

WARNING : Includes self harming,Alot of dark and depressed stuff like sucide. If triggering then please don't read and if you do then please do vote and comment. Will be updated when I need to let some emotions out. Thought I was healing, thought I was finally getting it right,till I realized I was only just at the surface cause now it feels like am drowning,it's choking and I can't breathe .....and am scared I'll never be able to fix me.

Sophie_Davies_ · 書籍·文学
19 Chs


When did I become so numb

Don't know how i lost myself

All the words left my mouth

Am paralyzed

Can't find my feelings

I no longer feel things I know I should

If I can get out of this I would

But I don't think I could

Can't find the real me

Am lost and it kills me

Don't know what to write

Am getting tired to fight

Late nights suck away my might

I know and I've been told

The pain only makes you bold

But my feelings i sold

Because they keep me in the cold

My life is lame

I hide I shame

But who's to blame

The guy who made me a game?

Doesn't matter my life's the same

I lost the person I know

I don't let pain show

But I can't let go

Am scared to live

But am scared to die

If life is pain then I buried mine

But it's still alive

I don't feel something

Cause am numb Inside

I feel nothing and I wonder why

I stay up night and I often cry

In a race of life but time pass me by

Am at the bottom but don't know what the problem is

Am in a box

But am the one that locked me in

Someone get me out cause am running out of oxygen