
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Forging New Paths: Mastery and Innovation

On the morning of his birthday, Nathan arose with a sense of purpose. Despite the festivities that awaited him, there were pressing matters that required his attention. As he readied himself for the day, he knew that his responsibilities could not be postponed.

Accompanied by Winston and flanked by thirty soldiers on horseback—forming a protective escort both ahead and behind his carriage—Nathan embarked on his journey towards the Rosefruit building.

The sight of his entourage conveyed the importance of the task he was about to undertake.

Arriving at the building, Nathan's gaze fell upon Aria, who stood alongside three other children, each of them displaying a mix of curiosity and awe in the presence of the royal procession.

Aria's face lit up with a joyful smile as Nathan approached, while the other children's expressions wavered between excitement and a hint of intimidation caused by the grandeur of the occasion. The imposing carriage bore the royal family crest—a symbol of authority and tradition.

On either side of the crest, two majestic dragons breathed fire toward the sky, holding a prominent shield between them. Within the shield, three swords were depicted: two crossed diagonally and one in the center, all set against a vibrant yellow backdrop.

Nathan's arrival signaled the commencement of a new chapter in the Rosefruit Trading Company's journey, where innovation and ambition were set to intertwine.

Nathan's purposeful day continued as he led the way, his entourage comprising the slaves he had acquired for farming purposes, Aria, and the other children. Their destination was the farmland he had purchased—a location remote yet accessible, situated a fifteen-minute walk from the city. The charm of this site was further enhanced by a tranquil stream that lay within a mere twenty-minute stroll.

Upon arrival, Nathan's preparations came to fruition. The beets had already been transported to the farmland, meticulously placed within glass jars that he had ordered for this purpose. These jars, symbols of his commitment to innovation, heralded a new era for his agricultural pursuits.

With an air of purpose, Nathan directed his attention to Aria, ensuring that the promises he had made were upheld. Addressing her, he said, "Aria, do you recall the work I mentioned? The time has come to fulfill that promise."

Nathan continued, his words carrying sincerity and intent, "For you and the other children, this is the task at hand. While the others assist in preparing food for the farmers, your role holds greater responsibility."

He looked into Aria's eyes as he continued, "You are tasked with supervising this farmland, reporting its progress to me every month. Additionally, after the harvest, you shall provide me with an account of the yield. For this role, I offer you one silver and five copper coins. Should you encounter any challenges, don't hesitate to seek aid from either Winston or myself at the castle."

Nathan's decision to entrust Aria with this duty was a testament to his trust in her sincerity and her simple-hearted nature. Their bond, born out of shared circumstances and trust, had fostered a sense of kinship between them.

As expected, Aria responded with a nod, her commitment evident in her affirmative answer. Nathan's desire to protect and support her, akin to a protective sibling, was a reflection of his values in this new world.

With instructions imparted and steps explained, Nathan turned his attention to the rest of the slaves and Aria, guiding them in the process of planting the beets. The seeds of change had been sown, both in the fertile soil and in the path Nathan was carving for himself and those around him.

Nathan's day of purposeful action extended to ensuring the security of his newly acquired farmland. He assigned a group of twenty-five soldiers from the contingent he had brought with him, instructing them to act as guardians for the fields. Their orders were clear: anyone attempting to enter or investigate the area should be captured, and resistance should be met with immediate execution.

As the late noon sun began its descent, the time drew near for Nathan's birthday celebration to commence. With the task of safeguarding the farmland accomplished, Nathan and his retinue returned to the castle. The remaining soldiers and Winston accompanied him, their journey back filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the festivities ahead.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the grand birthday celebration unfolded within the castle's walls. Dignitaries from various walks of life graced the occasion—nobles from the kingdom, heads of merchant associations, knight captains, and even the esteemed master of the mage's tower in Nathan's realm. The atmosphere was alive with laughter, camaraderie, and the sumptuous banquet that befitted such an occasion.

The festivities reached their pinnacle with an elegant formal dance, allowing the attendees to revel in the joy of the celebration. With the ball reaching its conclusion in the late hours of the night, Nathan retired to his room, his mind brimming with a sense of achievement and gratitude for the day's events.

Yet, even in his moments of rest, Nathan's mind was still at work. He took a moment to sketch a simple design for the tools he needed for papermaking, the latest project that had captured his attention. Passing the design to Winston, he entrusted it to the carpenters for their skilled hands to bring it to life.

As the day came to a close, Nathan finally succumbed to sleep, his dreams a reflection of the ambitions and progress that marked his journey in this new world.

The days continued in a rhythm of purpose and routine for Nathan. Each morning, he diligently attended to minor matters that required his attention. His training sessions with Barch became a consistent part of his routine, starting with the basics of swordplay and culminating in the practice of the breathing method and mana absorption.

During his training, Nathan focused on mastering the technique of storing mana within his body. This method had proven effective, enabling him to accumulate and harness mana for his future growth.

At night, his thirst for knowledge led him to the castle's library, where he delved into research on mana stones. With each page turned, he sought to unlock the secrets and potential of these magical objects.

On the second day, rain graced the outside world, leading to a change in Nathan's training plans. The usual sword practice with Barch was put on hold due to the weather. Instead, Nathan spent the entire day in his room, engrossed in the practice of his breathing technique.

As he dedicated himself to the method, a realization began to form in Nathan's mind. Despite the benefits of the technique, he recognized a limitation—the slow pace at which he could absorb mana in small amounts.

This hindered the growth of his aura stars and mana circle, making him contemplate the possibility of improvements or the creation of an entirely new technique.

While deep in thought, Nathan's gaze shifted to the rain outside his window. The gentle downpour created small puddles, and amidst the wet earth, he observed frogs emerging from the ground. The sight triggered a spark of inspiration within him, drawing his attention to the natural world's cycle and adaptability.

Nathan's encounter with the frogs in the rain-sparkled puddles triggered a burst of inspiration within him. The thought occurred to him in a eureka moment, igniting a fire of curiosity and possibility. He vocalized his idea aloud, proclaiming, "What if I can breathe through my skin in addition to my lungs?"

His excitement was palpable as he clenched his left fist and struck it against his right palm, a physical manifestation of his newfound enthusiasm. Nathan's mind raced with the potential implications of such a concept—whether it was feasible, whether he could manipulate the flow of mana through his skin as he did with his breath.

Contemplating the possibility, he recognized the inherent difference between human respiration and mana absorption. While humans couldn't naturally breathe through their skin, the process of absorbing mana didn't necessarily need to follow the same limitations.

It was a radical idea, but Nathan's determination pushed him to explore new avenues of mana manipulation.

Sitting in a focused lotus position on the ground, Nathan's eyes closed as he engaged in meditation. His mind delved into the challenge at hand—finding a way to draw in mana through his skin. He reflected on the principle of pulling and drawing, seeking a connection between his body and external mana.

Thirty minutes of introspective thought passed, during which Nathan contemplated the words "pulls in." His mind continued to explore the concepts of attraction, force, and drawing. Then, as if guided by intuition, a lightbulb moment occurred—a concept he had known all his life came rushing back to him: gravity.

In a moment of clarity, Nathan realized that if he could apply a significant pulling force to external mana, akin to the pull of gravity, he might be able to guide the mana into his body through his skin. This realization sparked excitement and determination within him, as he visualized the potential application of this principle.

In his mind, Nathan formulated a strategy. He envisioned using his core as a focal point, a source of powerful attraction that could pull in mana from the environment. This concentration of energy in his core would act as the gravitational center, enabling him to manipulate the flow of mana with intent.

Nathan's mind was a whirlwind of ideas and concepts, merging the principles of gravitational force and mana manipulation into a new approach to enhance his mana absorption. He realized that directly increasing the mass of his aura core and mana heart might not be feasible, but by increasing the rotations and revolutions of his core star and mana circles, he could effectively create a greater pull force within his body.

The concept was ambitious and required a delicate interplay of forces and energies. Nathan's mind raced as he envisioned combining his original Equilibrium breathing method with the notion of tidal locking—how celestial bodies synchronize their rotations with their orbital periods—to create a technique that would exponentially increase the rotational speed of his core star and mana circles.

With determination driving him forward, Nathan wasted no time and embarked on the journey to implement his newfound insight. He visualized his core star and mana circles, focusing on their current rotations and revolutions. The goal was clear: to increase their speed, amplifying the gravitational-like pull they exerted on the surrounding mana.

Hours slipped by, the passage of time marked only by Nathan's unyielding focus and determination. He concentrated on the core star and the corresponding mana circles, striving to accelerate their rotations and revolutions.

One hour turned into two, then three, and still, Nathan persevered, his commitment unwavering as he sought to achieve the breakthrough he envisioned.

After four hours of intense concentration and effort, Nathan experienced a subtle shift—an incremental increase in the speed of the core star's rotations and mana circles' revolutions. The progress was small but significant, a glimmer of success that spurred him on.

Encouraged by this development, Nathan continued to push, incrementally increasing the speed and focusing on maintaining the delicate balance of forces within his body.

As time pressed forward, Nathan's efforts began to bear fruit. After an additional hour and thirty minutes, the number of rotations and revolutions had reached levels that were beyond easy quantification. The rate at which they spun became a blur, a testament to Nathan's persistence and unwavering dedication.

With his technique in full swing, Nathan experienced a remarkable transformation. The increased rotations and revolutions of his core star and mana circles created a powerful pull force—a gravitational-like attraction that drew mana from the environment around him. His body became a conduit, with mana flowing through his skin and permeating every cell.

Nathan's mastery of the Equilibrium breathing method played a crucial role in refining the incoming mana. With each breath, he directed the mana to both his aura core and mana heart, ensuring that the essence of the mana was harnessed and channeled to its intended destinations. The synchronization of his breathing and mana manipulation formed a harmonious synergy, amplifying his ability to absorb and refine mana.

In this profound moment of achievement, Nathan had effectively unlocked a new dimension of mana manipulation. His integration of concepts, his unwavering practice, and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility had culminated in success. The aura of mana enveloped him, a testament to his mastery over the forces that surrounded him.

Nathan's unwavering determination pushed him to endure the physical toll of his breakthrough. The relentless waves of mana passing through his body began to take their toll, as his body gradually tore under the pressure of the powerful mana currents. His skin turned red, and in some places, blood began to seep from the strained vessels.

Despite the excruciating pain and the toll it was taking on his body, Nathan's resolve remained unshaken. He recognized that the path to greatness was paved with challenges, and he was willing to bear the pain to achieve his goals. With each passing moment, his determination grew stronger, matching the intensity of the mana coursing through his veins.

The process of mana tempering had unintended effects, as Nathan's mana vessels reacted to the influx of mana. Small, previously nonexistent mana vessels began forming under his skin, a testament to the transformation he was undergoing. The mana flowed through these newly formed vessels at tremendous pressure and speed, rupturing them in the process.

But Nathan's body, fueled by his unwavering determination, responded to the ruptures by healing and strengthening the vessels. This cycle of rupture, healing, and strengthening repeated itself numerous times, exceeding a hundred iterations. The process was grueling and painful, but Nathan's resilience endured as he endured the cycle.

Gradually, as the night wore on, the process began to stabilize. The newly formed mana vessels started to adapt to the flow of mana, no longer rupturing under the pressure. The once-tumultuous process began to calm, and the mana flow became smoother and more controlled. The newly formed mana vessels directed the mana to both his aura core and mana heart, distributing it with precision.

Nathan's determination and perseverance were rewarded as he continued to refine and perfect his new breathing method throughout the night. The challenges he faced, the pain he endured, and the breakthroughs he achieved all contributed to his growth as a mana manipulator.

As dawn approached, Nathan emerged from his grueling trial with a sense of accomplishment and a profound understanding of his own potential.

With the new technique solidified in his mind and his body adapted to its demands, Nathan looked to the future with renewed vigor. He had unlocked a new level of mana manipulation, and he knew that the path ahead would be marked by continued growth, challenges, and the pursuit of his ultimate goal—to become a formidable force in his kingdom and beyond.

Creation is hard,so please cheer me up with your power stones and if you want to read more add it in your library.

And if you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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