
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Forging Valor: The Birth of Arcanum's Legacy{2}

Six days of meticulous preparation had led to this moment – a moment that hung in the air like a held breath, pregnant with anticipation. Nathan stood atop the city walls, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the sun began its ascent.

Beside him stood Barch and Frostblade, a trio united by purpose and responsibility. Behind them, the soldiers of Silverbrook and Nathan's contingent waited, their armor glinting in the early light, determination etched into every gaze.

As the sun's rays stretched across the land, they illuminated the forest entrance – the gateway from which the enemy emerged, soldiers clad in armor and bearing weapons.

Nathan's voice held a tinge of resignation as he turned to Barch and Frostblade, his words weighed by observation. "It appears our set formations have affected only a small fraction of their forces. My suspicion was correct; Archbishop Thornwood has enlisted seasoned mercenaries, not easily deceived by simple tactics."

Barch's eyes narrowed his features reflecting his understanding of the challenge they faced. Frostblade's gaze, however, remained resolute. "It matters not their numbers, but our unity and resolve," he stated firmly.

With the enemy's approach imminent, Nathan's attention shifted to his gathered soldiers. He stepped forward, his voice strong and unwavering, carrying across the space between them.

"Soldiers of Silverbrook, comrades who have stood with me, and those who joined our ranks, today we stand united in the face of an adversary that outnumbers us twofold. But do not mistake their quantity for our defeat. We stand as a bastion, a stronghold that will not falter."

His words resonated with the soldiers, their collective spirit growing stronger with each utterance. Nathan's gaze swept over the faces before him, his expression a mirror of their determination.

"They eye our realm, our people, and our wealth. But we are not defined by the odds stacked against us. We are defined by our courage, our honor, and our unwavering commitment to defend that which is dear to us."

As Nathan spoke, his voice carried the weight of his lineage, the honor of his ancestors, and the responsibility he bore as a prince. His words held the power to embolden, to ignite a fire within the hearts of those who listened.

He raised his arm, a gesture that summoned a newfound strength among his soldiers. "Today, those who stand with me – whether from Silverbrook, my loyal comrades, or the soldiers who have come with me – we forge a legacy of valor. A legacy that will resound through time as the story of Arcanum, of united strength against insurmountable odds."

A hush fell over the soldiers, the gravity of the moment palpable. Nathan's voice rose, a battle cry that echoed through the air. "And now, my comrades, my brothers and sisters in arms, let us make a pact that will resonate beyond this battle. Those who stand as the sun sets today will form the foundation of a force that will march forward as one – a force known as the Arcanum Legion!"

The name hung in the air, carrying with it the promise of unity and unyielding strength. The soldiers exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them. Nathan's words had ignited something profound, a connection that transcended ranks and origins.

As the enemy soldiers drew nearer, their footsteps a foreboding drumbeat, Nathan's voice rang out, a clarion call of purpose and defiance. "To the Arcanum Legion, to the future we forge together!"

The soldiers' voices rose, a thunderous roar that melded into a singular declaration. "To the Arcanum Legion!"

With that resounding chant, the realm's fate hung in the balance, poised on the edge of destiny. The sun climbed higher, casting long shadows that stretched toward the battlefield.

The clash of steel against steel, the eruption of magic and might, and the echo of determined hearts would soon pierce the air, marking the beginning of a battle that would be etched into history – the battle where Arcanum's valor was tested and their legacy was born.

The echo of Nathan's rallying cry still hung in the air when Frostblade's commanding voice shattered the momentary silence. His order sliced through the tension like a blade, a call to action that set every soldier in motion.

The soldiers of Silverbrook, alongside Nathan's contingent, moved with practiced efficiency, the sound of armor clinking and boots thudding against the ground creating a rhythm of preparation.

The heavy gates of Silverbrook began to creak open, revealing the expanse beyond – a field that would soon be a battlefield. Nathan could feel the heartbeat of the realm at that moment – the amalgamation of hope, resolve, and readiness. He exchanged a knowing look with Barch, their shared determination a silent bond.

As the soldiers streamed out of the gates, Frostblade's voice carried again, this time with the authority of command. "In formation, quickly! Shields at the ready, archers at the flanks. We hold the line, no matter the odds."

The soldiers moved with precision, the training of years channeling into their actions. Shields were raised, forming an unyielding barrier against the impending onslaught. Archers positioned themselves strategically, arrows notched and bows drawn, ready to rain death upon their enemies.

Nathan's eyes surveyed the formation, the sight a testament to the unity that had been forged in mere days. Each soldier was a cog in the greater machine – a machine that would be tested against the very forces that sought to subdue them. He could feel the energy, the shared heartbeat of a legion ready to prove their mettle.

Amidst the clatter of armor and the rustling of banners, Nathan's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Pride for the soldiers who had rallied behind him, worry for the challenges that lay ahead, and a fierce determination that steeled his resolve. The legacy he was shaping wasn't just for his realm; it was for every soldier who stood there, every life that was entrusted to his command.

Barch's voice, strong and unwavering, joined the chorus. "Hold steady! Remember your training and your purpose. They come for us, but we are ready. For the realm, for each other!"

Nathan's hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of the Moonshadow Blade, the blade that symbolized his lineage and his responsibility. His mind flashed back to the countless hours of training, the sleepless nights of preparation, and the echoes of his father's wisdom. He drew strength from every memory, every lesson that had brought him to this point.

The enemy forces were now visible in the distance, a mass of armor and weapons that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. Nathan's gaze remained unyielding, his eyes tracing the movement of the enemy with a calculated intensity. He knew the battle that awaited would be fierce, and the odds stacked against them were formidable. Yet, the embers of resolve burned brighter than ever within him.

The clash of impending conflict was palpable. The realm's fate was poised on a razor's edge, and as the first rays of the sun illuminated the battlefield, Nathan's voice rose above the fray, carrying with it a potent mixture of determination and hope. "To the Arcanum Legion! For our realm's valor and our shared future!"

The soldiers responded, their voices merging into a chorus of unity and courage. Barch's voice, Frostblade's voice, and the voices of every soldier joined in, creating an unbreakable symphony that soared above the chaos.

The enemy drew closer, the ground trembling beneath their advance. The battlefield was a canvas waiting to be painted with the struggles, sacrifices, and victories of those who fought upon it. The sun, now fully ascended, cast its golden light upon the clash that was about to ensue – a clash that would shape the destiny of the Arcanum Legion and the realm they held dear.

Barch's jaw clenched as he scanned the approaching enemy forces. His grip on his sword tightened, knuckles white against the polished hilt. Frostblade stood beside him, his eyes gleaming with a fire that mirrored his namesake. "Prince Nathan," Barch's voice was low but unwavering, "we're about to face a storm, but together, we are the tempest that will break it."

Nathan met Barch's gaze, his heart filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. These were not just his soldiers; they were comrades who had embraced a cause greater than themselves. "Indeed, Barch. This is the crucible where our unity and preparations will be put to the test."

Frostblade's voice carried a cold edge of confidence. "Seasoned mercenaries, they may be. But what they're about to encounter is unlike anything they've faced before."

As the enemy drew nearer, their formation took shape – a living wall of soldiers, armor glinting, banners snapping in the wind. Nathan's fingers flexed around his blade, his stance firm and resolute. He felt the eyes of his soldiers upon him, a weight of expectation that only fueled his determination.

With a swift nod to Barch and Frostblade, Nathan's voice carried over the battlefield, commanding and unyielding. "Hold the line! Shields up, archers steady! We face the storm together!"

The air seemed to hum with tension as the distance between the two forces closed. The clash was inevitable, the collision of steel and magic, of resolve and ambition. Nathan's thoughts flickered to the innovations they had developed, to the unity they had fostered. This battle was the crucible where everything would be tested, where alliances would be forged in the heat of combat.

And in that moment, as the battlefield quivered on the edge of chaos, the embers of determination burned bright – a promise that the Arcanum Legion would stand strong, united against the tide of adversity. The sun cast long shadows that stretched toward the battlefield, and the clash of steel against steel became a symphony of valor, echoing through the ages.