
Dreams of the end

'The value of life is sacred,yet in a cruel world it perishes.so welcome to a kind world'-the god of preservance the supreme will decided to reincarnate a serial killer in the cardinal world his morals twisted yet soul pure he was given an role the role to be a mercenary for the gods but the gods have many suprises in store for this soul as he transverses this world and learns to live the gods give him jobs which a normal mortal cannot do without losing something of value (i am not posting this in novels as i want to make it free and reasonable) and write reviews and comments baka~ written by your beloved friend of all ragnall_the_End

Ragnall_D_End · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

training (1)

As soon as he said that i asked "are you the one who is going to train me in combat?"to which he smiles and says"no"

then who is going to train me in combat? "i will teach you only knowledge of spiritual and mental aplitude if you were an ordinary mortal i would have trained you in combat but you are not.

so i need someone like teron to train you in politics and fights and someone like lord ragnall to train you in warfare and other stuff"

To which i sigh now i have three teachers i think but then i remember how will we go to ragnalls abode which is just a mountain called the god mountain?

The naming is so simple i would probably name it something like the eternal mountain of end or the telos mountain i don't really like chineses names as they are to easy to forget and the only chinese name or probably Korean name i remember is sung jin woo and kim dokja or for chinese cheon ma

And that took me a long time to remeber i could remember japanese and english names pretty well but chinese and korean no thanks but literally all the webtoon in korean has name park in them are they afraid or like park to name someone park.

Well as i focus on my mind a portal opens from it a a man with four arms with cloud like skin and blue eyes enters the room and says to amsa

"Hello amsa how are you? Why did you call me" then he froze as soon as he glanced at me and showed a cocky smirk and said to amsa

"Oi amsa i didn't know you had a son who is the mother?"

"He is not my son but student" says an stoic amsa

Teron observes me for a moment and starts pulling my cheeks as if he had found an amazing invention unknown to gods he says "aww he is so cute just like a cute lakos cub" he says

Then amsa thinks for a moment and shows a teasing smile "don't do it you will probably anger the end"

Then he froze terrified "hey what is this boys connection to lord end" and then he was pulled by amsa as he whispered something to teron teron froze in shock and said "then i probably shouldn't touch him so casually.you know i wasn't really there during that meeting as i could only send my bleesings and gifts"

Amsa thought for a moment and said "yeah you were turned into a woman for an entire week right"

He sighs and shows an embarrassed smile "he said that i shouldn't ignore his call and that happend "

"Hey you dont worry death and thunder had more punisment then you.you know"

"Yeah the past is the past so what do you plan on doing with him"

"i decided you should train him" amsa said while teron was shocked beyond measure "you expect me to train him,his strength is beyond mine at most i could beat him in a battle of tricks"

So he can beat me in tricks then why is he the god of preservance? and what does it mean he is the one who keeps the world in balance? and they are not calling ragnall's name out loud i wonder is there is a special reason.

Suddenly i heard him say "should we ask the lord to seal his powers?" To which amsa nodded easily and teron said "oh supreme will the god of end ragnall please seal this boys powers"

[Clink your powers are sealed until the day you finish training]

Oh great now that my power's are sealed i won't be able to act confident infront of these gods

"You are ready right" the god of preservance teron says smiling but this time it was neither a cocky or playful smile.

then as if reality is shifting i feel the grass field change as i wasn't in my argent form but the liar form oh what was my name again?

I was infront of my old home what is this was that all a dream huh what a funny dream there is no way in hell i would have reincarnated anyway then i come out of my thoughts as i walk towards my home

I opened the door expecting the same old cold surroundings with no one to help but when i opend the door i was suprised as instead of a cold feeling i got an warm embrace when i entered.

It was a woman she was looking beautiful with her healthy skin which was red and black marble like eyes which shone with innocence as she embraced me i feel tears streaming down my face this time they were my tears were all those years a dream too?

If so i am happy.happy that i cried as i returned the embrace to her she says in a sweet and soothing voice "why are you crying,don't worry everything is alright"

When she said these words i hugged her this is my wife.

She said "its alright" as she gently kissed my forehead.I just hugged her not leaving her as she looks at me with kind eyes as if i am a kid then in her embrace i fell into slumber.

Now i remember who i am.i am clay harth a human on earth.

Three days pass by as i lived with my wife,as i was in the house with my wife i heard a door knock who could come here at this time? My wife went to open the door

Slowly she went near the door as she opened the door my heart raced for some odd reason

She opened the door for a pizza delivery man to give her a box of pizza my wife closed the door as i sighed in relief

She chuckled "why are you so worried? have a bite will you"

As i took a bite of the pizza i again fall to dream land

Then other day nothing out of ordinary was happening but i was worried for some reason my heart wouldn't stop racing i know this feeling all to well this is fear? Fear that i will lose someone close to me.

I instilled it in the heart of many but this is the second time that i am feeling this as i see a car drive towards my wife i push her to side as the car crashes a man comes out of it.it was robert as suddenly i got the urge to kill him i supressed it.

If he was real then my dreams must also be real but am i back in time no.

Robert apologised and my wife accepted it as we slowly left "be careful will you" i said to which she smiled and said "i am happy i got someone like you in my life clay" then tears streamed down her face as my heart broke she said "huh these must be tears of joy as an orphan i had no one to care for me then you came in my life"

"That was the happiest day of my life" as she continued "as the car was about to hit me my life flashed i only thought maybe i can spend one more day with clay wouldn't it be just fine"

"I am happy that i have someone in my life who will cry for me after i am gone i thought" she wiped her tears and said "i am happy that i have someone in my life that i could cry about when i depart from him"

"I love you lucy" i said as i hugged her tightly

she hugged me back as we expressed our thoughts on each other

time passed again

Then it was in the night i remember as i lay with my wife by the side i smiled as i slept then i heard the window break as i got up i only had one thought to protect lucy i head to the window sneakily to see who it is.

Then i see a monster a familiar monster that monster was me.this didn't happen in my dreams what is happening as i tried to hit my look-a-like he hit me as i was sent flying with that punch

But i didn't give up and got back up to fight as i saw him getting closer to lucy i took a chain near the desk i fell near as i tried to strangle him i got him! As i tried to make him pass out his body relaxed is he dead?

Then i saw it his terrifying smile he looked at me with his abyss like eyes as he said "you have gone soft" as he punched me in the gut with incredible force i punched him back in the stomach this time my eyes were cold as he was sent flying away i let no time go to waste as i punched him in the face again and again

His skull broke as he died his body i should hide it .then i saw lucy woke up as she came hurriedly to me she looked at my bloody hands and said "CLAYYY! WHAT HAPPEND" she shouted in worry

As i suddenly as i realise this was all an illusion i cried.this was not real i know it.