
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

A Son's Request

Rodrick nodded in understanding, his expression serious. "The kingdoms of the Far East are indeed distant and not often mentioned in our books or records. They exist beyond the boundaries of our known lands, and their ways are shrouded in mystery. It's possible that the threat originates from those lands, and we have much to learn about their intentions and capabilities."

Nathan's curiosity was piqued. "What do we know about these eastern kingdoms, Father? Are there any accounts or records that might shed light on their history and motives?"

Rodrick leaned back in his chair, contemplating his words carefully. "There are ancient scrolls and tales that speak of the far east, but much of it is veiled in legend and folklore. It's said that these kingdoms possess unique magic, and their lands are rich in resources and ancient artifacts. However, their isolation has kept them hidden from the western kingdoms for centuries."

Nathan absorbed this information, his mind racing with questions. "Is there any way we can establish communication or diplomacy with these eastern kingdoms to understand their intentions better?"

Rodrick sighed, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "It won't be easy, Nathan. The eastern kingdoms have remained secluded for a reason. They are known to be fiercely protective of their lands and secrets. Opening a dialogue with them would require great diplomacy and a bridge of trust that we currently lack."

Nathan was determined. "Then, Father, we must find a way. If they pose a threat to our kingdom, we cannot afford to remain in the dark. We need allies and information to face this challenge."

Rodrick nodded in agreement, proud of his son's determination and sense of responsibility. "You're right, Nathan. We must explore every avenue available to us. But we must also tread carefully, for the mysteries of the Far East are deep, and we know not what forces we may encounter."

As they delved deeper into their conversation, Rodrick leaned forward, his expression contemplative. "There is some information that says while we Western kingdoms people use mana to perform spells, control elemental forces, and reinforce ourselves, the people of the Far East kingdoms utilize this energy in a vastly different manner. They focus on training their bodies to the limit and beyond, harnessing what they call 'Qi' instead of mana."

Nathan's interest was piqued. "Qi? How is it different from mana, Father?"

Rodrick explained, "Qi is not just a source of power; it's a way of life for them. They believe in harmonizing their inner energies with the world around them, seeking balance and enlightenment. While we wield spells, they become masters of martial arts and physical prowess, channeling their 'Qi' to perform incredible feats."

Nathan found this concept fascinating. "So, in essence, they use their 'Qi' to push the limits of their physical and mental capabilities?"

Rodrick nodded. "Exactly, my son. It's a philosophy deeply rooted in their culture, and their mastery of 'Qi' has allowed them to achieve remarkable feats of strength, agility, and endurance."

Nathan contemplated this new knowledge, seeing the potential benefits of understanding and perhaps even incorporating elements of 'Qi' into their own practices. "Father, this 'Qi' sounds remarkable. It might be something we can learn from the Far East, not only to better defend our kingdom but also to foster a deeper understanding between our peoples."

Rodrick smiled at his son's open-mindedness. "You have a wise perspective, Nathan. Our journey to the East may indeed hold opportunities for both knowledge and unity. We shall explore this 'Qi' and whatever else we may discover with an open heart and a commitment to the well-being of our kingdom."

Their discussion continued late into the evening, as father and son discussed the potential paths ahead, acknowledging the importance of embracing diversity and seeking wisdom from all corners of the world in their quest to protect their beloved kingdom.

As night descended upon the castle, Nathan and Rodrick's conversation gradually shifted from the topic of 'Qi' and the far east to more personal matters. They spoke of Nathan's experiences on the battlefield, his growing responsibilities as a prince, and his hopes for the future of their kingdom.

Rodrick, while proud of his son's achievements, couldn't help but express his concern. "Nathan, you've shown great courage and leadership, but you mustn't shoulder the burdens of the kingdom alone. You have advisers, mentors, and allies who are here to support you."

Nathan nodded in agreement. "I understand, Father. I'm grateful for the guidance of Frostblade, Barch, and others. They've been invaluable."

Rodrick smiled warmly. "And you have your mother and me. We're always here for you, no matter the challenges that lie ahead."

Their conversation then turned to lighter topics, reminiscing about Nathan's childhood and the adventures they had shared. For a brief moment, they were not prince and king but father and son, cherishing the bond that had grown between them.

As the night wore on, Nathan's eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion from the long journey and the emotional conversations. Rodrick noticed his son's fatigue and gently advised, "You should get some rest, Nathan. Tomorrow is a new day, and I have no doubt it will bring its own set of adventures and mysteries."

Nathan nodded, grateful for his father's understanding. "You're right, Father. I'll rest well tonight. Thank you for everything."

With that, they bid each other goodnight, and Nathan retired to his chambers. As he lay in bed, his thoughts swirled with the knowledge of the far east's potential mysteries, the responsibilities that lay ahead, and the adventures that awaited him in the days to come.

The next morning, Nathan awoke with renewed determination. The sun's rays streamed through his window, casting a warm, golden light on the room. He dressed in his princely attire and, with a sense of purpose, made his way to his father's chambers.

Rodrick was already up, attending to the matters of the kingdom. Nathan knocked on the door and entered when he heard his father's voice bidding him to come in.

"Good morning, Father," Nathan greeted with a smile. "I hope you're well."

Rodrick looked up from his paperwork and returned the smile. "Good morning, Nathan. I am well. What brings you here today?"

Nathan took a deep breath, his expression serious but resolute. "Father, I've been thinking about the Arcanum Legion, the group of skilled individuals who have been by my side through thick and thin. I believe it's time to formalize their status within the kingdom."

Rodrick regarded his son thoughtfully. "Go on, Nathan. What do you have in mind?"

Nathan explained his proposal. "Father, I would like to officially establish the Arcanum Legion as a dedicated force directly under my command. They proved their loyalty and valor during our battle against Archbishop Thornwood's forces, and I believe it's time to recognize their contributions officially. This would allow for better coordination and resources for their missions."

Rodrick considered Nathan's words carefully, nodding as he thought. "It's a bold step, Nathan, but one that carries merit. The Arcanum Legion demonstrated their worth during our conflict with Archbishop Thornwood. Having a specialized force under your command could strengthen our kingdom's defenses."

Nathan's eyes brightened with hope. "So, you approve, Father?"

Rodrick chuckled softly. "I do, Nathan. But remember, with greater authority comes greater responsibility. You will need to ensure that this Legion is not only skilled but also upholds the values and principles of our kingdom."

Nathan nodded enthusiastically. "I understand, Father. I will ensure that they continue to be a force for good, protecting our kingdom and its people."

Rodrick extended his hand, and father and son shook on their agreement. "Very well, Nathan. You have my permission to formalize the Arcanum Legion. I trust your judgment in this matter."

Nathan's gratitude was evident as he shook his father's hand. "Thank you, Father. I won't let you down."

With his father's blessing, Nathan left the chambers, his heart filled with determination to lead the Arcanum Legion to even greater heights in service to their kingdom.

Nathan stood in his father's chambers, his request regarding the formalization of the Arcanum Legion still fresh in the air. Rodrick, while approving of the idea, noticed that Nathan had not moved to leave just yet. He looked at his son and asked, "Is there something else on your mind, Nathan?"

Nathan hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to voice his next request. He knew it was a significant ask, but he also believed it was crucial for the Legion's growth and the kingdom's security. Finally, he spoke with determination, "Father, I want to make the soldiers of the Arcanum Legion stronger. To do that, I seek your permission to access 'the Heritage Archive.'"

Rodrick's brows furrowed slightly at the mention of the Heritage Archive. It was a place where the family's technique manuals, guarded secrets, and ancient knowledge were stored. Access to it was highly restricted and granted only under specific circumstances.

Rodrick didn't immediately agree with Nathan's request to access the Heritage Archive. Instead, he wore a contemplative expression and asked, "What exactly do you seek from the Heritage Archive, Nathan?"

Nathan knew he needed to be precise and persuasive with his request. He replied, "Father, I seek a specific army technique that is stored in the archive—one that allows soldiers to harness synergy while using it, similar to the technique employed by the Royal Guards. My intention is to study and improve upon that technique, making it even more efficient for the Arcanum Legion's training."

Seeing that his father was still considering the request, Nathan continued, "Additionally, I would like to explore the techniques and defensive gear stored in the archive for my personal development. It would aid me in becoming a stronger protector of our kingdom."

Rodrick nodded slowly, his initial reluctance giving way to understanding. "I see your reasoning, Nathan," he said. "Access to the Heritage Archive is not granted lightly, but your dedication to our kingdom's safety is evident. Very well, you may access the specific technique you mentioned, and I will allow you to choose a set of techniques and defensive gear for yourself. Use this knowledge wisely, and may it serve to strengthen both you and the Arcanum Legion."

Nathan expressed his gratitude with a deep bow. "Thank you, Father. I will ensure that this knowledge is put to good use for the benefit of our kingdom and its people."

With his father's approval, Nathan's determination to enhance the Arcanum Legion's capabilities and his own skills burned even brighter. He knew that the Heritage Archive held the key to unlocking new potentials for both himself and his loyal soldiers.

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