
Chapter 87: Another Fun Games.


Crystal: We're on an island

The girls appeared on the stage

The Girls: Hi, Guys

Sana: We're going to be having fun challenges on this island

The girls sat down

Crystal: We also get to make a drink and a winner gets to choose their drink at the end of every round

Jennie: So, What's the first challenge?

Crystal: The first challenge is guess your songs backwards

The Girls: Ooh

Mina: But, first we must have group teams with names too

Jennie, Nancy And Crystal: CrysJenNa

Sana, Chaeyoung And Mina: ChaeMinSa

The Girls: Let the game begin

Voice: You'll get to see your song picture and hear the song playing from backwards

The first song began

The Girls: Huh

Chaeyoung: I don't even seem to know

Nancy: Me too

Crystal raised her hand

Crystal: It is bboom bboom

Voice: No

Crystal: Sunshine And Daisies

Voice: That is correct

Mina: But, we just sang it once on stage

Nancy: I couldn't even remember the beat

Sana: Me too

Jennie: So, now next song and one point for us

The second song began

Chaeyoung: It's Smile

Voice: Incorrect

Crystal: Psycho

Voice: That is correct

Sana: Crystal is so good at this

The third song came on

Mina: I know its bboom bboom

Voice: Correct

Chaeyoung: One point for us and two points for the other group

The fourth song came on

Nancy: I think it's Smile

Chaeyoung: No, it's Girls Power

Voice: Incorrect

Sana: Gone

Voice: Correct

Crystal: Shit, I was about to saying it

Fifth song

Jennie: It is I've been a bad girl

Voice: Correct

Mina: So, three points for them and us two points

The Sixth song

Crystal: Fireworks

Voice: Correct

Last round

The beat came on

Sana: Girls Power

Chaeyoung: It is rather Smile

Voice: Smile is correct

Team CrysJenNa gets four points and team ChaeMinSa gets three points

Crystal: We get one point for the first challenge, Yay

The girls chose their ingredients, the group got only one ingredient

Chaeyoung: The second challenge is really simple. If for example I say DYM group then the next person would say the same thing and also had one thing to it then it follows

Nancy: Okay, We all understand now

Sana: I'll begin. DMY has fishes

Mina: DMY has fishes, lollipops, cherries

Chaeyoung: DMY has fishes, lollipops, cherries, bananas and Idols

Nancy: DMY has fishes, lollipops, cherries, bananas and Idols, Laptops, Pretties

Jennie: DMY has fishes, lollipops, cherries, bananas and Idols, Laptops, Pretties, Funny looks and Fancy you

Crystal: DMY has fishes, lollipops, cherries, bananas and Idols, Laptops, Fancy you

Chaeyoung: You missed Funny looks and Pretties so you're out

Crystal was out

Crystal: I'm bad at this game

Mina: Let's use office theme

Sana: DMY has pencils, chairs

Mina: DMY has pencils, tables, chairs

Jennie: You missed

Mina was out

Nancy: Let's use beach theme

Sana: DMY has fishes

Chaeyoung: DMY has fishes, benches, chairs

Nancy: DMY has fishes, benches, chairs, horses and seahorses

Jennie: DMY has fishes, benches, chairs, horses and seahorses, Apples, coconuts

Sana: DMY has fishes, beaches

Nancy: It's benches and you're out

Chaeyoung: DMY has Chaeyoung

Nancy: DMY has Chaeyoung, Nancy, Jennie

Jennie: DMY has Chaeyoung, Nancy, Jennie, Crystal, Mina

Chaeyoung: DMY has Chaeyoung, Crystal

Jennie: We're the winners again

The girls selected their two ingredients again

Sana: I don't like melon

Crystal: We can exchange our grapes for melon drink

They exchanged

Mina: Next challenge is guess my pic in MV

Jennie: So, any pic can be any of us

Chaeyoung: I think so and it's six rounds too

The first pic

Nancy: The pic looks like Mina

Mina: It's Chaeyoung in I've been a bad girl

Correct. Second pic shown

After the challenge, Chaeyoung's team won

It was now time to make the cocktails and the girls made them and it looked so lovely