
Dreams have meanings

A group is seeing strange dreams . Check out his dreams and meaning behind those in their city . The story starts with the tale of Deb who is a nature lover and his friends Jis and Mith have similar experiences.Story starts with dreams and ends with a meaning

Aurobindo_Sarkar · 東方
2 Chs

A tale of a forest (Part 1)

An old man was sitting in a fishing spot beside a sea watching huge waves rising in

the sea . A little girl came to him and said crying, "Why those red flowers haven't

blossomed till now ?The season is going to end soon. I want to see those flowers ."

The old man replied, "Don't cry child . Nature will balance out everything. Everything you

take away from it you will have to return it back ."

The little girl looked at him surprised .

It was around 3:AM in the night. It was pitch black outside and heavy rain was falling with

sudden thunders. Deb, a 22 years old man suddenly woke up from sleep and breathed

heavily , his body was sweating so much that he bathed in it despite rain falling outside. He

saw a nightmare. "That same dream tonight too. That cruel face is so horrifying and

traumatic .What is happening with me?" He thought. He poured some water in a glass from a

jar which was kept just beside his bed on a table and he drank it completely. After drinking

he was ready to go to sleep again when suddenly he noticed a voice, a voice which felt pure

and innocent. The voice was calling out his name gently. Deb who lived alone in the

apartment was shocked and was a little terrified hearing this. He suddenly stood up on his

bed and asked in confusion and fear "Who is here?"

But there was no one. He said, "I should avoid working extra time. Damn it's affecting my

health." Realizing there was no one there and it was just his illusion he became relaxed and

went to sleep.

Next day Morning he went to a newspaper shop and bought a newspaper . Deb was a simple

person. He followed a simple routine in his daily life . He was a junior scientist in a

chemical lab in Kharupetia . He would normally wake up at 6:AM in the morning and go out

for jogging . On his way home he always bought a newspaper and went for working at

around 10:AM . He liked reading books mostly fictional ones . But since past 3 days he had

been waking up lately . The dreams were ruining his sleep cycle . But he thought that it was

just due to heavy load of work and didn't care much about it . He had very few extra hobbies

but he enjoyed spending time in nature . Whenever he got a holiday he would go to a forest

or a mountain and camped with his two friends Jis and Mith . He liked staring at the

beautiful sceneries of nature and enjoyed spending his time there . Since childhood he was

attracted towards forests and animals fascinated him due to an incident that he forgot

happened to him when he was young . He liked visiting zoo when he was young . When he

was young he always wanted to pet animals . While returning home he would often bring

little dogs or cats but his parents were strictly against it . Even though he would often cry

about it he was never allowed to pet animals . The apartment where he lived then in rent was

owned by Mr. Joshep who also had strict rules against having pets . So his wish never came

true and he had given up on it blaming his fate . He was researching on creating two new materials one of which would be an organic replacement to plastic and the other one was a

material which would be able to separate Oxygen from Greenhouse gases and release it in

atmosphere and absorb the remaining within itself . He was very sensitive about the rising

temperatures and bio-diversity losses around the globe . He was determined since childhood

that he would work and find a solution to the climate change .

The day was 9th October 2026 . It was the day after the dream . Due to heavy rainfall and

thunder the previous night some of the electrical equipments in the lab were damaged and

hence a holiday was declared in his office .

He made a coffee for himself and started reading the newspaper while drinking the coffee .

The headlines made him really sad . The headlines were about increasing water levels

vanished a river island in Assam and how a lizard species got extinct .

He was sad, angry and disappointed . Then he got a headline which made him very curious

It said,


Deb remembered that it was in this forest that the incident happened to him in his childhood .

The forest was about 50 Kilometers away from Deb's apartment . Deb called Jis and Mith ,

told them the story of the headline and proposed them for an adventurous camping in that

forest . Jis and Mith who were also on leave agreed to this proposal .Jis said to Deb,"Always

ready for an adventure." Jis and Mith lived in Guhati which was just next to Kharupetia . Jis

and Mith sat in Mith's car and reached Deb's apartment within an hour.Mith called Deb

sitting from the car and said to Deb,"We are waiting , come quickly ." Deb took all necessary

equipment from his apartment and left for the forest in Mith's car.

They reached the forest at about 12:30 PM in the Afternoon . To their surprise they were not

alone in the forest . A surprisingly large amount of visitors arrived there which was

uncommon as it was not picnic season . "Look at the amount of people here." Said Jis.

Tuk replied," Apparently they have all come to find the mysterious cat and gain a name for


Mith said ,"Yeah we were not the only ones . It was foolish to think there would none other


Jis said ,"Let us find a place for us quickly or we won't get a place ."

They started finding a location for their camp. Since it was too crowded they decided to

camp deep into the jungle as it would not only be peaceful but also a good sight for nature

lovers like them during sunset in solitude . They set up their camp and started looking for the

"Mysterious cat ." They continued their search deep inside the forest but found nothing.During their search they found a cave but Deb told them it would not be safe to go deep

inside it . They continued their search till sunset and it soon became dark but they didn't find

anything . They lit up the fire near their camp. Deb said,"I think it was just a fake news."

Jis said, "Fun is in the mystery of it . It would not be this much fun without this news . I

personally thank the writer , after all it was because of him we got time and reason to hang

out with you guys and enjoy beautiful sunset ."

Mith said, "Yes, now lets enjoy the beautiful stars while eating our super special fried cup

noodles. Cheers."

They all laughed and talked about their childhood days and finally they went inside their

tents saying good night to each other .

Deb while sleeping was awakened by a voice calling out his name. This voice was similar to

the voice he heard last night . Deb went outside .He saw a shadow like figure standing . It

was dark outside. He called him but there was no answer . Suddenly the shadow like figure

turned into a white cat . Deb tried to call out his friends but in fear he couldn't speak a word .

Suddenly the cat jumped and entered inside him.

Deb's mind started getting flashbacks from the past .

He saw his younger self . He remembered the incident .

That time when he was only 8 years old ,he came to this forest with his parents .Seeing the

trees he got fascinated and went deep inside this forest when her parents were busy setting

up a tent. Inside the forest when he found no route to come back he started crying .He saw a

young little girl smiling at him and asked him to come with her . Deb remembered the

feeling of getting mesmerized by that presence . Deb followed her deep into the woods and

she showed him a white cat . The girl said to the cat ,"Miaro turn up ." The cat changed its

shape and became just like Deb . Deb was surprised and overwhelmed his joy. He forgot

everything and was jumping with joy . The girl laughed and said ,"Look Deb , this is my

friend Miaro ." Deb said,"It's a cat , a magical cat ." The girl said smiling ,"Yes this is a cat

and she is my friend . Listen Deb , Iam now going to tell you something very important . I

don't have much time . Listen Iam the spirit of forests . Deb said,"What?" The girl said,"

You don't have to understand , just listen ." Deb replied," Ok ". The girl continued,"Iam the

consciousness of the forest . I am the physical representation, a medium to talk to you. Just

like you can't control all the actions in your body I can't control everything but I can feel it

and right now the balance of nature is being disturbed because of the greed of the humans . It

is painful and disturbing . I can sense an apocalypse . The rising temperatures and loss of

bio-diversity are just the starting points . Humans will have no one to save them from it

because what they are doing is finishing off their protectors.The earth in natural state with

trees, with natural diversity are protecting humans but humans are not understanding that .

I am sending you back now Deb . " Deb looked confused . Suddenly the girl's face turned to

a demonic face which terrified . The face said,"I am turning into this Deb. If something

doesn't happen quickly I will have to become a destroyer . The brain of the forest gave me

signals to give you powers. You will be able to use it when you see Miaro again. The worse

is coming. You have very less time. "

THE GIRL SAID,"The people around you in the forest except your friends are not real

people .They are illusions created by Miaro to take you here. You are choosen by us and that

is why only you can see me . I can't recover everything myself. I only am a response .

Humans have to suffer what they did to others but I don't want to see that so that you can

stop this . The destruction of Ipoli forests will trigger the start of the catastrophe. Iam

forbidden to help stop this but you are not . I hope you understand "

Suddenly Deb returned to his parents and he forgot everything .

In the that time Deb's flashback ended .

Deb cried saying,"Who are you ?"

Jis and Mith came out of their tents .

Jis said ,"Deb what happened ? "

Deb said ,"The face in the nightmares that I was seeing from the last few days which was

haunting me is actually real . I suddenly remembered that I saw that in childhood .It is the

spirit of the forest . Its turning from a sweet little child to a Monster ."

Jis said ,"What are you talking about ?"

Deb grabbed both Jis and Mith's hand and the memories of Deb got transferred to them .

Deb said ,"We have to go to Andaman islands quickly . We are already late . Hold my

hands "

The three of them reached the Andaman islands within minutes .

Jis said ,"What the hell is happening ?"

Mith said ,"It suddenly became weird ."

Deb said ,"listen the giant company TIMS had decided to wipe the whole area of the forest

many years ago but due to huge opposition they couldn't . That was the time I met that girl

though I had no clue .But now with a corrupt government they have got permission and had

almost destroyed half the area even after opposition from the locals . Now you two have to

stop the company and recover the remaining ."

Deb continued,"This part contains the heart of the forest . We can't afford to loose it . Iam

giving you the powers of replantation and flying.