
dropped sorry, I don't know enough Demon Slayer


Eternal_Biscuit · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

After reincarnation

*[Uchiha Compound]*

A sunlight snuck through a window on one of the buildings and iluminated a baby that seems to be deep in thought. This baby is none other than Akiara Bosting-now Uchiha

<<Akiara POV>>

A: 'Where the hell am I?' Asked Akiara himself before quicly realizing something.

A: 'Ahh, so I was really reborn, based on my small arms and legs I think I'm not older than 3 months' Immediatly after assesing his situation, Akiara scanned area around him with his charcoal eyes.

What he saw was old big Japanese style room filled with tatami(1). From the sheer size of the room he can see that he was born into an wealthy family. And if the Uchiha symbols are something to go by, then it seems he was in AU where Uchiha clan exists.

Right after he finished observing the room around him, a gorgeous woman walked in. If his instincts are right this beauty is his mother. She walked straight to him and started speaking:

M(mom); "How are you my little Akiara." His mom smiled with motherly love which made her pretty face even more pretty than before.

A: 'I knew that Uchihas have good genes but daam, this is on another level.' Thought Akiara after seeing his mother smile

A: "*GIGGLE*" Is all that came from him because it's the only thing he can do besides pooping and crying.

*[3 years later]*

In those 3 years Akiara found out that the Uchihas -although still mighty- are past their prime and that he doesn't recognize anyone. Before, they were greatly feared by both humans and demons alike, this was due to them using the Breath of the sun, but they were over the years steadily declining in talents and births in general.

Another thing he found out is that his father is the clan head and him being his first son makes him the heir. Even though Akiara niggled his father about learning to fight, his father forbid him until he is 6 years old so he wouldn't damage his body internally. This greatly disappointed Akiara but who is he to speak up. He is finally happy with loving family so he doesn't want to disappoint his parents.

*[Another 3 years later]*

<<Akiara POV>>

A: "Nee nee, you said when I turn six you would teach me how to fight!"

F: "Ahh my son, did you really thought that I forgot? I will teach you later today, is that fine?" He tried to look as hurt as posible.

A: "Fine papa, but surely today!!" Said Akiara with beaming smile.

F: "Yea, Yea, now let's go eat"

*[later the same day]*

F: "For starters I will tell you what breath styles are, Breathing Styles are swordsmanship styles that makes use of an secret breathing technique known as Total Concentration Breathing. Total Concentration Breathing is used to inhale maximum amount of oxigen into body through specific breathing pattern to enhance physical and mental prowess of individual.

There is also a derived technique named Total Concentration Breathing: constant as the name implies it's about always breathing in Total Concentration Breathing which boosts individual even more."

F: "Caught all that?"

A: " I think yes."

F: "Okay let's continue"

And continue they did, they talked about all breathing styles and even trained a bit before heading home.

Next few months Akaira trained until exhaustion from morning till sunset until one day, after exhausting himself his eyes started to itch uncontrollably. Scared by this, he forgot about the exhaustion and went straight to his father.

F: "what's up my son?" Said his father indiferent.

A: "Papa, my eyes itch and it won't stop." Cried out our mc.

F: "Let me take a look." Said father, little concerned.

After opening his eyes he could see his father staring in disbelief.

A: "It doesn't itch anymore." Exclaimed Akaira happily however after looking at his father he couldn't help but ask: "What's up papa?"

His father's face quickly turned from disbelief into pure joy.

"Finally, someone awakened our special eyes, my son no less." Shouted father to alert everyone he could.

Few moments later, tens of people could be standing around the house of clan head.

"I would like you all to see, that my son awakened the legendary sharingan." He said trying to contain his excitement.

"""WOO, YES...""" Exclaimed the crowd.

After this, a lot of people came to congratulate him. But, this did not stop his training, with the ability to see muscle movement and photografic memory the sharingan provides