
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Embers of Resolve: A Kingdom's Unseen Struggle

With the vital information about the archbishop's private forces acquired through the ordeal, Nathan wasted no time. He knew that the threat posed by the archbishop's ambitions could no longer be ignored. Determination burned in his eyes as he headed straight to his father, King Rodrick.

Inside the grand study room of the Valdyr castle, King Rodrick paced back and forth, his brow furrowed with worry. Reports of the spies' confrontation with Barch and Nathan had reached him, leaving him restless and anxious for his son's safety. As the ornate door swung open, he turned to see Nathan enter, a mixture of relief and concern flooding his expression.

Without hesitation, King Rodrick closed the distance between them and enveloped Nathan in a tight embrace. "By the gods, Nathan," he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of relief and reprimand, "what were you thinking? Engaging in such a dangerous encounter without considering the consequences!"

Nathan returned the embrace, his voice steady as he reassured his father, "Father, I assure you I'm unharmed. Barch and I emerged from the skirmish without serious injuries."

King Rodrick's gaze softened, but his worry still lingered. He stepped back slightly to scrutinize Nathan, his eyes scanning for any signs of hidden injuries. "You must understand, my son, that your safety is paramount to me. Engaging in such recklessness puts the entire kingdom at risk."

Nathan met his father's gaze, his own eyes carrying a mix of determination and understanding. "I know, Father," he replied, his tone resolute. "But I couldn't stand idly by when our realm's safety is threatened. These spies are but the tip of the iceberg. The archbishop's ambitions run deep, and I needed to uncover the extent of his plans."

King Rodrick sighed heavily, his concern evident. "Nathan, I don't doubt your intentions or your courage. But you must also recognize the weight of your responsibilities as a prince and a future ruler. Your actions have far-reaching consequences."

Nathan nodded, acknowledging his father's words. "I understand, Father. I'm not blind to the implications of my actions. But if I don't protect the realm and the innovations we've worked so hard to achieve, then what purpose does my training serve?"

As Nathan spoke, his thoughts echoed his father's concerns. He couldn't deny the gravity of his responsibilities, nor the danger he had willingly placed himself in. But the urgency of the situation fueled his determination – a determination born from a desire to uphold the legacy of his realm and ensure its future.

King Rodrick's expression softened, pride mingling with worry in his eyes. "You have a strong sense of duty, my son. I can't fault you for that. But remember that leadership requires not just bravery, but wisdom and careful consideration."

Nathan's resolve remained unwavering. "I will not allow the archbishop's greed to jeopardize our kingdom's safety. Now that we have information about his forces, we can prepare and take the necessary precautions."

King Rodrick placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder, his touch a mixture of comfort and guidance. "Very well, Nathan. We shall address this threat together, with strategy and unity. Your determination is an asset, but it must be tempered by wisdom."

Nathan met his father's gaze, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Father. I value your guidance, and I promise to approach this with both caution and resolve."

As they stood in the study room, a father and son bound by duty and love, the weight of the challenges ahead seemed more manageable. The archbishop's plans may have cast a shadow, but Nathan's determination and King Rodrick's wisdom were beacons of light that would guide them through the darkness.

And so, in the heart of the Valdyr castle, amidst the whispers of intrigue and the threats that loomed, a prince and a king forged an unbreakable bond – a bond that would carry them through the trials ahead, ensuring that the realm they cherished would emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

"Tell me in detail what information, did you acquired from the spies," King Rodrick pressed, his gaze fixed intently on Nathan. "What type of forces does the archbishop command? How many troops are at his disposal?"

Nathan took a deep breath, his mind focused on the details he had gathered from the spies. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of secrecy and urgency. His voice was measured as he began to share the intricacies of the information they had uncovered. "From the information we obtained, Archbishop Caelum Thornwood is the sixth archbishop among the eight. He's locked in a power struggle with his fellow archbishops, vying for the vacant position of the fourth cardinal within the church hierarchy."

Nathan's voice held a hint of gravity as he continued, "The archbishop is in a precarious position himself. He's unable to requisition additional troops from the church's main forces due to ongoing conflicts with the Casentino Kingdom. Their combined forces are engaged in a battle against the newly emerged bandit king, Eamon Grimclaw, and his followers. This war is projected to persist for several years, effectively tying the hands of the church's main military strength."

Nathan's gaze held steady as he elaborated on the archbishop's private army. "Archbishop Thornwood's private army consists of approximately 100 knights and 10 mages. Among the knights, there are a total of 60 two-star knights, 37 three-star knights, and 3 four-star knights. The leadership ranks are primarily comprised of three and four-star knights, with the latter commanding the lower-ranking knights."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "In terms of magical support, the archbishop's private army includes 9 two-circle mages and 1 three-circle mage. These mages possess varying degrees of magical prowess, which could potentially pose a threat on the battlefield."

Nathan's voice grew resolute as he addressed his father's concerns. "Father, I understand your worries for both me and our people. But I urge you to have faith in this plan. Let me take command of this battle. I have prepared for this, and I am confident in our ability to protect our realm. With your guidance and support, we can face this threat head-on and emerge victorious."

King Rodrick's expression softened as he listened to Nathan's assessment. He could see the determination in his son's eyes, a reflection of his commitment to both their kingdom and its people. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly. "Very well, Nathan. I trust in your judgment and your dedication to our realm. Your preparations have not gone unnoticed, and I believe that you have the strength to lead us through this challenge."

Nathan's gratitude was evident as he bowed his head in respect. "Thank you, Father. Your support means the world to me. Together, we will ensure the safety of our people and the preservation of our innovations."

Father and son shared a moment of understanding and resolve, their bond fortified by a shared purpose. The challenges that lay ahead were formidable, but with Nathan's strategic mind and King Rodrick's wisdom, they stood united against the looming threat of Archbishop Caelum Thornwood and his private forces.

In the heart of the study room, amidst the glow of candlelight and the weight of their responsibilities, they solidified their plan – a plan that would test their mettle, challenge their strategies, and prove their dedication to the realm they both held dear.

As the severe winter and heavy snow blanketed the land, Nathan set into motion his preparations for the impending battle. He knew that the archbishop's private army would be delayed by the harsh weather, granting him a precious window to train his soldiers and refine his strategies. Each day was spent in diligent practice, honing both his own skills and those of his troops.

Nathan's vision extended beyond conventional tactics. Drawing inspiration from his knowledge of ancient weaponry, he devised plans to innovate the battlefield. He summoned the finest blacksmiths in the capital city, Axum, and collaborated with them to create an improved version of the crossbow, a weapon he had once seen in his father's antique collection back on Earth. The crossbows were not only sturdy and accurate but held a deadly surprise – arrows imbued with specialized formations.

With intricate care, Nathan crafted formations of explosion and acid, etching them onto the arrows' shafts. Upon impact, these arrows unleashed a destructive blast of acid that could melt even stone and iron within a three-meter radius. The innovation was a testament to his commitment to defense and innovation.

As he meticulously designed these formations, Nathan's mind wandered into introspection. The weight of his responsibilities as both a prince and a leader pressed upon him. He contemplated the sacrifices that leadership demanded and the expectations that came with his station. The whispers of his own doubts were drowned out by the resolute voice within – a voice that reminded him of the realm's potential and his duty to protect it.

Nathan's mastery of magic grew in tandem with his military preparations. He forged formations that could be drawn directly onto soldiers' bodies, harnessing their own auras to charge these formations with power. From formations of strength to those of haste, his soldiers would become vessels of enhanced capabilities on the battlefield.

Nathan's progress was astonishing. His relentless training and dedication saw him advance to the stage of three core stars and three magic circles in just four months. He delved deep into the theories of his two-circle magic spells, refining and expanding them. His prowess in formation crafting reached new heights, enabling him to draw and activate formations even in the midst of battle, using mana threads from his fingertips to weave intricate patterns.

As he practiced his formations, Nathan's mind danced between magic and strategy. The thrill of discovery and the satisfaction of honing his skills intertwined with the gravity of the battle ahead. He found solace in the discipline of his training, a sense of purpose that anchored him in the face of uncertainty.

With his armor donned and the Moonshadow Blade – a symbol of heritage and strength – sheathed by his side, Nathan approached his father, King Rodrick. The room was steeped in a mix of pride and concern as the king bestowed upon Nathan his blessings and his weapon. Nathan's eyes reflected his determination as he assured his father of his safe return, his words a testament to the bond they shared.

The weight of his promise to his father settled on Nathan's shoulders as he stepped out of the castle walls. He walked alongside Barch, their footsteps leaving imprints in the fresh snow. The landscape stretched ahead, a canvas of possibilities and challenges. Nathan's mind was a whirlwind of emotions – determination to protect, uncertainty of what lay ahead, and a burning resolve to see their mission through.

"Fear not, Father. I shall return victorious, for our realm and for the future we envision," Nathan's voice resonated with conviction as he spoke, his words carrying the weight of his commitment and the echo of his father's advice.

With that promise, Nathan bid farewell to the castle, embarking on a journey westward toward the border city known as Silverbrook. The path ahead was treacherous, winding through snow-covered landscapes and uncharted territories. Yet, with every step, Nathan's heart pulsed with a fierce determination. He knew that the challenges he faced were not just battles fought with steel and magic, but tests of his character and leadership.

Upon their arrival in Silverbrook, the city seemed to buzz with anticipation. The streets whispered tales of the prince's arrival, his purpose known to those who saw in him a beacon of hope. Nathan's presence brought with it the promise of strength, unity, and a chance to defend against the looming threat.

Nathan's gaze swept over the faces of the people, his heart swelling with a mix of responsibility and inspiration. He knew that the weight of their expectations rested on his shoulders, yet their unwavering faith fueled his determination to rise above the challenges.

As the snow-capped spires of Silverbrook's fortress came into view, Nathan's heart quickened. The real battle was yet to begin, but the foundation for victory had been laid. With a breath of determination, he led his forces through the gates, ready to face the challenges that awaited and to prove that his realm's spirit was unbreakable even in the face of adversity.

In the midst of falling snowflakes, Nathan's path was set – a path that would test his leadership, challenge his strategies, and shape the destiny of the realm he held dear. With each step forward, his heart echoed with the promises he had made – to his father, to his people, and to himself. The journey ahead was more than a battle; it was a crucible that would forge him into the leader his realm needed.

umm just cheer me up with adding it in library and reviewing it.

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let's meet in the next chapter.

nekrom1creators' thoughts