


Gi_Dominguez · 都市
1 Chs


- Jasmine what are you doing looking at nothing come with us friend!!

- There I go!! - I yelled at them , I was stunned watching the night , that beautiful moon that greeted me from above and the brilliant stars that lit up the exuberant summer night .

- Jaz, where were you? - He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, what was he implying?

- Jaz, why do you look at me that way? - I laughed and hit her in the arm, I almost slipped, I held on to Camila and we both smiled, but for me everything went dark when I heard that laugh.

- Haha Jasmine Melodie always making trouble - She looked at me with a mischievous laugh, her black eyes mocked me, her skin was reflected by the night light and her smile caused me nausea.

- Why doesn't the earth swallow you? You're an Idiot!! Can't you see that your mere appearance makes me nauseous? - I kept walking, taking my other friend, named Yanina, by the arm.

- Jaz , I do not understand you , crazy , what does that hottie have that you hate so much ? he's an angel - I heard his sigh and I got even more irritated.

- Please!! What 's so attractive about that useless , he 'sa womanizer , he likes them all ! and the worst thing is that all behind him, how can it be? - I glared at him when I saw him with Camila, he was holding a glass in his hand, and he made me a toast sign.

I approached that new couple, Camila was very beautiful for that nobody, the worst thing is that she was doing better than me in her career, which is disgusting, surely she winks at the teachers and the occasional gay teacher. Camila had brown hair, green eyes, a princess waist, her porcelain skin, in short, the opposite of me. I took her by the arm, she looked at me askance.

- What are you doing Jaz? - He asked me in a whisper approaching me.

- Come on, friend, I love you, don't be silly, what were you doing with this nobody! I yelled looking at him between eyebrows.

- Don nobody to me? , excuse me dear - He released Camila , I take my arm - You 're the one who is not up to date , how long have you been doing the same subject , mmm , a year ?

-Because!! Aren't you going to hell? - I pushed him and felt his laughter as I continued my way through the people. I felt a soft hand blocking my way, I turned and met penetrating eyes, they were honey-colored, and a smile accompanied them.

- Hello - he told me.

-Hello - I replied, in a strange pleasant silence, I couldn't believe that boy looked at me the way he did, he was one of the older years, he always watched him in silence.

-You're beautiful Jaz - Jaz? Did you know my name? , Oh God!

- Thanks me, ummm.

-You want to dance? - I smiled like a fool, when I reacted I answered.

-Yes ! - I could notice the mocking and penetrating look towards me from the idiot of the person I hated the most, Nico.

We moved to the rhythm of the music, my legs felt vibrate under the speaker, happiness flooded me. His caresses made me shudder, and his eyes watching my movements excited me. Our lips touched, but an arm pulled me back blurring the tender and wonderful moment.

-I challenge you. - I looked at him surprised.

- What? - I looked at him defiantly.

- I have these glasses, toc-toc you know what is true?.

- You're a...- I fell with a finger, I wanted to move it and he took it off.

- Let's bet who lasts longer.

- Haha against you? you are an expert in drunkenness.

- No dear, against Emi, my girlfriend - I looked at her hating her, she was the most self-centered, self-centered and rich person in the city, her blonde hair reached her hips. Her model body and her blue eyes looked at me defiantly.

And because I would compete against her.

- You're scared ready.

-I did not say that

- You prove it - he took me by the waist approaching him in a short space uncomfortable feeling his breath hit my lips, I wanted to get away and I hated him even more for not being able to.

- Come on, didn't you challenge everything and everyone? - I hate you, I whispered to my thoughts, it was the most despicable thing I knew, but making Emi look ridiculous would be the most pleasant thing that could happen to me, the rich, beautiful and perfect girl who was now showing her rebellious side.

-Come on kid, let's do it or are you afraid? She pushed me defiantly, and I hit her back, raising my hand and Camila stopped me.

- What are you doing, Jaz, you must beat him, so we will laugh at his group forever, rich girls, do it for us for our dignity!

- It's okay Camila, but I'll do it to show that idiot Nico that I'm not weak.

-Mom and dad's girl doesn't seem to be excited - Nicolas yelled, I hated him, and everyone laughed at me, it was partly true. My parents always protecting me, not letting me out and now you show a side even unknown to me, I never even tried a drink, this was going to be a disaster.

- War!! War!! War! - everyone shouted around me, the smell of alcohol made me dizzy and Nicolás's shouts denigrating me as always like Emi's friends, everything turned slowly.

- I agree! - I shouted, everyone was speechless, even Nicolas was surprised, they guided us to the bar. With two miniature glasses, he didn't understand how they could get someone drunk.

Emi looked at me defiantly and laughed, I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. I took in my hands the first drink or whatever it was, until I heard "in your marks ready, now", I took the first one it was the most disgusting, rough that my throat burned, I took my neck and coughed, while Emi was already With the second one, I didn't want to be defeated and kept drinking.

- Let's go friend!! You can - I listened to my friends in the distance, I turned and they were next to me, what the hell! Was I getting drunk or what?

- You're not going to beat me, damn! - I looked at her with the deepest hatred of my guts, and a punch was received by Emi.

- Oh! damn hdp mare!!! - She pushed me off the chair, I took her hands before falling, both on the floor, I threw myself on top of her, not knowing what to do, the dizziness was more noticeable when trying to stand up.

-Stop fighting!! They are cowards!! - Nico yelled, I didn't know what I was doing but I sat down already having another drink, while listening to Emi still trying to get up.

Sixth cup!!! - I heard them screaming, I didn't even know what I was doing anymore, I could only feel my friends' hands holding me so I wouldn't fall, everything was turning and I just wanted to vomit.

Eleventh cup!! - I saw that Emi collapsed on the floor, they wanted to pick her up but she was more than asleep, it was my last drink, I felt that while I was holding it, the more I wanted to vomit, "The last one!! Last one!! Last one!!" I could hear with distant voices , and slow , I felt that burning liquid in my throat , while I struggled to get it inside my throat the last drop fell , I knew I had won , then everything was darkness for me , while I listened to Nicolas 's uncontrolled voice , apparently he had also gotten drunk.

The piercing rays of the sun bothered me, I covered myself with a soft white sheet, which was unrecognizable to me. I thought I was crazy, trying to open my eyes, it was obvious that I was in my house where else. I didn't make too much effort, I wanted to look for Cachete, my cat, with my eyes closed, but strangely I didn't feel him on my legs or in my bed, he was always there. Asleep I still turned, I felt a ball of hair, and I knew it was him. I made some gentle caresses but the hair was long, and very clearly it was not a cat's.

I slowly opened my eyes, I could see him complacent, smiling, sleeping naked, next to me. My eyes became huge, even more so when I saw that I was naked in a bed unknown to me, I could feel moisture between my legs, I touched a strange liquid that was between my legs, I looked at my hand and it was white. What the hell? Until I reacted Jazmin Melodie Alba had had sex with my worst enemy with Nicolas!!!!! .

- Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- my scream woke him up, he sat up quickly, took his head in his hands, I suddenly covered myself, and looked at me mockingly .

-What the hell - I took it from his muscular arms, that at that moment I stared at it.

-I know I'm handsome - I slapped him.

- Can you tell me what I do naked in your bed?

- Haha we had sex

-Hate you!! - I hit him with successive punches, he did not understand anything, the worst thing is that I was, as the word "was" says, a virgin, I did not want him to see me cry, take the sheets I wrapped myself, and I walked away from that abusive man, I looked at him out of the corner of my eye .

-For you to cover yourself I saw everything!! - Damn, I kept walking without knowing where there would be a bathroom, everything was perfectly organized, but I didn't know where to go, I didn't even see my clothes.

- Daddy's girl, the bathroom is in the door in front of you! .

- Thanks!! I already saw it!! - I yelled and slammed the door, I looked in the mirror, everything was still there, I thought that when I made love, everything would change, and I'm not the same with my same appearance and worse than a scared girl, I took my private parts and nothing he had changed, nobody was ever going to know this if he told it he would deny it to the death.

- How are you - he asked me in a whisper, I sat next to him, he wanted to take my hand.

-I don't remember anything that happened - I asked her, I threw myself on the bed, she had already had sex that could be worse.

-I was a little drunk when I saw you lying, I picked you up and brought you to your house, but with your eyes closed you hugged me and told me that you wanted me not to take you there, so I left you at my house, I took you to my bed , I was going to go to the armchair, but you hugged me, and with my drunkenness, I touched you and you continued, and well it happened.

- Surely I thought that ..

-I was the pretty boy who asked you to dance - he looked at me out of the corner of his eye, furious what would happen to him if he hated me.

-Shut up, never in my life...

- You would have touched me, well I don't hate you either and you make me nauseous.

-You're an idiot, and you disgust me, I hate, it was the worst thing I did in my life, this remains between us that...

- Obviously I don't want anyone to find out that I was with the monster.

- Damned!! - I threw myself on top of him, with a punch, but he dodged it, he took my hands, crossing my arms behind me, he threw himself on top of me, I felt his breath on my face, our eyes met, we only heard the rhythm of our breaths.

- Hate you!!

- Me too haha ​​- he laughed out loud, he didn't understand why.

- What...- his lips were deposited on mine, I closed my eyes, I let myself go, they were soft and his skin was warm..

- Haha you saw these crazy for me, sorry we don't share the same feeling!! - I hate him I push him completely red.

- Me, I don't like you, you're disgusting and I hate you! apart you also closed your eyes anyway I'm leaving I don't want to hear from you again!! .

- By the way!! - while I got dressed at light speed, I looked back - what!

- Let's study a subject together bye! - I hated him but, with the hatred I never felt in my life, the only satisfaction was Camila's call.

-Where are you Jay? Your mom called me worried, I told her you were with me.

-Thank you friend - everyone looked at me as if I were a prostitute, well my red dress with bright studs did not say otherwise

- Where are you? - what to answer tell the truth or keep it forever