
Human's illusions

26 Feb,2023.

That's the day that broke apart stupid illusion of peace that humanity has buldup over the years.

On that day humans have found life in every planet in our solar system.

We don't know how they came to be we don't how they sustain themselves in an environment life can't exist we don't know anything about them.

They were first discovered in mars then Venus then every other planets and even moon's of every planets were occupied by these gruesome creature.

Every planets monster had different appearenses

and properties like fire,water,ice rocks and other types.

Humanity was releaved that this creatures didn't invade earth and made another stupid illution arround themself

2 years later.26 Feb 2025

A small black coloured shadow was forming in the alleyway

Drunk guys walking to home after work.one of they guys started to walk to the alleyway

"Hey stupid were are you going"

"ohh,I just feel like vomitingggg blurhhgg"

"Hey hey just move to the corner"

"i know basterd,I don't want you to tell me that"

"Hewh,this jerk he becomes a completely different person after he drink some liquor"


"what! What happened are you okey.did a dog bite you or som....."



At MC house

'haaa what should I eat today'

'maybe I should eat some Roman and go to sleep'

'should I drink some liquor too,'

MC started to drink his liquor and eat raman in front of his TV.and started saying stupid things.

"blurp,that hit the spot.hahahahaha.what a shitty life.why?why did you guys leave me behind I don't have anything too do without you guys"

There has been found two dead body's in an allyway in larax city.....

"what is this lady in the screen talking about,blurp"

It has been stated that they were killed by some kind of wild animal's, both of the vitnims body was torn apart.

"Huh wild animal in the middle of the city...what is this shitty tv lady talking about"


Suddenly some white light appeared in front of everyone arround the world

"what the hell is this"he thinks to himself.

All of a sudden a blue board like thing appeared in front of him with something's written on it

"huh,what is that some augmental reality game.oh something is written in it.blurp! Huh my eye's can't keep up with the letter stupid alcohol messing with my brain"

He started reading the content in it step by step....

It showed that "i am the god of this dimension"

He suddenly laughed out loud..hahahahaha

"huh wtf what kind of bullshit is that.hhahahaha"!

"well let's see what kind of bullshit this GOD basterd gonna spout,hahahha oh man I can't stop laughing"

Let me see.hmmmm

"surerly you humans knows that 2 years ago every other planet excluding earth is dominated by some creature.i was able to stop it from invading earth all this time but"

The mc scratched his hair

"what is he getting at?"

"even if I am a god I can't protect you humans all the time"


"I am gonna give you humans a special system in order to help you grow.i can only give you guys this system but the way you use the system is not in my hands"

"i am giving you guys this system in exchange for my existence.so you guys will be living in a dimention without a god to protect you means the creature's will start to invade earth in 6 days from now"

I am giving you the power to protect yourself,use it to survive may be there is still a little hope

Suddenly tears started to flow from mc eye's

"waaaa,he sacrificed himself to help humans,what a good god,good god indeed.but how did the novelist made it posible to read his story with augmental reality.technology is indeed developing I am the only one stuck in past.blurp!"

After a minute so many cards started to float in front of the mc

"what the hell! Is it a game after advertising a novel,what does it says again (characteristics)"

Mc moved his hand chooses the card in back row

All the other cards disappeared into thin air

"whoa I can touch the card,huh what is this lette.hmm....



"whoa,what is that dual BLADER sound cool"

Suddenly some other cards popped up!.

"Huh,their is more cards?and it's colour is different the previous one was black and this one white,well what let's choose...

The mc chose the one in the middle

"now then,what's written on this one"





"huh,copy does this help pass my exam or something,maybe I can use it to peek on this semsesters exam.hehe.blurp! Blurghhhhh!!!"

After a sec some more card popped up!

"Now it's sub skill,maybe some thing cool will pop up.urgh let's choose quickly I don't like this brighty green color of this card"

Mc chose the one in the front row

"What did I get now...wtf"



"wtf,I thought something cool will pop up,does every skill have a high rating like this.The first one I got is EX I think it's good and the second one doesn't even have a rank and third I got a shitty one and it also have SSS rank and why is my proficiency (D)"

Suddenly something pops up in the blue board again.

"Huh this thing it wasn't gone what was the god called it again systema or something well whaterver.what does it need now"

Enter your name for dimension

"Wth hell does that mean,are they saying to name my game character.ahh since it game anyway maybe I should use the name used in an old game what was it called again ah fire fure.

Do you want enter your name as (AMSO)

"yes,please do!.burghh"

"is there something else aybe I should wait"


Ring ring«

It's morning and his mobile buzzing in the wooden stool besides his bed.it was a call from some one named seltin.amso stretched his arm and picked up the call.

"hello,who is it in the morning"

"amsoooooo"she screamed

"you told me we were going on a date this morning where the hell are you.did you forget all about me"

"huh,date ohhh I am sorry seltin I drunk a little yesterday I will come pick you up in a giffy"

Seltin said

"you have to fresh up ok"

"ok,ok stop naging"

'wait a minute what did she just called me' amso thinked to himself