
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Shadows of Intrigue: Unveiling Secrets in the Dungeon's Depths

** Content Warning: This chapter contains scenes depicting intense interrogation and physical distress. Reader discretion is advised. If you find such content distressing, you may choose to skip this chapter or proceed with caution. **


Within the heart of the Casentino Empire, the archbishop's plan was set into motion. Five specialists, each with their own unique set of skills, were chosen to embark on the covert mission. Assembled under the guise of winter travelers, they departed Creast City, determined to reach Valdyr's capital and uncover the mysteries behind the coveted commodities.

The five spies dispatched by the archbishop arrived at the Valdyr Kingdom's capital, their faces hidden beneath heavy cloaks as they navigated the icy streets. They had been promised a substantial reward – 500 gold coins and prestigious positions as church paladins – in exchange for uncovering the secrets behind the highly sought-after commodities.

Yet, as they mingled with the locals, their actions were far from inconspicuous. Their persistent inquiries and unusual behavior caught the attention of not only the common folk but also of someone far more perceptive – Nathan, the young prince and visionary behind the innovative commodities.

Nathan's sharp instincts had been honed through his experiences and interactions. He recognized the signs of deceit woven into their actions. Curiosity piqued, he devised a plan to unveil the spies' true intentions while safeguarding the secrets that his realm held.

With meticulous precision, Nathan orchestrated the creation of a set of false documents, each containing fabricated details about the magical processes behind the commodities. These documents seemed genuine at first glance but were, in fact, a web of deception waiting to ensnare those who sought the truth.

As the spies continued their efforts to gather information, their paths inevitably crossed with Nathan's. Dressed in a simple traveler's attire, he introduced himself as a merchant who dealt in rare and precious secrets. With a well-practiced charm, he hinted at possessing knowledge that might be of interest to the spies.

Intrigued by the prospect of uncovering secrets from a supposed insider, the spies took the bait. Nathan subtly dropped hints about the location of the documents that held the key to the magical processes. They were documents, he claimed, that only the most trusted members of his organization were allowed to see.

The spies' eyes gleamed with the promise of success. They had hoped for an easy acquisition of the secrets, and Nathan seemed to have handed them a golden opportunity on a platter.

Unbeknownst to the spies, Nathan's coach, Barch, had been silently observing the interactions from a nearby tavern. A seasoned warrior and Nathan's trusted confidant, Barch was well aware of the stakes involved. He had heard of Nathan's plan from him and recognized the danger that these spies posed to the realm's stability.

As dusk settled over the city, Nathan led the spies to a seemingly abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, claiming that the documents were hidden there. Suspense hung heavy in the air as the spies followed him, anticipation masking their caution.

Inside the warehouse, lit by flickering torchlight, Nathan stood before a table stacked with scrolls. The false documents lay neatly arranged, their appearance so convincing that even the spies couldn't discern the deceit. Nathan maintained his composure, his demeanor a mask of intrigue and secrecy.

The moment of revelation came as the spies eagerly reached for the documents, their fingers brushing against the scrolls that held the tantalizing promise of power and promotion. With a swift flourish, Nathan activated an intricate formation hidden within the room, a formation he had set with the expertise he had acquired.

The room shuddered, and the false documents ignited in a blaze of flames, the scripted secrets turning to ash before the spies' disbelieving eyes. The spies stumbled back in shock, realization dawning upon them – they had fallen into a trap.

Before they could react, the warehouse doors slammed shut, sealing their fate. The torchlight revealed the entry of Barch, his formidable figure a testament to his warrior's prowess. With a calm yet determined gaze, he declared, "You have trespassed upon sacred ground, and your intentions have brought you to the brink of confrontation."

The spies exchanged wary glances, trapped and outnumbered. Their initial bravado faltered as they faced the resolve of their adversaries. Nathan's voice cut through the tension like a blade, unwavering and resolute. "Your actions have endangered the realm I hold dear. For that, you must answer."

A battle of words ensued, the spies attempting to bargain for their freedom while Nathan and Barch held firm, their unity unbreakable. The spies' desperation grew, their façade of confidence crumbling as the realization of their predicament set in.

With a sudden surge of determination, the spies shed their disguises, revealing their true identities – agents sent by the archbishop, their expressions a mix of fury and frustration. It was clear that their mission had taken a perilous turn, and they now stood before Nathan and Barch, adversaries they had underestimated.

As the tension reached its peak, the spies lunged at Nathan and Barch, their concealed weapons glinting in the torchlight. In response, Barch's sword flashed into his hand with the ease of a practiced warrior. Nathan's agility and mastery of formations transformed the environment, creating barriers and obstacles that hindered the spies' advances.

The clash of steel echoed within the warehouse as Nathan and Barch engaged in combat against the spies. The room became a battleground, each clash a testament to the spies' desperation and the defenders' determination.

With every swing of the sword, every deployment of formation, the balance shifted. Nathan and Barch fought as a harmonious unit, anticipating each other's moves, exploiting their adversaries' weaknesses.

The confrontation reached its climax as Barch's sword met the leader spy's weapon in a resounding clash. The leader, his resolve faltering, found himself outmatched by Barch's strength and skill. With a final strike, Barch disarmed him, rendering him defenseless.

Nathan's voice, firm yet tinged with mercy, broke through the sounds of battle. "Your pursuit of secrets led you astray, and now you are ensnared by your own ambitions. Your actions threaten the harmony of my realm, and I will not let that stand."

With the spies subdued, their mission thwarted, and the secrets of Valdyr's commodities safeguarded, Nathan's vision had prevailed once again. The challenge posed by the spies had only strengthened his determination to defend his realm and its innovations.

As dawn broke over the capital city, the warehouse stood as a symbol of resilience and unity. The realm's secrets remained intact, and Nathan's actions had reaffirmed his role as a guardian of both tradition and innovation.

In the heart of the Valdyr castle's dimly lit dungeon, the spies captured by Nathan's cunning lay shackled, their expressions a mix of frustration and desperation. The realization that their true allegiance was exposed had not quenched their spirit; instead, it fueled their anger and determination. Nathan, with a mix of resolve and wisdom, recognized the deeper game at play – the archbishop's ambitions would stop at nothing, not even the boundaries of honor.

Nathan's eyes held a steely determination as he paced before the captives. He knew that the archbishop's greed knew no bounds, and the spies were but the first pieces in a larger puzzle that threatened to engulf his realm. With a heavy sigh, he understood that extracting information was the only path to ensure his kingdom's safety.

In the dungeon's oppressive atmosphere, the spies' haggard faces told their own story. Nathan's plan was meticulous – to make them believe that their time was running out, that they were left to the mercy of hunger and thirst, a punishment reserved for those who resisted divulging their secrets.

A full day had passed without sustenance, and as Nathan entered the dungeon flanked by two guards, the spies' eyes followed his every move. One guard held a flickering torch that cast eerie shadows on the damp walls, while the other pushed a heavy wooden table laden with an assortment of tools, each gleaming in the torchlight.

Nathan's gaze locked onto the spies, his voice measured yet commanding. "Your allegiance to the archbishop is evident, but the extent of his ambition remains a mystery. What forces does he plan to unleash upon my realm? Is his greed boundless enough to breach even the sanctity of winter?"

Silence lingered, thick and tense, as the spies wrestled with their pride and the looming specter of their captor's questions. The air was charged with uncertainty, a reminder that secrets held the power to sway the course of destiny.

As the minutes ticked on, and the spies remained steadfast in their silence, Nathan's patience began to wane. He recognized that time was of the essence – the archbishop's plans could materialize in the blink of an eye, and the kingdom's safety hung in the balance.

With a mixture of resolve and regret, Nathan gestured to the tools on the table – instruments designed to extract information, each promising discomfort and pain. He looked at the spies, his voice unwavering as he addressed them. "Your resolve is commendable, but your silence threatens my realm. I will do whatever it takes to safeguard my people."

He moved closer to the table, his eyes never leaving the spies. "Know that I do not take this path lightly. Every choice has its consequences, and the weight of this decision rests upon your shoulders."

The torchlight flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the cold stone walls. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the spies' response, for the secrets they held to be unveiled.

As the tension escalated, Nathan's determination remained unyielding. With a measured gaze, he regarded the spies one last time. "Remember this – the path of cooperation can be far less treacherous than the road of resistance. The archbishop's ambitions may have blinded you, but my duty to my realm compels me forward."

And with those words hanging in the air, Nathan took a deep breath, ready to tread the difficult path ahead – a path that blurred the lines between necessity and morality, sacrifice and survival. The dungeon, with its secrets and shadows, held the answers he sought, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay in wait to protect the realm he held dear.

As the moon cast its cold light through the dungeon's narrow windows, the air was punctuated with agonized screams that reverberated through the stone corridors. Torturous hours stretched into the night, a symphony of pain and desperation echoing through the fortress's depths. The spies' resolve, once unyielding, began to crack under the weight of their suffering.

Dawn's tentative light cast a faint glow over the horizon, heralding the arrival of a new day. The room that had been a chamber of secrets and torment was now illuminated with the pale hues of morning. With the rising sun came a shift in the spies' determination, a recognition that their suffering could not endure indefinitely.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered into the dungeon, the spies' pained expressions bore witness to the breaking of their resolve. The torment they had endured throughout the night had eroded their defenses, leaving them vulnerable and exposed. Beads of sweat mixed with blood adorned their brows, and their labored breaths filled the air.

It was in this fragile moment that the spies' dam of silence finally broke. Their voices, hoarse from screams and strained from suffering, cracked as they revealed the information they had sought to keep hidden. The archbishop's designs, the nature of his forces, and the scope of his ambition spilled forth in desperate confessions.

Nathan had succeeded – his determination to protect his realm had borne fruit. With the vital knowledge laid bare before him, he stepped away from the spies' cell, his face stained with blood and his hands trembling from the ordeal. As he wiped the evidence of his actions from his skin, his expression remained a mix of weariness and resolve.

Nathan's first experience with such methods had left its mark, not just on his hands and face, but on his very soul. The path he had chosen was fraught with moral complexities, and the price of extracting information weighed heavily on his conscience. Yet, his commitment to the safety of his realm and his people was unshaken.

His hands trembled, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil he grappled with. But he stood tall, his gaze unwavering, as he emerged from the cell. The guards by his side exchanged glances, recognizing the burden their young prince carried.

With each step he took, Nathan's determination seemed to solidify, as if the ordeal had tempered his resolve. The path he had tread was a dark one, but it was one he had chosen willingly, guided by the responsibility he felt towards his realm and the greater good.

The morning sun painted the castle's walls with a warm glow, a stark contrast to the cold reality of the dungeon's depths. Nathan's steps were heavy, but his spirit was resolute. As he looked out over the kingdom he held in his care, he knew that the sacrifices he made were a testament to the lengths he was willing to go to protect those he loved.

And so, the echoes of the night's pain faded into memory, replaced by the steady rhythm of a realm waking to a new day. Nathan's hands may have been stained, his resolve tested, but his purpose remained unwavering. In the face of darkness and uncertainty, he stood as a guardian, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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