
Druid From Marvel

Move to the Marvel world, as a Druid from the Legendary Game "Diablo 2". Previously, a Chinese man moved to the Marvel World, with the abilities of a Druid character which had been filled with various cheating things, with these abilities he only intended to remain humble, but problem after problem came and made it impossible for him to remain humble. Can Alvin overcome all problems? Watch! Give the Power Stone! and add it to the Library! Support me: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki ko-fi.com/alexfabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 9 Going To School

 Alvin simply rinsed his face and lay down on the bed.

 Today's conversation with Matt aka Daredevil touched his heart a little.

 Alvin grew up, married, and had children in China in his previous life. He is a picky man. Whether it is the white order or the black order, it always defeats chaos and evil.

 Alvin has protected the three communities of Hell's Kitchen with his own strength, which is the limit that other gangsters can tolerate.

 There is a mature set of underground rules here, and Alvin cannot violate these rules at will, otherwise there will be war.

 The victims of this war are the poor.

 When someone is used to holding a weapon, then when facing a problem, he will always consider how to use the weapon to solve the problem.

 Fortunately, Alvin was an ordinary person who had his own views on the values of life, in his previous life. Even though he had gained great power in this life, when something happened, the role of power always took a backseat to rules.

 That's why he preferred to help the police in Hell's Kitchen.

 He couldn't shackle himself like Matt did, and always wanted to carry the safety of the entire community on his shoulders.

 Of course, when he meets people or things that are outside the rules, Alvin is not too wordy. He had to fight and kill if necessary.

 For example, the "Purple Man" that SHIELD was looking for today was given to his pet, Corpse Vine.

 By the way, save the current diner waitress, Jessica Jones.

 Alvin didn't read much American comics in his last life, and he was only familiar with the Avengers in Marvel.

 Knowing Matt, that's because Daredevil has been made into a film, and his characteristics are too memorable, a blind man who can beat.

 Jessica, the civilian superhero from The Defenders, whom he had never heard of.

 This way, she could be employed as his own servant with peace of mind.

 In fact, with Alvin's character, if he knew about Jessica's future, he probably wouldn't hire her. Men today have a simple philosophy that superheroes can cause super problems.

 But now he didn't know anything, he was a little surprised by Jessica's strange strength, but she herself came from transmigration, a little girl was stronger, it was not a big deal.

 Alvin thought for a while, and stopped worrying about things he couldn't control.

 After communicating with their pets, the three animals, namely the crow, are responsible for the three streets, and Sol and Dom are kept in the shop to guard the house.

The crows are scattered all over Hell's Kitchen, and today they share Matt's predicament.

 Despite an agreement with Kingpin, his territory was limited to the nearest three blocks, but Alvin would not take that territory and maintain law and order, Alvin was sure Kingpin would understand, and he did not know that the crow was Alvin's calling.

 Ghost wolves cannot be dispatched. The entire Hell's Kitchen gang finds out that some giant wolf is Alvin's pet.

 Everything's OK. Alvin hugged the pillow and recalled the appearance of his wife in his previous life. It's very good and very clear.

 He fell asleep within minutes. In his dream, he could see his wife and children. His wife's constant chatter became friendly, and his son's mischievousness became sweet.

 After a good night's sleep, Alvin woke up at five in the morning, got up to take a shower, put on a set of sports clothes, and went for a morning run.

 A Chinese couple at the door was pushing a breakfast cart.

 Alvin waved and said hello, "Hi~ Good morning, Uncle Cheng, Aunt Cheng." Looking at the little fellow who was slumped behind the breakfast cart and wanted to bury himself in the ground, he smiled and said, "Jia Wen, I heard about you. You got a D on your last history exam, you're done, kid, Mr. Wilson will give you something to try, I'm sure."

 Aunt Cheng's expression darkened upon hearing this, and she slapped Jia Wen hard on the shoulder and led his out.

 Jia Wen lowered his head, immediately looked at Alvin, and greeted softly, "Hi Principal!"

 Alvin looked at him with a half smile but patted him on the shoulder as he passed, and said to Uncle Cheng, "Leave me ten buns, three cups of soy milk, and come back to pay the bill." After speaking, he tapped Jia Wen with his finger, saying with a sneer: "Boy, you're done." After that, he went out to run.

 Early in the morning, he was running around his territory and was disturbed by Dalia, a young woman who was waiting on the street. Alvin, whose charm was very firm, immediately returned to the restaurant feeling refreshed.

 Uncle Cheng and his wife at the door were already busy. Baskets of steamed buns have been bagged, and handed out to people who wake up early and rush to work. Jia Wen is responsible for packaging soy milk and collecting money.

 Seeing Alvin coming back, Jia Wen was shocked and almost spilled the soy milk in his hand on old Kent who came, to buy breakfast.

 Old Kent was not angry, but looked at Jia Wen with a wicked smile, and said with a smile: "Kid, looking at you, you will have fun at school today, haha, I know Principal Alvin is a good person, you guys will have fun. I already know it very well, haha!"

Alvin greeted old Kent and said, "Find two workers from the kindergarten, 68 dollar, and repair the upstairs and the door for me. I urged them to make progress, and recently, $500,000 was credited to the account. Discuss with the teacher what equipment needs to be added, and hurry up and buy toys. I don't want to see two or three year olds running around on the street."

 Uncle Cheng, who was busy with his work, said to Alvin, "Is this just woodworking? I will do it for you. It's very simple, and I don't need any money."

 Alvin thought for a while, "That's 27 dollars, what materials are needed will be handed over to Old Kent, to send someone to deliver them there." After Alvin finished speaking, he waved his hand to stop Uncle Cheng from continuing to speak.

 Alvin took the packed breakfast and returned to the dining room.

 At the restaurant, Jessica was already awake. She didn't know what she was doing. When she saw Alvin coming in, her face flushed, she took a rag and wiped the table desperately.

 Alvin laughed and joked: "When I wiped it, the paint fell off."

 Jessica ignored Alvin, dropped the rag, took a small comb, hugged Sol's neck and combed it hard.

 Tall sole stuck out his tongue, looking like he couldn't breathe.

 Alvin shuddered and decided not to tease this girl. The things at home are worth a lot of money!

 After preparing breakfast, Alvin went upstairs, ready to wake Nick.

 But as soon as he walked into the bar, he saw Nick jump down from the second floor through a small door.

 Seeing Alvin, Nick blinked, not knowing what to say.

 Sitting in his wheelchair, thief Nick smiled and said loudly to Jessica: "Jessie, I think I need a cup of coffee. There was an earthquake at home yesterday, and I was so scared that I couldn't sleep well."

 Alvin smiles and watches Nick commit suicide, but remains silent.

 Nick drank a glass of salted milk for breakfast, his bread fell when he was about to eat the meatball in the middle, and his wheelchair accidentally fell twice.

 Nick desperately asks Alvin for help, but Alvin ignores the arrogant kid and sees that he is being bullied in various ways.

 The war-torn breakfast ended when Nick bowed his head and admitted defeat.

 At seven o'clock, a big-nosed school bus stopped in front of the restaurant and honked its horn.

 Nick ran away as if pushing a wheelchair and ran outside, even forgetting to bring his schoolbag.

 Alvin shook his head, took Nick's schoolbag, and walked out. He also went to school to see.

 When Alvin came out, he saw Jia Wen carrying Nick's wheelchair onto the school bus. Nick grabbed the door handle and hopped on one foot into the school bus.

 Alvin greeted JJ who put his shotgun under the windshield, and threw his bag at Nick.

 He drove himself into the pickup truck, greeted Dom, and let him climb into his co-pilot, and Sol stayed home to watch the house.

Note: Yo, this will be a long story, you know I had quite a hard time translating this novel, so if you like reading it, give me a Power Stone, and add to Library!