
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

From Trade to Tillage

Winter had released its icy grip on the land and waters, allowing the trade alliance among the three nations to flourish. Merchants from these empires came and went freely, while traders from distant lands flocked to acquire the renowned fabrics and wines they had seen the Ulaborg Kingdom's people use, and heard of its origin in the Valdyr Kingdom.

The influx of people swelled the treasury of the Valdyr Kingdom, filling it with mounds of gold in a matter of days.

The once-quiet streets of Axum now bustled with activity as traders and travelers from across the realms mingled in the city's vibrant markets. The scent of exotic spices, the clamor of haggling merchants, and the kaleidoscope of colors from countless stalls filled the air. It was a testament to the success of the trade alliance that had been forged over a glass of fine wine.

The city's heart pulsed with life, every corner a tapestry of colors and sounds. Vibrant fabrics, a symphony of spices, and the gleam of jewelry converged in a mesmerizing display.

However, as merchants and travelers continued to pour into the capital of the Valdyr Kingdom, the city guards found themselves outnumbered and struggling to maintain order. The sudden influx of people had brought both prosperity and challenges. Nathan knew that to preserve the harmony that was essential for their growing alliance, action needed to be taken.

In response, Nathan took decisive action, assigning soldiers from the renowned Arcanum Legion to assist the city guards in preserving law and order within the bustling city. The Arcanum Legion, known for their discipline and unyielding dedication, quickly established a visible presence on the streets of Axum. Their gleaming armor and unwavering resolve sent a clear message: order would be maintained.

The city guards, now supported by the Arcanum Legion, were able to tackle issues swiftly and effectively. Incidents of theft and unrest dwindled as troublemakers realized that the city was no longer an easy target. Nathan's decision to reinforce the guards was met with approval from both the citizens of Axum and the visiting merchants, who could conduct their business without fear.

The Legionnaires patrolled with a precision that mirrored the orderly nature of the Valdyr Empire, their silver armor glistening like guardians of the realm. With every step, they instilled confidence and security.

Meanwhile, Nathan entrusted the management of his company, including overseeing profits and tracking inventory movements, to Winston's daughter, Isabell. With her capable leadership, she was also tasked with recruiting skilled individuals to bolster the company's operations.

Isabell had always displayed a keen business acumen, and Nathan had complete confidence in her ability to navigate the complexities of the trade network they had established.

In the heart of the Rosefruit Company's headquarters, Isabell diligently managed ledgers, her quill dancing across parchment. She exuded an air of authority and competence, earning the respect of seasoned traders and shrewd negotiators alike.

Nathan himself took a well-deserved break, resting for a few days after the intensive negotiations and the challenges of managing the burgeoning trade alliance. He found solace in the gardens of the Valdyr palace, where he could reflect upon the remarkable journey that had brought their three kingdoms together.

The palace gardens offered a serene sanctuary. Blooms of every hue, from crimson roses to ivory lilies, lined cobblestone paths. Birds perched on branches sang songs that seemed to harmonize with rustling leaves. A centuries-old oak provided ample shade, and a tranquil pond mirrored the cerulean sky, its surface adorned with delicate water lilies.

As he strolled among the vibrant blooms and listened to the soothing melodies of the garden's resident songbirds, Nathan's thoughts turned to the future. The alliance had flourished beyond his expectations, and the wealth and prosperity it brought were undeniable. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder about the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

After a few days of rest and self-training, Nathan felt reinvigorated and ready to address the next challenges at hand. He spoke to himself, "Now, I feel good. Let's move on to the next step; otherwise, these gold reserves will be wasted waiting in the coffers."

With renewed determination, he called for Winston to come to his room. Winston promptly arrived, knocking on the door and entering upon receiving permission.

He greeted Nathan with a slight bow and inquired, "Master, did you need something?"

Nathan nodded and began to express his concerns, "Yes, I want to ask about the situation of the farmlands used by the common citizens in our kingdom. How is the yield from them? Is it good or bad? And how many farmers own the lands for farming?"

Winston's expression grew somewhat solemn as he replied, "Master, the farmlands around the capital are mostly owned by common people. However, in the estates of other nobles, it's a different story. They tend to own the majority, if not all, of the lands, with the people on their estates working those farms. Unfortunately, the situation with the yield is not favorable."

Nathan raised an eyebrow, showing his concern. "Then how do the people manage to get enough food if the kingdom isn't producing sufficient crops?"

Winston sighed, his expression reflecting a mix of frustration and sadness. "Master, when starvation becomes a dire issue, your father, King Rodrick, and some other nobles who still hold the welfare of this kingdom in their hearts, purchase food from other nations like the Aliech Kingdom or the Beast Kingdom to provide for the people. But those discreet nobles who have already decided the fate of this kingdom choose to let the people suffer."

As Winston shared the grim reality of the kingdom's food situation, Nathan clenched his fists, a flash of anger in his eyes. "Those conniving nobles... I may not be able to do anything about them right now, but that won't remain the case forever. For now, I think we should address the kingdom's food problem. If we don't, in a few years, people will begin to leave our kingdom, making us even weaker."

Nathan's determination to improve the kingdom's situation burned brightly, and he knew that taking steps to ensure food security for his people was a vital move toward a brighter future for the Valdyr Empire.

Nathan leaned forward, his mind already formulating a plan. "Winston, we need to find a way to increase agricultural productivity across the kingdom. It's not just about feeding our people; it's about making our nation self-sufficient and resilient against outside pressures."

Nathan added, "Additionally, we should encourage crop diversification and provide farmers with access to advanced farming techniques. We can even consider offering incentives to those who achieve higher yields."

Winston nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the same determination as Nathan's. "Crop diversification and advanced techniques will indeed be crucial, Master. We should also establish a dedicated department for agricultural research to continually innovate and improve our farming methods. And the idea of offering incentives for higher yields will motivate our farmers to strive for excellence."

Nathan smiled, appreciating Winston's quick grasp of the plan. "Exactly, Winston. We'll need to allocate resources and funding for these initiatives. I'll personally oversee the creation of this agricultural department and the allocation of funds."

As they discussed the details of their plan, Nathan couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose and optimism. The challenges were significant, but with determination and a clear vision, they could bring about positive change for their kingdom. The Valdyr Empire was on the cusp of a new era, one in which its people would thrive and prosper.

Winston nodded, his respect for Nathan's commitment growing. "Very well, Master. I will gather the necessary information and ensure a comprehensive chart is prepared, detailing the costs and resources required for these agricultural initiatives."

Nathan leaned back in his chair, a sense of purpose guiding his every action. "Excellent, Winston. Let's use the prosperity we've gained to invest in our kingdom's future. Together, we'll ensure that our people never go hungry again."

With their plans in motion and a shared determination to improve the lives of their citizens, Nathan and Winston set to work, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in their quest for a stronger, more self-sufficient Valdyr Empire.