

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes. That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered. I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough. Whom i thought love me equally. I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air. The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits to the two aspiring lovers. I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart? I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him. I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need her anymore.

BlytheZoyle14 · 若者
38 Chs

Drown #7

I took a deep breath before answering the call.

"Wyett" His voice sent shiver down my spine. He's the only person who calls me Wyett, because basically all the name of the third generations in our family starts with "Au" or "Aud" and my families sometime prefer on calling me "Audelia". Trademark. King only calls me wyett when he needs something or he's mad at me.

"H-hey, what made you call me" What a stupid greeting right there Audelia.

Do you miss me? did you regret leaving me? Do you want me back? Because i miss you so damn much love, and i want you back so bad. damn, Cool down yourself bitch, your thinking like a fool.

"Can we meet?" His voice was soothing, I close my eyes letting a tear fall. Where did that came from?just where? Oh god, don't give me hope if you will just take it away from me when i'm about to hold unto it.

I coughed, i better fix my voice before i talk to him.

"Sure, Where do you want to meet?"

"Where are you right now? I'm just going to look for you"  That made my heart flatter even more. I looked around me then sighed. I gave him the exact location, after that he ended the call.

Is it bad if I'm feeling excited? No. right? It's normal, i... i...nevermind.

It has been weeks since i last saw him and knowing that i could see him now only gave me another hope. Fidgeting, i stood up to go the the rest room to fix myself. I tied my hair in a bun because he doesn't like seeing it messy. I put some lip and cheek tint. I even put a little amount of perfume.

Making myself pretty as if i can be more prettier. I look at myself in the mirror. You can do this Aud, you can. You'll just talk, nothing more or maybe there is but you have to act normal. You just need to be composed and never lose your shit... Again.

I took a deep breath before i decided to got out and return to my table.

I kept tapping my fingers and i can't even calm down. From time to time i look on my wristwatch as if it helps him get here fastly.

Minutes later he arrived.

I saw him appear in the middle of the road outside the shop. When he entered i immediately composed my self. I waved at him when notice he's scanning the crows to find me. His eyes landed on me, for a couple of sec i thought i lost my breath. I didn't even realized he's already in front of me.

Then my eyes got fixed to the box he's holding.

"Hey" I greeted. I tried smiling and i think it's creepy 'coz it turn out to be sour.

Without a word, he sat on the opposite chair. Oh Lord, help me handle this situation carefully.

"Wyett" One word, and it's my name yet it sent shiver down my spine.

"You need something?" Instead that's what i said, do you need anything Zach? Do you need me again by your side?

'Lol, stop thinking like that Audelia, your'e making me laugh' said the back of my mind.

But funny how there is still part of me hoping for possibilities. 

"Is there something wrong?" i asked again.

"I just want to return this" He said the shove the box he was holding on me.

I was so mesmerize by his face that i forgot about it. His strong jaw, Domineering eyes and pointed nose.

"What's that?"

Good job Audelia, you're getting good at prentending.

"I'm sorry Aud".. He sighed, That's when i notice how haggard he is. He looks so tired.

Isn't she taking care of you my love? The bags under your eyes are visible.

"I.. I'm just confused, I cannot let myself get in tangled with you, I.. i need to cut our ties... fully"

I gaped... i didn't mutter a word.

He look at me in the eyes, he seems begging me.

"I can't lose her"

Those words, those words destroyed my already shattered heart. He can't lose her. 

His words kept repeating inside my head like a broken record.

Without realising, tears fell from my eyes while we look at each other eye to eye.