
Dual Class Magic Swordsman

Malakai is a extremely poor student. He does everything he can to scrape up some cash for his adopted little sister. She has an unknown disease that put her in a vegetative state. His parents passed away from unidentifiable reasons, he is all alone. There is a new and upcoming VRMMORPG that is coming out that took the world by storm. Every wealthy family is going to play because of how promising it is. This is he only chance Malakai has to finally get enough money to bring his sister back... Will he become a unrivalled entity or just fade from the history of time? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover of the book. All credits go to the original owner!

DreadfulKarma · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Legacy


Game starting in: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Enjoy your new life, go out in your new adventure!

Malakai's vision went black again as he got disorientated. As he awoke he was laying down while facing up. Trees where seen covering the sky as a little sunlight can be seen beaming through the leaves. Getting up one could see the vast forest they where in, in all directions where nothing but trees and bushes. Malakai stretched as he let his senses take over for a bit; the air smelled sweet and the breeze was cooling but not too cold.

Once he got out of this trance he wondered one thing... how does he obtain a class? In the description the company gave was that a person could gain a specific class from two things. A teacher NPC or a class book. Teacher NPC's where common as they were almost always in every city in the game. They taught basic classes like; Archers, Warriors, Thiefs, Priests and mages. But class books could give the player normal classes like the teachers, also they could give special classes that where rare within the game.

These classes where obviously more powerful as they are rare, they cannot be found easily unless one had divine luck. Only one person can hold a specific special class, so if you found one it would be worth A LOT.

Malakai picked a random direction and started to wander off, he thought if he sat idle he would either lag behind the other players or die by something random. After a full hour of wandering Malakai finally came upon something, it was hidden but Malakai accidently stumbled upon it. What he had found was a hidden entrance into a small hill underground. He fell over and accidently pressed a hidden pressure plate that activated the door to open. At first he was scared on what was happening but calmed down as nothing attacked him.

Looking down into the entrance it was pitch black, at first he was hesitant but the curiosity got the better and he slowly entered. A few meters in Malakai stood on another pressure plate, a cold sweat enveloped his back but nothing happened... till he heard a 'Kccrrrcckk' sound. He instantly turned to see the entrance closing, he tried to escape but it closed too fast. It was pitch black for a split second until multiple light blue flames appear, they were appearing one after another down the hallway on metal torches.

Relieved he could see again Malakai cautiously walked down, watching out for more unexpected pressure plates. After around fifteen minutes Malakai stumbled upon a room, it was about ten meters wide and fifteen meters long with the height of four meters. The walls were a beautiful white stone that had multiple runes and symbols carved in. In the middle of the room was a tomb, a eye catching golden tomb. There were also more detailed symbols and runes carved in the metallic surface.

Being curious Malakai walked up towards the tomb, on the surface was writings that read 'Lucius'. He touched the carvings and wondered who this Lucius guy was, good or evil. Whoever he was he looked rich, to have a solid gold tomb in a underground room. In the corner of his eye there was a chest in the corner that looks like its in good quality, which was uncommon for any tomb. Malakai walked to the chest opening it, inside was; gold coins, set of clothes, a pouch and an item that caught his eye. It was a ring.

The ring was a pitch black obsidian ring that had small purple runes carved around. A purple gem embedded in the middle, the gem was small enough to fit comfortably on the ring, but as one peered into it they could see an endless void within, an abyss that no one would be able to escape. Intrigued Malakai picked it up, as he did he inspected it. He thought of the word 'Inspect'.

[Lucius's Ring]

Grade: Forbidden

Description: Lucius's ring that he had gotten from his loved one. The ring has multiple properties that makes it powerful. Also had a divine magic casted on it while being made.

Stats: Strength: +45%, Agility: +30%, Intelligence: +45%, Perception: 35%, Luck: +75%, Charm: +100%.

Special Effects: +50% xp

Requirements: Lucius's Legacy

Reading the stats Malakai almost fainted, an forbidden frade item?!?!?! They're only meant to be myths in the game. But he just obtained one in the first few hours of the game, if anyone else found out they'd rage at how lucky he was. But while reading he looked at the requirements, Lucius's Legacy? What's that?

While in thought a ancient sounding voice echoed throughout the tomb "I see have found my tomb... Thanatos... why have you come here?" though the voice sounded powerful and dangerous, it had a indescribable sadness to it. Malakai was startled but composed himself quickly, he replied "Sorry for the intrusion, but I accidently wondered upon this place not knowing what it was. I was curious and got trapped here. I'm deeply sorry for disturbing you"

As Malakai replied he put the ring down, even though it was incredibly valuable he didn't want to steal something precious as a gift from a loved one. As he was about to leave the voice appeared again "Wait... you're not going to steal anything??" the voice sounded surprised as it knew how valuable everything was, who wouldn't want a peerless treasure that's worth millions if not billions? But Malakai returned "No... Even though it is extremely powerful I don't want to steal something so precious and memorable"

The voice didn't respond for a minute before replying "How did you know it was precious to me?"

"Your loved one made it am I correct?" Malakai stated in a calming tone. The voice went silent for another time before it asked "Can I tell you about what happened to me? My story?" This instantly surprised Malakai but he still agreed, since he was curious.

The voice told "My name is Lucious... I was a normal person, I lived with my wife Mila. She was the most important thing to me in the whole universe. She was a skilled mage with god like power... she made me that ring as you said. But one day I came home like any other day, we ate dinner, laughed... loved. But when we were about to sleep we got attacked, someone put down a ancient magic barrier that stops magic from being casted. Then multiple people came in and attacked us, Mila tried to defend us but none of her spells worked, she got ruthlessly stabbed multiple times... Her legs, arms, stomach, chest... she was riddled of wounds. I got enraged and grabbed my sword and mercilessly killed them all, all six of them. I went to Mila's side to find her barely alive, all she could say was one sentence that devastated me... she said 'I'm sorry darling.... I couldn't protect the both of you... you and our future baby...' not only did the love of my life die but i found out we had an unborn baby that also got murdered..." Lucius's voice started to tremble "I got colluded by rage, I couldn't think straight. All I did was train for years, I honed my swordsmanship to a inhumanly level. I also flung myself into grueling training to learn magic. I was in years of constant research and trial and error... but then I got to a level where I couldn't possibly improve anymore. So I set off, I found the empire that sent people to assassinate us and I masicured them all, not one person survived. They called it 'The Reapers Wrath' After I killed everyone I didn't know what to live for, I wandered across the land and built this place where I took my own life."

After the story got told Malakai was speechless, it was so depressing on what happened. The only person you cared about died and you couldn't save her. All he could say was "I'm sorry you had to witness all of that Lucius" He got no reply until Lucius warns "It's alright, it is not your fault but take my advice... Don't live a life of revenge. I did and it makes your life miserable" Malakai was grateful and thanked Lucius for the advice.

Then out of nowhere Lucius proposed "Thank you for listening to me... I can tell you are a righteous person so, I wanna give you my legacy. Will you accept?" Malakai didn't hesitate and agreed, he felt like if he did he would regret it for his whole life. Then a split second later a white light came from the tomb, it dashed across into Malakai's chest. He was a bit startled but Lucious said in a caring tone "Thank you... now I can finally rest, I'll leave my legacy to you... Thanatos. I know you won't disappoint me" After that Lucious vanished from the world, he could finally rest in peace.

A purple window popped up reading


You have gained 'Lucius's Legacy', obtaining the class 'Magic Swordsman'.

~(Lucius's Legacy)~


Difficulty: SSS+

Description: Get more powerful and be able to take on the challenges to obtain Godhood. Lucius didn't have a goal in life but when you cared and listen to him, he trusted and passed down his knowledge to you. He thinks you deserve to become a god so don't let him down.

Rewards: Unknown

Reading this Malakai was gobsmacked, an SSS+ ranked hidden quest?! No one in the game would have even seen a D ranked normal quest at the moment let alone a hidden one. Malakai thought he was blessed by the goddess of luck. Even though the quest won't be completed for a while it was still valuable.

Malakai then remembered the items in the tomb like the ring. Since he has now acquired Lucius's Legacy, he would now be able to equip the item. Swiftly he walked to the chest and picked up the black ring that had purple enchants and gem embedded in it. He immediately put the ring on his right ring finger. He wanted to know what improved so Malakai thought 'Status!'


Name: Thanatos

Title(s): None

Class: Magic Swordsman

Level: 0

HP: 180

MP: 180

Strength: 18(13+5)

Agility: 15(12+3)

Intelligence: 18(13+5)

Perception: 16(12+4)

Luck: 24(14+10)

Charm: 20(10+10)

He immediately got drawn to his boosted stats. No one in the game would have any stat over 20 unless the put all points into one stat at the start. But not only does he have one attribute over 20... but 2?!?! It was unfathomable to him who didn't get this amount of good luck in his whole life, he was truly grateful towards Lucius for his most treasured item.

After dealing with the ring Malakai ransacked the rest of the tomb, he had gotten multiple gold coins, a set of nice looking clothes which he decided to change into and a pouch that stored something. He closed the chest and stretched, he took a glance at Lucius's tomb and paid his respects. "Thank you Lucius for giving me this chance! I will make you proud!" He then left the surprisingly nice room and went to the surface.