
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Shadows of Resolve: The Valdyr Kingdom's Perilous Night{1}

Meanwhile, sometime before the climactic battle in the city square, within the royal study room of Prince Nathan, both Queen Beatrice and Barch stood alongside the prince. They gazed out of the window at the once-bustling city, now engulfed in smoke and the anguished cries of its people.

Nathan's worry weighed heavily on his mind as he watched the chaos unfold. "I should have been outside, with Father," he expressed, his inner thoughts reflecting his anguish. "Innocent people are dying out there, and I'm standing here."

Beatrice, his mother, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and spoke with a soothing tone. "Don't worry, son. Your father is strong, and he will return safely."

Barch, echoing Beatrice's sentiment, added his words of reassurance. "The Queen is right, Prince Nathan. Our King possesses great strength, and you must have faith in him."

Nathan, finding solace in their words, hugged his mother tightly. "I know, Mother. I believe in Dad's strength, but sometimes, I can't help but worry. However, you're both right. Let's focus on what we can do here and now."

Turning his attention to Winston, who stood just outside the room, Nathan issued a command. "Winston, please inform every healer in the castle to be prepared. Once we receive word that the battle is over, we will head to the city square to tend to the wounded citizens and guards."

Winston, responding promptly, offered a slight bow. "Yes, Prince. I anticipated your request and have already informed the healing department within the castle. They are currently preparing their equipment and taking stock of medicine. They will be ready to depart at a moment's notice."

With preparations in motion and hope in their hearts, they awaited the conclusion of the battle, ready to extend a healing hand to their city's wounded.

As the trio stood united in their resolve, the distant sounds of chaos continued to echo through the window, a stark reminder of the ongoing turmoil in the city. Nathan, Beatrice, and Barch shared a common determination to help alleviate the suffering of their people.

Nathan, with a sense of purpose, added another task to Winston's responsibilities. "Winston, also ensure that food and water supplies are gathered and made ready for distribution. The wounded will need sustenance, and we must be prepared to provide for them."

Winston acknowledged the additional orders with a nod and swiftly moved to carry out his duties. His footsteps echoed down the corridor as he hurried to relay the prince's instructions to the appropriate personnel within the castle.

Nathan turned his attention back to the window, his eyes fixed on the city square where the battle raged on. He couldn't be out there with his father, but he could do his part to ensure that the aftermath of the conflict was managed efficiently. His heart was heavy with concern, but he drew strength from the knowledge that he was surrounded by those who shared his commitment to the well-being of their kingdom.

Queen Beatrice, standing beside her son, gently squeezed his shoulder, offering silent reassurance. Barch, the loyal protector of the royal family, remained vigilant, ready to support them in any way necessary.

In the face of adversity, the royal family of the Valdyr Kingdom stood united, their determination unwavering, and their hearts dedicated to the welfare of their people. The echoes of battle might still reverberate through their city, but the promise of healing and restoration shone brightly in their hearts.

As the preparations within the castle intensified, a lone assassin concealed in the shadows outside observed the situation with keen eyes. His presence was a shadow among shadows, hidden beneath a dark cloak, hood pulled low, and a face mask concealing his identity. A utility belt, brimming with deadly knives coated in various poisons, clung to his waist.

The assassin, cloaked in darkness and shrouded by the veil of night, moved with silent purpose through the castle grounds. The preparations for aid to the city had drawn many of the castle's defenders away, leaving behind a vulnerable path for his infiltration.

The assassin knew that this was the opportune moment. With most of the castle's forces mobilized for the city's defense, the fortress was relatively vulnerable. Thornwood's intricate plan had brought him to this point, and he couldn't afford to fail.

Silently and with practiced precision, he exploited the gaps in the castle's defenses. His movements were calculated, avoiding the watchful eyes of any remaining guards.

He navigated the shadows, his every movement calculated and precise. The Valdyr Castle, though a place of grandeur and majesty, held no secrets that could elude a skilled operative such as himself.

With the agility of a cat, he scaled walls and slipped through hidden passages, all while remaining undetected. The moonlight cast eerie shadows across his path, serving as a silent witness to his covert mission.

As the assassin ventured deeper into the heart of the castle, he remained vigilant, his senses heightened. He knew that even the most meticulously planned operation could be compromised by the slightest error. Every step he took was a testament to his training and expertise.

His objective remained clear: to execute the orders of his enigmatic contractor, Archbishop Thornwood, and ensure that the Valdyr Kingdom faced the consequences of its actions. The assassin's loyalty to the Nightshade Legacy was unwavering, and he would carry out his mission with ruthless efficiency.

The assassin continued his stealthy advance through the labyrinthine passages of Valdyr Castle. As he drew closer to his target, the tension in the air grew palpable. The sounds of his quarry's life—soft breathing, the occasional rustle of clothing—became almost like a melody guiding him.

Prince Nathan, unaware of the impending danger, was engrossed in the preparations to aid the wounded in the city square. His thoughts were consumed by the plight of his people, his concerns for their safety, and his longing for his father's return. His back was turned to the lurking menace that crept closer with each passing moment.

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