
Druid From Marvel

Move to the Marvel world, as a Druid from the Legendary Game "Diablo 2". Previously, a Chinese man moved to the Marvel World, with the abilities of a Druid character which had been filled with various cheating things, with these abilities he only intended to remain humble, but problem after problem came and made it impossible for him to remain humble. Can Alvin overcome all problems? Watch! Give the Power Stone! and add it to the Library! Support me: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki ko-fi.com/alexfabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 39 My Reinforcement

The slow needle falling on the branch could be heard, and everyone looked towards the vampire, shaking their heads in disbelief, as he turned into ashes under the sunlight.

And the vampire in Alvin's mouth actually stayed by his side?

How delightful!

Kingpin was the first to realize and said, "So, Boss Alvin, you're here for something like this?" His tone was slightly mocking.

Alvin nodded and said to Kingpin with a dignified expression, "Don't underestimate them, without the sun, they are very difficult to kill. Only silver weapons can be used to attack them. And they are very fast and strong. Not to be taken lightly. If you don't believe me, you can ask the stupid Bullseye."

Ignoring the target-like eyes, the sample, who looked like a ghost facing a formidable enemy when he arrived, must have suffered losses.

Kingpin didn't ask, he knew from Bullseye's expression that Alvin must be right.

"So what do you want to do?" Kingpin was very straightforward. Because this creature survived by sucking human blood, it was a natural enemy, and the only goal was to be killed.

No need to ask anything else.

The gang boss was very straightforward, Kingpin nodded, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Just kidding, this thing is alive around me. If someday I or my family get bitten to death, I will be at a loss.

Alvin sometimes liked to deal with these gangsters.

As long as you can convince them, executing these people is more satisfying than many Fortune 500 companies.

Alvin said with a smile, "It's simple, Hell's Kitchen isn't big, and my three big dogs can be turned around in a day. Follow them separately, and lure the vampires into your own territory to bask in the sunlight!" He pointed his finger. A golden finger and said, "If you don't like me visiting your site, then I'll go back to my restaurant and wait for good news from everyone! Remember that regular weapons are useless, use silver weapons."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do, where to find silver weapons.

A tall, bald, Russian-born man with a thick beard on his face quickly responded. He took a silver candlestick from the bar and waved it. This thing was a good weapon for extinguishing candles.

He pointed at Alvin.

Alvin raised his thumb as a sign of appreciation. This person known to Alvin, a Russian gangster who sold weapons, named Alexei, and Alvin bought his first P226 pistol from him.

Unexpectedly, this person's mind turned so fast.

After thinking for a moment, he said to Alexei, "Buddy, I remember you have a set of reloading equipment at home. Find some silverware to melt down and make bullets, and they will definitely sell well in the past two days. It's good money!"

Alexei hugged Alvin while laughing heartily and thanked him for the idea!

He immediately called his subordinates and took out all the silverware in the house, melting them down to make explosive shells for reloading.

Big business was coming.

The problem found at the crime scene had been solved, and everyone relaxed and prepared to discuss where to start the search. After all, there were only three werewolves.

Everyone wanted to find out and kill the vampires in their own territory first.

Alvin didn't care about them, and in the end, Kingpin, the big man, naturally arranged these things, and even though he no longer lived in Hell's Kitchen, he still needed to contribute money to this matter.

Alvin, who was a little bored, thought, should he leave first and come back earlier to prepare lunch for Laura.

"Bang~", the bar door was slammed open.

Everyone turned to see who had the audacity to come here and cause trouble at this moment.

The guards brought by the bosses stretched their hands into their shirts, ready to draw their weapons at any time.

The person who slammed the wooden door was a giant black wolf, and sitting on its back was a girl aged five or six in a maid uniform, with a cute appearance and smooth hair.

She had just rushed in.

Facing the gaze of the big men around her, the little girl sat on the back of the giant wolf, showing no signs of weakness, wrinkling her nose, baring her teeth, letting out a childish growl, and clenching her fists, like a young wolf protecting its food, always ready to fight.

Alvin said, "Oh no," walked quickly, carried the little girl, and asked, "Laura, why are you here? Where is Jessica?"

Laura hugged Alvin, still looking back at the bosses at the bar, waving her hand threateningly.

Upon hearing Alvin's question, she said without looking back, "Dad, fight, Laura, help Dad, Sol, help Dad."

Alvin frowned, and it turned out to be his daughter, so he knew that she was helping her father fight, and he also knew that with Sol's help, they would definitely do something in the future.

Alvin kissed Laura's face hard and said, "Laura, she's a good daughter to Daddy. She's very good. How did you know I was here?"

Laura swung her little fist and said dominantly, "Kent Tua said, Dad, negotiate, Laura, help Dad, fight."

This was very satisfying. The little girl knew she would fight for her father even though she couldn't speak well. It really didn't hurt her in vain!

Alvin comforted the little Laura, hugged her to his chest, and proudly looked around at the gang bosses nearby.

Proudly he said, "No, this is my daughter, my last reinforcement!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, and everyone laughed.

Although it was a misunderstanding, this scene was really interesting.

Alexei, who had just received Alvin's help, took off the silver cross with a ruby stone from his neck.

He placed it in front of Laura and signaled the little girl to accept it.

Laura was momentarily stunned, then looked at her father suspiciously. She was here to fight, why was he giving her a gift instead?

Alvin, who happily forgot his last name at the moment, smiled and nodded to Alexei, gesturing for Laura to accept it.

Laura foolishly took the silver cross and hung it around her neck, holding it in her hand for a moment, which was uncomfortable for fighting.

Alexei joined in the fun, saluted like a knight, and said, "Welcome, Princess!"

Alvin smiled and reached out to shake Alexei's hand, saying, "Oh my, believe me, Laura deserves to be called Your Highness." After speaking, he looked at everyone present with cold eyes and said with certainty, "I said so!"

The gang bosses present couldn't agree with Alvin, but everyone politely applauded Laura.

This little girl was indeed kind-hearted, and if they had exchanged their own children, they would probably be afraid to pee now!

The tall and majestic Kingpin's eyes were filled with envy.

Kingpin walked slowly towards Alvin and looked at Laura, with the appearance of an honest and kind old black man.

With his thick lips and the most sincere smile, Kingpin said, "Nice to meet you, little princess from Hell's Kitchen."

Note: Yo, this will be a long story, you know I had quite a hard time translating this novel, so if you like reading it, give me a Power Stone, and add to Library!