
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Forging Valor: The Birth of Arcanum's Legacy

With Silverbrook's snow-capped spires looming ahead, Nathan's heart swelled with a mixture of determination and anticipation. Behind him marched a disciplined force of 400 soldiers, each step echoing their commitment to defend their realm.

Among them were 300 two-star knights and 100 three-star knights, their armor gleaming in the winter sunlight. At Nathan's side walked Barch, a formidable five-star knight whose presence exuded strength and loyalty.

As they entered the city's gates, the atmosphere shifted from open terrain to the narrow streets of Silverbrook. The city was a hive of activity, citizens going about their daily tasks while the impending threat cast a palpable tension. Nathan's arrival didn't go unnoticed. He felt the weight of countless gazes upon him – a prince come to protect, to lead, and to inspire.

Leading his forces, Nathan made his way toward the city lord's mansion, a place of authority and refuge. There, standing tall in front of the mansion's entrance, was Baron Callum Frostblade, a six-star aura user.

The years had etched their mark upon him, lines of experience mapping his face. The title of baron was a testament to his achievements on the battlefield, a reward granted by the king himself for four and a half decades of unwavering service.

The surname 'Frostblade' held a story of its own, earned through Callum's mastery of a unique technique – a dance of aura blades imbued with the frigid essence of ice, a force that had struck fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Nathan's gaze met Callum's, and a mutual understanding passed between them. Nathan had not come seeking refuge; rather, he stood as an ally, united by their shared allegiance to the Valdyr kingdom. The threat of the Casentino Empire loomed to the west, and Silverbrook stood as a staunch guardian of the Valdyr realm, its lord a steadfast protector.

Approaching Callum, Nathan extended his hand in greeting, a gesture that transcended titles and ranks. "Baron Callum Frostblade," Nathan's voice held a tone of respect, "your reputation as a defender of these lands precedes you."

Callum clasped Nathan's hand in a firm shake, his eyes carrying the weight of experience. "Prince Nathan Valdyr, your arrival brings a spark of hope to Silverbrook. Your reputation as a leader willing to stand at the frontlines precedes you as well."

Nathan's lips curved in a half-smile. "It's in times of uncertainty that true alliances are forged. I believe that our united strength will be the shield that protects these lands."

Callum's eyes held a glint of approval. "Indeed, the Casentino Empire's ambitions threaten us all. Your presence here signifies a bond that transcends titles – a bond of duty to our kingdom and its people."

As they spoke, Nathan sensed a camaraderie forming between them, a shared understanding of the burdens they carried. Callum had served through decades of battles, and Nathan was navigating the challenges of leadership in a world fraught with dangers.

"Baron Frostblade," Nathan began, "I've brought my forces to bolster Silverbrook's defenses. Together, we can stand against whatever the Archbishop Thornwood might send our way."

Callum's nod was resolute. "Your soldiers will find welcome here. We'll integrate our strengths, and your innovations will prove invaluable."

As they conversed, their words held the promise of unity and the unspoken pledge to face the looming storm together. Nathan sensed that this alliance was more than a strategic decision; it was a melding of hearts dedicated to safeguarding their realm.

Beyond the mansion's steps, Silverbrook bustled with activity. Nathan could see his soldiers mingling with the city's defenders, an exchange of techniques and strategies taking place. The city's residents watched, hope kindling in their eyes as they saw their prince working alongside a baron renowned for his icy prowess.

As the archbishop's private forces loomed closer in the coming days, Nathan and Callum would work side by side, honing their defenses and solidifying their bond. The clanging of swords in training yards, the hushed conversations between knights, and the hum of preparation would become the anthem of their alliance.

Under the winter sky, amidst the chill of frost and the blaze of determination, the realm's protectors had gathered. Nathan's resolve and Callum's experience were embers that, when united, had the potential to spark a blaze that would illuminate even the darkest corners of their world.

The mansion's courtyard echoed with the exchange of words between Nathan and Callum Frostblade. As the details of the archbishop's forces were laid bare, Callum's brows furrowed in disbelief. "Prince, you've brought this many soldiers to face their mere hundred?" His voice held a mix of surprise and skepticism.

Nathan's response was measured, his eyes reflecting the depth of his understanding. "Baron Frostblade, do not underestimate Archbishop Thornwood. While his private army may be smaller in number, their strength lies in quality and resourcefulness. His coffers run deep, and he possesses the means to bolster his forces with mercenaries, potentially outnumbering us. We must remain vigilant and fully prepared for any situation that may arise."

Callum's expression shifted from skepticism to contemplation. He recognized the truth in Nathan's words – the danger of underestimating an opponent lay in the blindness to their potential. In a world where power and ambition intertwined, one could not afford to be naive.

Nathan's voice held a note of determination as he continued, "The archbishop's ambitions are far-reaching, and we must anticipate the tactics he might employ. To counter this, I have devised innovations that can turn the tide in our favor." With that, Nathan beckoned his soldiers closer, revealing the fruits of his ingenuity.

The soldiers gathered, their eyes curious and expectant. Before them lay a testament to Nathan's commitment to defense – the improved crossbow. Nathan's voice carried a hint of pride as he explained its features, how the arrows held formations of explosion and acid, capable of devastating impact.

Among the soldiers, murmurs of intrigue and impressed nods rippled through the crowd. Nathan continued, his voice unwavering, "But these formations are not limited to weaponry alone. They can be drawn directly onto your body, tapping into your auras to channel strength and other enhancements. Formations of strength, endurance, and more can become your arsenal in battle."

A murmur of anticipation rippled through the soldiers. They saw not just innovations, but the promise of empowerment – a chance to stand as more than mere soldiers, but as champions of their realm.

As Nathan moved among them, drawing formations on willing soldiers, his touch was gentle yet purposeful. He shared not just techniques, but his unwavering belief in their potential. The soldiers' faces held a mix of determination and gratitude, a pledge of loyalty forged through shared purpose.

But Nathan knew that preparation extended beyond weaponry and formations. With Callum and his own insight, they began strategizing for the inevitable confrontation.

The forest entrance, the likely path of the enemy's advance, became their canvas. Formations were etched onto the ground, designed to catch the archbishop's forces off guard.

Yet, Nathan's mind was a battlefield of its own. He knew that seasoned soldiers and mercenaries were not easily deceived twice. The formations, once activated, would leave a lasting impression, but they would not rely solely on this tactic. It was a gambit, a feint to test the waters.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Nathan's gaze held a spark of determination. Their defenses were in place, their strategies set, but the true test lay ahead – a test of adaptability, of resilience, and of unity.

Baron Callum Frostblade, standing at Nathan's side, exhaled heavily. "Your foresight and determination are commendable, Prince Nathan. Together, we shall stand as a united front against the impending threat."

Nathan's response was steadfast. "Our unity is our greatest strength, Baron Frostblade. We will face this challenge head-on, prepared for whatever may come our way."

And so, under the cover of darkness and the weight of impending conflict, the alliance between prince and baron solidified. Their realm faced a shadow that threatened to engulf them, yet the embers of their resolve burned brighter than ever.

As they stood amidst drawn formations and whispered strategies, the stage was set for a battle that would test their mettle, challenge their innovations, and prove the strength of their unity.

As the sun ascended higher in the sky, casting its golden light upon the battlefield, the anticipation in the air was nearly palpable. The soldiers, united under their prince stood resolute, their voices echoing with a pledge to defend their realm's valor and shared future.

The clash of impending conflict loomed closer, a tempest of steel and magic, and it was in this crucible that the bonds forged through six days of meticulous preparation would be tested like never before.

hello, sorry yesterday i got a fever so i couldn't publish the chapter, read this chapter and tell me how is it nad don't forget to review and add it in library if you like it.

nekrom1creators' thoughts