

I keep running and running no matter how fast I run they seem to catch up with me if I stop to take a breath I'll get caught I don't want to go back I can't go back... anywhere but there it's horrible and they hurt me and it's all in the name of science.

Lilly... Lilly hey I'm talking to you.

hm... oh Althea what's wrong.

(Althea) lilly were you in your own little world again (lilly) well yes I was thinking about Dreamland what do you think it would be like they say it's a safe haven for people like us.

(Althea) Lilly I don't know what to think but it's not our fault we were born this way you know I still remember the day we first met it was back in the year 3050ah they had let us out for some fresh air and to stretch out and let our wings feel the breeze I remember seeing you talking to that boy who was super fast and he was so fascinated by your wings that day even I was stunned by them how did they change color again? (Lilly) well Althea to be honest I'm not sure but all I remember was that it had been many months since I had last gone outside the keepers wouldn't let me because the leaders were doing some weird stuff to me every time they came to the door they would look in then next I heard the awful buzzing and I got zapped with the purple energy which makes us numb I couldn't move when they were sure I couldn't move the would come in and chain my wings so I couldn't fly let alone move them then the collar and the mask they took me to the leader's big white Room and tied me to the bed the leader's kept injecting me with something which make my wings burn like hellfire and my whole body tingle and happened every day after many many times I was too weak to even lift my head but they kept at it they even brought in one of the Special nannies to care for me and make sure I didn't die and one day the big leader saw something and before I passed out I saw the leader's gather around me and they were smiling they were happy then I passed out when I next woke up I wasn't in my normal room I was in a huge room with lots of space and pretty furniture a nanny walked in one I had never seen before and she said that I was rewarded for everything that happened...

(Althea) you evolved right? (Lilly) yes Althea they finally got what they wanted which was an evolution and as you know we don't normally evolve until we become adults but our DNA doesn't allow us to live that long. the nanny told me that I was moved to the favorites quarters and that as long as I behave I would be treated well they then took me to the testing rooms and they found out that my eyes changed color depending on the environment I was able to see in the darkness I could stay in the sky for a very long time and my body could keep me warm in the freezer and cool in the desert simulations I could also change my wing color to anything I wanted so when they finally let me outside in the pen I make my wings go from the black to a vibrant red with golden flecks and purple tips