
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Blood and Parchment

As the radiant aura enveloped Cardinal Creston, and his staff of light struck the ground, it created a profound sense of awe and fear in the nobles who had drawn their swords. The tension in the room had reached its peak, and the nobles, though momentarily stunned, were not about to back down.

One particularly bold noble, known for his arrogance and quick temper, decided to challenge the cardinal's display of power. With a defiant roar, he lunged forward, his sword raised high. He intended to strike down Creston, believing that the surprise attack would catch the cardinal off guard.

However, Cardinal Creston's celestial armor shimmered with renewed brilliance, and in a swift, graceful motion, he raised his staff to counter the noble's assault. With a single swing of the staff, a shockwave of celestial energy surged forth, colliding with the noble's attack.

The impact was cataclysmic. The noble's sword was sent flying from his grasp, and he himself was hurled backward through the air, crashing into a row of ornate chairs. He landed in a heap, dazed and disarmed, but miraculously, not gravely injured.

The nobles who had previously been in awe of Creston's power now watched in disbelief as their comrade, who had dared to defy the divine representative, lay defeated and humiliated.

Amidst the chaos and confusion that followed, King Rodrick, displaying both authority and control, rose from his throne once more. His voice rang out with an unwavering command that instantly hushed the room.

"That's enough," he declared, his gaze piercing. "Stand down, all of you."

The nobles, still shaken by the recent display of power, slowly sheathed their swords and retreated to their positions, their expressions a mixture of fear and deference.

King Rodrick then turned his attention to Cardinal Creston, who stood with his staff of light, the celestial aura surrounding him slowly diminishing.

"Cardinal Creston," King Rodrick said in a measured tone, "while your display of power is impressive, let us not forget that even the divine can be challenged when faced with overwhelming force."

He continued, "You are a new saint, and your power is not yet fully matured. Do not overestimate your abilities. My generals are more than capable of overwhelming you with sheer numbers and strength."

His celestial armor gradually fading away, Creston met the king's gaze with a calm and unwavering demeanor. He acknowledged the king's warning with a nod but remained confident in his position.

"Your caution is duly noted, King Rodrick," Creston replied evenly. "I do not underestimate the strength of your kingdom's generals. However, I am not here to engage in hostilities or seek conflict."

Cardinal Creston, having made his point and defused the immediate confrontation, slowly lowered his hand, and the radiant sky-blue staff, crafted from divine power, began to dissipate.

The celestial armor that had adorned him, including the ornate crown-like helmet, also faded away, leaving him once more in his cardinal's robes.

With a shrewd expression on his face, he then inquired, "Now that the charade is over, may I inquire about your decision regarding the agreement to abstain from hostilities between our respective countries?"

The king regarded Creston with a thoughtful expression, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed the words. "A ceasefire, indeed," he mused.

"But let us be clear, Cardinal Creston. While I may consider your proposal, I do so with the understanding that the Valdyr Kingdom will always prioritize its own interests and security."

He then leaned forward, his tone becoming more pointed. "Should your sky god church or your kingdom ever pose a threat to our people or our sovereignty, be assured that I will not hesitate to protect my kingdom by any means necessary."

Cardinal Creston, with a shrewd smile, put his left hand into his right sleeve and produced a parchment made from monster skin. He held it aloft and said, "King Rodrick, I totally agree with you, but you don't have to worry about that situation arising."

He then handed the parchment to a servant, who presented it to King Rodrick on the throne. Creston continued with a glib tongue, "Well, we knew you'd say that, and My king and pope also wanted something solid to rely on from your side. So, we performed a ritual beforehand and used the skin of a griffin to create this divine parchment, blessed by the Sky God."

Rodrick, intrigued, opened the parchment scroll as Creston further explained, "Anyone who signs this parchment and breaks the agreement within it will suffer and die from a disease."

"My kingdom's king and the Sky God Church's pope have already signed it with their blood as ink, and now only your signature awaits, King Rodrick."

Creston pointed toward Rodrick and declared, "Now, you should too," with a brief pause before continuing, "use your blood to sign and activate the parchment's power."

King Rodrick's eyes narrowed as he carefully examined the divine parchment before him. Its texture was unlike anything he had seen before, and the sacred sigils inscribed upon it shimmered with an ethereal glow.

Creston observed the king's reaction closely, his expression maintaining its shrewd composure. He understood that the gravity of the situation, coupled with the binding magic within the parchment, would not be lost on Rodrick.

After a moment of contemplation, King Rodrick looked up from the parchment, his gaze meeting Creston's. "You certainly take your diplomatic agreements seriously, Cardinal Creston," he remarked, a note of admiration in his voice.

He leaned forward once more, this time extending his hand to pick up a nearby quill and inkwell. As he prepared to sign the divine parchment, he said, "Very well, if this is the extent of your ceasefire, then I, King Rodrick of the Valdyr Kingdom, shall sign in agreement."

Cardinal Creston, with a nod of approval, watched as King Rodrick prepared to sign the divine parchment. The room was filled with a sense of gravity, as the fate of their kingdoms hung in the balance of this agreement.

As King Rodrick pricked his finger with the quill, allowing his blood to flow onto the parchment, the divine sigils seemed to come to life, emitting a soft, celestial glow. The room was bathed in an otherworldly light, and a sense of solemnity enveloped them.

Once the king had signed his name in his own blood, the parchment absorbed the ink, and the signature seemed to become an indelible part of the divine document.

With the agreement sealed in such a profound manner, King Rodrick looked up at Cardinal Creston and said, "The agreement is made, Cardinal Creston. May the power of this divine parchment bind our kingdoms to peace for the next eight years."

Creston, his shrewd smile never leaving his face, inclined his head in acknowledgment. "May it be so, King Rodrick. I believe this ceasefire will serve both our kingdoms well."

With the agreement now in place, and the binding magic of the divine parchment at work, the servant carefully rolled up the divine parchment and prepared to return it to Cardinal Creston, who would take it back to the Sky God Church as proof of the accord.

As the parchment exchanged hands, the tension that had filled the throne room began to ease, replaced by a cautious optimism for the future.

The nobles and advisors present understood the significance of this moment, and many of them recognized that their king had made a wise decision in signing the agreement.

As Cardinal Creston made his exit from the chamber, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The diplomatic mission had been a success, and the interests of the Sky God Church and his kingdom had been safeguarded for the foreseeable future.

The aftermath of the diplomatic meeting saw the nobles gradually dispersing from the grand chamber, returning to their respective duties and responsibilities within the kingdom. As they departed, many exchanged polite greetings with King Rodrick, acknowledging his authority and the decisions made during the meeting.

Seated comfortably on his throne, King Rodrick let out a deep sigh, the weariness of the negotiations evident in his expression. He leaned back, one hand resting on the arm of the throne, and remarked, "Huh, that was quite tiring. I didn't expect that the greedy king of the Casentino Empire would make a proposal like this."

Winston, the trusted butler who had been a steadfast presence throughout the meeting, approached with a warm cup of tea. He offered the cup to King Rodrick, who accepted it with a nod of gratitude.

"You did well, My King," Winston said, his voice filled with reassurance. "It is all for the people and Prince Nathan's sake. This ceasefire will provide us with the time and stability needed to address our internal matters."

King Rodrick took a sip of the tea, appreciating its soothing warmth. He nodded in agreement with Winston's assessment. "Yes, you are right," he said, his tone thoughtful. "Now that we have eight years without interference, the first thing that needs to be done is taking out the rats."

Setting the tea cup down on a nearby table, King Rodrick stood up, his posture resolute. He turned to Winston, who remained attentive and ready to assist.

"Winston," King Rodrick began, "please convey my instructions to Barch and only a few other trusted individuals to start investigating the other nobles. I need every piece of information related to them—loyalties, alliances, and any potential threats to the kingdom."

Winston bowed respectfully, acknowledging the gravity of the task. "Of course, My King," he replied. "Your orders will be conveyed promptly, and we shall begin the necessary investigations immediately."

With a final nod of approval, King Rodrick prepared to take action to secure the future of his kingdom and protect the interests of his people, confident in Winston's diligence and loyalty.

hello, enjoy the chapter and support me please peoples. thank you for reading, see you tomorrow then.

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