his concern as he noticed a faint cut on Nathan's arm. His voice raised in alarm, he exclaimed, "Prince, how can you say you didn't get any injuries? There's a cut on your arm!"

Nathan glanced at the cut, his expression thoughtful. "Ah, don't worry, Barch. It must have happened during the scuffle with the assassin. Just a minor scratch."

Barch, however, was not convinced. He knew the dangers of unseen threats. "No, Prince, it must be poisoned! You have to come with me to the healer's department immediately. We need to get the antidote before the poison starts spreading through your body."

Nathan nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. With a final reassuring glance at his mother, he turned to Barch. "Lead the way, Barch. Let's not take any chances."

Together, they left the chamber, leaving behind the remnants of the battle and the undying resolve of a prince who had not only defended his family but now faced a different kind of danger, one that required the quick thinking and expert care of the castle's healers.