
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Carnage Unleashed

[Gore content warning, if you don't like please skip the chapter from the middle section to the last section]

After getting the note, under the cover of night, Thornwood met with the mage in a simple, nondescript inn in Crest City, both of them disguised to avoid any prying eyes or ears. 

As they sat in a dimly lit corner, Thornwood leaned in, his voice hushed yet commanding with a glint of admiration in his eyes. "First, I must congratulate you for attuning to the artifact. Your dedication is commendable." Thornwood began, his eyes fixed on the magician. "But your true task begins now."

The magician, his loyalty to Thornwood unwavering, nodded with a sense of pride. "I am honored by your words, Master. Whatever task you have in mind, I shall undertake it without hesitation. Simply give me the word."

Thornwood, visibly impressed by the magician's resolve, leaned in even closer, his voice barely a whisper. "You must travel to the Valdyr Kingdom's capital, Axum. Disguise yourself as an ordinary trader or a job seeker, someone inconspicuous. Once inside the city, use the artifact to summon those formidable Mud Golems. Their presence will divert the attention of the city's guards, allowing my second plan to take effect."

The mage's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but ask, "Master, may I inquire about your second plan?"

Thornwood, maintaining his air of secrecy, replied in a low voice, "A slave need not concern himself with the intricacies of the plan. Your duty is to follow my orders without question. Go to Axum, await my letter, and then initiate the attack as instructed."

The mage, upon hearing this, said "Master although I am strong, but I don't think I will be able to stop the city soldiers for much time alone."

Thornwood nodded in approval at the magician's concern and response. "You're right to think of these details. In three days' time, I shall send two more skilled mages to reinforce you in your mission, and until you receive my letter, exercise extreme caution and maintain your disguise at all costs. Blend in seamlessly, and if need be, use your skills to uphold the façade."

The mage, understanding the gravity of his mission, bowed his head. "I comprehend your orders, Master. I will return and make the necessary preparations."

With that, the two figures, cloaked in their hooded robes, parted ways, disappearing into the shadows of the night. Thornwood watched his servant leave, knowing that the wheels of his revenge were in motion, and the Valdyr Kingdom would soon feel the weight of his wrath.

Three days later, the mage, now armed with the Earthshaper's Bauble and accompanied by the two other mages, set forth on his journey towards the Valdyr Kingdom's capital, Axum.

They traveled cautiously, maintaining their disguises and blending in with the ordinary travelers and workers, a trio of seemingly unremarkable individuals on their way to an unremarkable destination.

Thornwood, meanwhile, resumed his role as a humble servant within the church, concealing his true ambitions behind a facade of loyalty and obedience. He knew that his revenge was set in motion, with one piece of the puzzle dispatched to wreak havoc within the enemy's territory.

As days turned into weeks, Thornwood monitored the situation carefully, waiting for the right moment to set his second plan into motion. The city of Axum, oblivious to the impending chaos, continued its daily routines, unaware of the storm that brewed on the horizon.

In the heart of the Valdyr Kingdom, Prince Nathan remained vigilant, knowing that threats lurked beyond the kingdom's borders. Yet, he could not anticipate the calculated vengeance that lurked in the shadows. Thornwood's thirst for retribution knew no bounds, and he was determined to see his plans through to the end, no matter the cost.

The game of revenge and deception had reached a critical juncture, and the pieces were moving with deadly intent. The fate of nations hung in the balance, and the stage was set for a clash of titanic proportions.

As the weeks passed, the mages had seamlessly integrated themselves into their new identities as hired workers, toiling away in the Valdyr Kingdom's capital city of Axum. They worked diligently, keeping a low profile, and continued their daily routines.

One moonless night, a peculiar disturbance disrupted their slumber. A pigeron, an odd visitor for the urban setting, incessantly pecked at their window. Groggily awakened from his sleep, one of the mages grumbled in annoyance, "What is this foolish bird doing, disturbing us in the dead of night?"

As he reluctantly approached the window and unlatched it, his irritation gave way to curiosity. Tied to the leg of the persistent pigeron was a letter. Alarmed, he immediately roused his two companions, and together they examined the missive.

Carefully unfolding the letter, they discovered chilling instructions: "Commence the operation in three days, during the bustling evening hours, and show no mercy, spare no one."

The mages exchanged apprehensive glances, realizing that their role in Thornwood's grand scheme was about to begin, and the streets of Axum would soon be plunged into chaos and bloodshed.

As the three days drew to a close, the mages continued to play their roles during the day, maintaining their facade as diligent workers. In the secrecy of the night, they exchanged letters with Thornwood via the pigeron, finalizing minor details of the impending operation.

On the appointed evening, the mages donned their mage attire, concealing it beneath thick robes. They made their way to the heart of the city, a bustling square adorned with a magnificent fountain. Citizens returned from their day's work, and families strolled through the market, children's laughter filling the air.

The people from the reclamation site returned dirty, some stalls selling candy and other eating items, while the carts going here and there on the road.

A curious child, eyes gleaming with wonder, tugged at his mother's clothing, pleading, "Mother, can you buy me that candy, please?" His mother agreed, albeit with a warning about too much candy. The child's attention then shifted to the group of adventurers passing by, and he excitedly remarked, "Look, Mother! Those adventurers look so cool!"

As the crowd observed the adventurers with curiosity, the mage wielding the Earthshaper's Bauble, a five-circle mage, stepped forward. With a swift motion, he struck the ground with his staff, and before the astonished onlookers, Mud Golems emerged from the earth, materializing out of thin air.

Raising his staff and pointing it forward, his voice chillingly cold, the mage uttered a single command that sent shockwaves through the square: "Kill!"

The sudden appearance of the Mud Golems sent the bustling square into chaos. Citizens screamed and scattered in all directions, seeking safety from the looming threat. The child who had admired the adventurers just moments ago now clung to his mother in terror.

The Mud Golems, massive and formidable, obeyed their creator's command without hesitation. With lumbering steps, they advanced, their mud-covered limbs and stone-like fists causing the cobblestone ground to quake beneath them.

Panic rippled through the crowd as the citizens tried to flee, but the Mud Golems blocked their path. Desperate cries filled the air as the golems indiscriminately targeted anyone in their vicinity.

Amidst the chaos, the mages maintained their focus, directing the Mud Golems to create diversions at key locations throughout the city. Their mission was twofold: to sow confusion and to draw the attention of the city's defenders away from a specific target.

As the Valdyr Kingdom's capital descended into turmoil, Thornwood's carefully orchestrated plan began to unfold. The night was alive with the sounds of destruction and fear, and the shadows concealed the true orchestrator of this dark and vengeful act.

as the Mud Golems rampaged through the marketplace, their mud-caked limbs became deadly weapons, tearing through anything in their path with brutal force. The once bustling square now resembled a battlefield soaked in blood and gore.

Citizens who couldn't escape in time found themselves in a nightmare, their screams drowned out by the deafening clash of mud against flesh. Limbs were torn from bodies, and bodies were crushed beneath the relentless onslaught of the golems.

Blood painted the cobblestone streets, mixing with the muck and filth, creating a gruesome tableau of horror.

Mothers clung desperately to their children, shielding them from the monstrous attackers, but their efforts were often in vain. The Mud Golems showed no mercy, their unfeeling eyes fixed on their goal: to inflict terror and suffering upon the city.

As the Mud Golems surged forward, attacking with a relentless and indomitable force, the other two mages began to unleash their destructive spells upon both people and buildings indiscriminately. Chaos erupted in the square as panic and terror gripped the unsuspecting citizens.

In the midst of this mayhem, a mother clutched her child tightly, her heart pounding with fear. The child, nestled in her arms, trembled with wide eyes filled with terror.

"Mommy, what's happening? Are we going to be okay?" the child quivered, seeking comfort and reassurance.

With a tender smile, the mother tried to conceal her own anxiety and softly replied, "Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll be just fine. In a few hours, we'll be back home, having dinner together. Just close your eyes and cover your ears with your hands. It'll be over soon."

With those soothing words, she shielded her child's innocence from the horrors unfolding around them, determined to keep them safe amidst the chaos.

As the nightmarish chaos continued to consume the bustling square, a figure hidden in the shadows observed it all, waiting for the right chance. 

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