
Luscious Lips


She shouted his name, and then bloom came and he also exploded filling her up . He held her close, whipping away her hair, planting soft kisses and nibbling her as if not yet full.

"Hey girl, you are a wonder. I want this for ever in my life, waking, sleeping beside you, walking hand in hand with you.", caressing her ass cheeks he whispered.

Navi shoved his hands away playfully and snuggled to him.

The rain had not yet stopped, the morning sun was in no mood to shine, closing their eyes they drifted off to sleep.

'The Careless whisper song brought Navi to life, she picked up her phone and checked it was from Jenny.

"Good Morning, ohhh, no problem, we'll manage,yeah I'm feeling better, don't worry you take care of your family and please we can understand that it's raining so relax ok byei no no , it's ok."

She softly left the bed, careful enough not to wake Hardeep and went to the bathroom to freshen up.